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Gores dine on endangered fish

DKW 86

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"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - Animal Farm

Classic limousine liberals.... do as we say, not as we do. We own more houses than you, drive more cars than you, fly more private jets than you, but you're gonna listen to US when we talk about saving the planet or how to guilt you into feeling bad because WE say there are 2 Americas. Never mind that we're wealthier than 97.99% of our constiuents, we're going to preach to YOU because we're better than you.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Who cares? Oh, just about anyone who knows Gore is a fraud and a phoney. How is W 'the worst enviromental Pres in history ? He sure as heck lives FAR more enviro-friendly than Gore does.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?


Any reputable caterer (certainly one the would provide service for a former vice-president) would know this information. At the very least they would have to use extraordinary methods to obtain the fish.

In short, Gore (or more likely his agent) made them get the fish. Either way it was his ultimate responsibility.

With the mounting number of apparent hypocrisies surrounding Gore, he is quickly losing any credibility he might have had as a supposed friend of the environment.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Got a link for that Shug?

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Still no reply from AUman43. I guess he never thought he'd actually have to explain his position on that point.

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The orderlies must have caught him out of bed and sedated him.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Got a link for that Shug?

Sure Do Mr. TigerMike


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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Got a link for that Shug?

Sure Do Mr. TigerMike



Ok Repubics, now start discrediting the sources....that's your game!

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Blah blah flippity freaking blah. If it's bad news, it's all Bush's fault. I seen this show before.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Got a link for that Shug?

Sure Do Mr. TigerMike


OOOOh, ok! I get it now. AUman43 is using sarcasism!! Went a long way around that issue to be funny, '43. <_<

Anyone who took the time to READ that link clearly can see that it's a knock on Clinton/Gore, and not Bush.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

Got a link for that Shug?

Sure Do Mr. TigerMike


That was an extremely vague article. Mostly just a few folks upset that THEY lost federal funding. this administration has left a lot of the governing up to the states. And the states do a pretty good job. There are things that were created to encourage logging and create fire breaks at the same time. These have actually been helpful in containing forest fires. Renewable energy, such as???? Just not a good example of how he has done a terrible job. Bring me something with quantifiable facts, not irate professional grant seekers.

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Grabbing at straws eh? Who in the HELL cares! :puke: That's really important beside the fact that GWB has been the worse environmental president in history.. Don't want to talk about that do you?

While Gore dines on endangered fish, Bush sets aside the world's largest ocean reserve.

Bush plan: world's largest ocean reserve

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I haven't dodged a damn thing...............SOME OF you folks just tend to manipulate, discredit sources and spin to serve your own Repubic needs. You and others act if you would follow Bush into Hell regardless of right or wrong. I don't agree with many many things the Democratic party stands for and does but I also know what a dictatorship and a ONE party system will eventually do to this country. It's called Potomac Fever and this Administration has proven what it really means....Why should anyone bother to post differing opionions and conclusions if you are going to simly discredit them and spin it with another silly post. :poke:

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I haven't dodged a damn thing...............SOME OF you folks just tend to manipulate, discredit sources and spin to serve your own Repubic needs. You and others act if you would follow Bush into Hell regardless of right or wrong. I don't agree with many many things the Democratic party stands for and does but I also know what a dictatorship and a ONE party system will eventually do to this country. It's called Potomac Fever and this Administration has proven what it really means....Why should anyone bother to post differing opionions and conclusions if you are going to simly discredit them and spin it with another silly post. :poke:

Dude, you're still dodging now ! If you present something and it gets discredited, guess what ?? It's a failed attempt on your part to back up your claim. And speaking of claims, you said....

" GWB has been the worse environmental president in history. "

Where the hell is your support for THAT claim ?? Either put up or shut up.

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AUraptor, I have addressed this issue although not to YOUR satisfaction. Well guess what, I don't care because yours is NOT the only opinion on this board.

NEWS: No president has gone after the nation's environmental laws with the same fury as George W. Bush -- and none has been so adept at staying under the radar. By Osha Gray Davidson

IN THE EARLY 1980s you didn't need to be a member of EarthFirst! to know that Ronald Reagan was bad for the environment. You didn't even have to be especially politically aware. Here was a man who had, after all, publicly stated that most air pollution was caused by plants.*

By contrast, while George W. Bush gets low marks on the environment from a majority of Americans, few fully appreciate the scope and fury of this administration's anti-environmental agenda. "What they're doing makes the Reagan administration look innocent," says Buck Parker, executive director of Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law firm. The Bush administration has been gutting key sections of the Clean Water and Clean Air acts, laws that have traditionally had bipartisan support and have done more to protect the health of Americans than any other environmental legislation. It has crippled the Superfund program, which is charged with cleaning up millions of pounds of toxic industrial wastes such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and vinyl chloride in more than 1,000 neighborhoods in 48 states. It has sought to cut the EPA's enforcement division by nearly one-fifth, to its lowest level on record; fines assessed for environmental violations dropped by nearly two-thirds in the administration's first two years; and criminal prosecutions-the government's weapon of last resort against the worst polluters-are down by nearly one-third.

The administration has abdicated the decades-old federal responsibility to protect native animals and plants from extinction, becoming the first not to voluntarily add a single species to the endangered species list. It has opened millions of acres of wilderness-including some of the nation's most environmentally sensitive public lands-to logging, mining, and oil and gas drilling. Under one plan, loggers could take 10 percent of the trees in California's Giant Sequoia National Monument; many of the Monument's old-growth sequoias, 200 years old and more, could be felled to make roof shingles. Other national treasures that have been opened for development include the million-acre Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument in Arizona, the 2,000-foot red-rock spires at Fisher Towers, Utah, and dozens of others.

And then, of course, the White House has all but denied the existence of what may be the most serious environmental problem of our time, global warming. After campaigning on a promise to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, Bush made an abrupt about-face once elected, calling his earlier pledge "a mistake" and announcing that he would not regulate CO2 emissions from power plants-even though the United States accounts for a fourth of the world's total industrial CO2 emissions. Since then, the White House has censored scientific reports that mentioned the subject, walked away from the Kyoto agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and even, at the behest of ExxonMobil, engineered the ouster of the scientist who chaired the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

So why aren't more people aware that George W. Bush is compiling what is arguably the worst environmental record of any president in recent history? The easy explanations-that environmental issues are complex, that war and terrorism push most other concerns off the front pages-are only part of the story. The real reason may be far simpler: Few people know the magnitude of the administration's attacks on the environment because the administration has been working very hard to keep it that way. (Segment from article)


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Oh great, an OP/ED piece as your evidence. And from 'mother jones dot com' , no less.


So why aren't more people aware that George W. Bush is compiling what is arguably the worst environmental record of any president in recent history?
Or, more likely, because Bush ISN'T damaging the enviroment at all,and the far Left wing enviro-whackos can't back up their ridiculous claims to anyone who has more than 1/2 a brain.

Kyoto ? A disaster which only punishes the U.S., and does nothing to those who pollute the most, India and China

Global Warming ? Being seen for the ruse that it is, even as the Left wing loones do their best cop impersonations " Move along, show's over, nothing to see here, folks.... " as they try to clamp down on any debate on the issue.

Dude. Put down the bong and join the real world.

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