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Black Conservatives Repudiate Jesse Jackson


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Black Conservatives Repudiate Jesse Jackson at MLK Day Rally

By Susan Jones

CNSNews.com Morning Editor

January 19, 2004

(CNSNews.com)  - African-Americans who oppose the liberal black agenda are organizing what they call a "National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson" in Los Angeles on Monday.

Members of Project 21 said the rally, now in its fifth year, would take place outside of Jackson's Los Angeles offices.

"This annual repudiation of Jackson's activities and his right to be considered a reliable representative of the thoughts and aspirations of black Americans...is timed to coincide with the federal observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.," Project 21 said in a press release.

The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, a group founded and led by Project 21 member Jesse Lee Peterson, is organizing the rally.

The Rev. Peterson said the rally is intended to "show the contrast between Dr. King's dream and Jesse Jackson's nightmare."

The rally is having the intended effect, organizers say.  As B.O.N.D. noted on its website, "Jesse Jackson has suffered a significant loss of prestige since B.O.N.D. launched its inaugural repudiation event in January of 2000 ."

Among other things, black conservatives such as Peterson say they resent Jesse Jackson's "corporate shakedowns that benefit his own political groups," his adulterous behavior, and his criticism of the war on terrorism.

Peterson, in fact, is suing Jesse Jackson and some of Jackson's aides. The lawsuit alleges that Jackson and others "surrounded and assaulted" Rev. Peterson during a public meeting in December 2001. Peterson said oral arguments in the case would begin on Feb. 26.

Project 21 is an African-American leadership network that often opposes the liberal agenda of the leading civil rights organizations. B.O.N.D. describes itself as a national, nonprofit religious organization dedicated to "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man."


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I've read a lot of the Project 21 groups writings and some of it is good. I don't agree with all of it, but some of it I do.

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When I heard JJ covering the "Dean didnt hire a minority because there arent that many minorities in VT anyway" issue, I was stunned. For all JJ has done in the past, the shrill attacks on businesses and individuals etc. I was absolutely shocked. How could he sell everything he has been to for party hack comments like those? He thinks there isnt a qualified black anywhere in the country that can serve in VT?

Just incredible.

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When I heard JJ covering the "Dean didnt hire a minority because there arent that many minorities in VT anyway" issue, I was stunned. For all JJ has done in the past, the shrill attacks on businesses and individuals etc. I was absolutely shocked. How could he sell everythjing he has been upto for party hack comments like those? He thinks there isnt a qualifies balck abnywhere in the country that can serve in VT?

Just incredible.

You're suggesting that Dean should look outside of Vermont for someone to help him govern Vermont? That'd sit really well with the electorate. Vermont has a black populace of less than 1%. Dean's cabinet was a mirror of the Vermont populace. Conservatives moaned about "busing" in the 60s and 70s. I'm sure they'd have done the same if Dean had bused in blacks from surrounding states for his cabinet.

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That'd sit really well with the electorate. Vermont has a black populace of less than 1%. Dean's cabinet was a mirror of the Vermont populace.

But he is a democrat so should be given a free pass. :rolleyes: I forgot, when one joins the democrat party they automatically know more and feel more than conservatives. :rolleyes:

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That'd sit really well with the electorate. Vermont has a black populace of less than 1%. Dean's cabinet was a mirror of the Vermont populace.

But he is a democrat so should be given a free pass. :rolleyes: I forgot, when one joins the democrat party they automatically know more and feel more than conservatives. :rolleyes:

Well, gee Mike, allow me this. Why would Carol Mosely Braun even chastise Sharpton for trying to make it a racial issue, when she had as much to gain by beating down Dean on that subject as Sharpton did? Vermont's black population is less than 1% of the general population. It'd be like Alabama voters getting on Bob Riley for not having a Middle Easterner on his cabinet because they might constitute 1% of Alabama's populace!!

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Probably because she saw the handwriting on the wall (she didn't have a chance in hell) and was planning on endorsing Dean, so she didn't want that charge to go unchallenged. Hey, you're this cynical on Bush...always believing the worst. What's good for the goose...

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Why would Carol Mosely Braun even chastise Sharpton for trying to make it a racial issue, when she had as much to gain by beating down Dean on that subject as Sharpton did?

Call me cynical, but you don't think that maybe her endorsement came because CMB is out of a job (and hopefully will remain unemployed) so she is kissing up to the person who she feels is her one prayer, however slight, of getting some kind of political appointment if he is elected??

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