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Clark "Guarantees" No 9-11 on his watch

Jenny AU-92

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Man, that takes some big old brass ones to make a statement like that. This guy is NUTS. :blink:

"If I'm president of the United States, I'm going to take care of the American people," Clark said in a meeting with the Monitor editorial board. "We are not going to have one of these incidents."

Bold Statement

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well, thus far we have dumb & dumber.

for a group of people (the dems) to lambast bush for being dumb, their 2 leading candidates aren't showing up well for themselves.

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it sounds like he is blaming Bush for 911. How many civil liberties will we have to give up to have that kind of guarantee. Marshal Law...curfews..


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it sounds like he is blaming Bush for 911. How many civil liberties will we have to give up to have that kind of guarantee. Marshal Law...curfews..


But don't you know, the liberal demoncrats know better how to take care of us all and all our money than you do. :rolleyes:

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He is probably not going to ignore the Saudi's when they call with the inside information next time, well, that's what TigerAl and Donutboy would say...

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