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The ACLU comes to Rush Limbaugh's defense


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I think I'm beginning to understand where we're talking past each other. I wasn't saying that NAMBLA should be considered a co-conspirator to murder. That's too much of a leap because they don't advocate or encourage murder. What I do think they should be somewhat on the hook for is statutory rape or sexual exploitation of a minor. And they should be hammered with these kinds of charges whenever one of their devotees ingests the materials they offer or reads the articles they post on their site, even when it doesn't end in murder.

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I think I'm beginning to understand where we're talking past each other.  I wasn't saying that NAMBLA should be considered a co-conspirator to murder.  That's too much of a leap because they don't advocate or encourage murder.  What I do think they should be somewhat on the hook for is statutory rape or sexual exploitation of a minor.  And they should be hammered with these kinds of charges whenever one of their devotees ingests the materials they offer or reads the articles they post on their site, even when it doesn't end in murder.

But, again, that's guilt by association. You can't hold WEN responsible for the actions of one of its' members even if that member had said in one of the forums that they were going to commit a crime. If I belong to NORML and am arrested for marijuana possession, NORML shouldn't be included in the indictment simply because I'm a member and they advocate marijuana legalization and use. I'm sure there are some reasons compelling to justify doing so, but those reasons would be probably very narrowly delineated, such as if an owner/employee of NORML sold me the drugs through the website, etc.

I believe the first amendment is there to protect individuals and groups, many of which are repulsive, from the knee-jerk reaction of others attempting to silence the views and ideas of those they either don't understand, dislike or disagree with. And while the first amendments net catches some pretty nasty fish that I'd just as soon throw back, like NAMBLA, to do so would seriously jeapordize the protections that the good fish enjoy. I guess it falls under the category of not wanting to throw the baby out with the dirty bath water.

As President Sheppard said in "The American President", America isn't easy and you've got to really want freedom so badly that you're willing to allow someone to scream at the top of his lungs that which you've spent a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.

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