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Democrat Mike Nifong Resigns.....only to try and save license.

DKW 86

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Watch all the crocodile tears.

What a manipulative prick...Where was all this contrition for the last year or so?

He says he never lied and never tried to hide DNA evidence.... :bs:

Take his license, sue his a$$, and lock him away for a long time. He tried to ruin these three young mens' lives for nothing more than winning a primary. "Off with his head...."

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Watch all the crocodile tears.

What a manipulative prick...Where was all this contrition for the last year or so?

He says he never lied and never tried to hide DNA evidence.... :bs:

Take his license, sue his a$$, and lock him away for a long time. He tried to ruin these three young mens' lives for nothing more than winning a primary. "Off with his head...."

I was watching On The Record last night, and please don't ask me why. Greta was interviewing one of the players dads and he told her that about two hours after Nifong gave that emotionally charged speech, that he did a complete 180 and told the committee that he still believes that "something happened that night." So, he's still the same prick now he always was. The only thing he's sorry for is that his precious little career is in a freefall.

Look, that homeless guy I see on the road everyday on my way to work could have told you that there was absolutely no evidence of any kind to convict these players. Nifong needed the black vote in Durham. He ruined three young men's lives in the process. I hope that disbarment is the least of his worries. Prison time would be appropriate in this case and it would send a clear and concise message to all DA's out there. If there's no case, give it up!!

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Do the links and you will see the video of him saying that "something obviously happened there for all of those young men to be leaving like that." Like yeah, the strip show was over and it was time to go out partying or to bed.

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