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Tim Simon Offer Pulled


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I wonder what this means for Scott.

Simon makes his stance clear:

Cordova's Tim Simon might have taken too long to decide where he will play college football. But the major college running back was not going to be rushed.

"It's a lot to go over and a big decision," Simon said. "I just want to take my time and my visits and figure out what's best for me."


According to Cordova coach Pete Bush, the longtime Auburn fan had scholarship offers from Alabama and Auburn - along with schools such as Clemson and Tennessee.

The Cordova runner has 87 career rushing touchdowns. Those efforts helped carry his team to the Alabama High School Association Class 3A state title last season.

But Bush got a call from Auburn recruiting coordinator Greg Knox last month saying the Tigers' offer was no longer on the table.

"Coach (Greg) Knox called and told me Auburn was full on running backs," Bush said. "They had their two running backs for this class and it was all they were likely to take."

That stunned someone who grew up a fan of Auburn runner Ronnie Brown - at least for a bit.

"I understand," Simon said. "Auburn did what's best for them. I'll do what's best for me the same way."

Simon is not looking back. He's looking forward with a new strategy in mind. He does not prefer a move to safety or linebacker to fit in for any school that wants him to play defense.

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First of all, I'm going to qualify my statements by saying that: of course there are many issues that us fans are not aware. This is purely speculation based on reasoning.

It seems that CTT and AU have decided very early on as to who they want to recruit and aren't willing to play the waiting game any more. It seems that other than for a few exceptions, they are accepting the guys that are the first to step up and commit at the various positions. First of all, this indicates that the coaches have extreme confidence in their ability to evaluate and select players. Second, it says to me that, if for example there are 4-5 Rb's that AU wants, the coaches accept the early ones that commit because they place a high value in the kids that already know where they want to go and will love and fit in at AU. This is certainly not normal CFB recruiting strategy, but considering our proven player development track record, this may just be genius. CTT is not afraid to reinvent. We'll know in a few years if this was genius or folly. Aside from the Hugh Nall "OC" experiment, I haven't seen folly from CTT.

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I have been high on Tim Simon for awhile now. I may be completely wrong, but I'm afraid this may be one that in three or four years from now we regret we didn't continue to recruit.

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If he was such a big Auburn fan and was shocked the offer was pulled, he should have just accepted. I serioulsy doubt we pulled the offer without telling him he had to make up his mind in short order. It's the old "you snooze you lose" story. Like it or not, college FB is a big business and that sometimes requires quick decisions.

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I agree - if they were such big fans, and they were probably talking with the recruiters / coaches often, they should've known to jump on board when they had their chance.

But it pains me to see guys that were offered and grew up a fan of Auburn to not get the opportunity to play because they wanted to take the time to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives.

I don't like the "first come first serve" thing because it doesn't necessarily meet the top talent you want and kids can always change their minds. What if one or both of whichever RBs they expect to take change their mind? But I'm sure the coaches know what they are doing. I personally, and it may seem wrong, would rather get a recruits commitment and then have to later tell them they can't come when that decision has to occur. But I suppose it is a good problem to have.

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Simon didn't commit early because I'm pretty sure that he didn't have the option to do so. You guys need to learn that not everyone who gets an "offer" can actually commit on said offer. I know for a fact that Simon was on the waiting/watch list the entire time, so saying that he should have committed earlier isn't very accurate considering that we probably wouldn't have taken him even if he wanted to commit. He's also been looked at as an ATH by us the entire time.

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I respect a kid that having grown up a fan of a certain organization, understands the gravity of a situation as important as where he will go to college. Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulder and thinks of college as more than just being a fan of a football team.

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Simon didn't commit early because I'm pretty sure that he didn't have the option to do so. You guys need to learn that not everyone who gets an "offer" can actually commit on said offer. I know for a fact that Simon was on the waiting/watch list the entire time, so saying that he should have committed earlier isn't very accurate considering that we probably wouldn't have taken him even if he wanted to commit. He's also been looked at as an ATH by us the entire time.

I guess I'm confused. He either had an offer he could accept or he didn't have a real offer. You don't have an offer if you can't accept it.

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Cordova is in Walker County which is 40 miles from Ttown. There aren't many people from there that are true Auburn Fans. Trust me I grew up there. He'll probably be at Tuscaloosa before its all over.

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I guess I'm confused. He either had an offer he could accept or he didn't have a real offer. You don't have an offer if you can't accept it.

I'm equally confused. I've sort of figured out that the term "committed" doesn't mean what "committed" used to mean. It now seems to means something more like "leaning".

Now an offer isn't something that can be accepted? How is it an offer if the kid can't accept it? How do you go about offering something to a person when they aren't allowed to accept your "offer"?

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Simon didn't commit early because I'm pretty sure that he didn't have the option to do so. You guys need to learn that not everyone who gets an "offer" can actually commit on said offer. I know for a fact that Simon was on the waiting/watch list the entire time, so saying that he should have committed earlier isn't very accurate considering that we probably wouldn't have taken him even if he wanted to commit. He's also been looked at as an ATH by us the entire time.

so if this kid were to try and commit the day he got his offer, they would have said "oh hey, about that, we were just kidding. we just wanted to offer you but we didn't think you would actually commit. sorry kid!" at some point i understand that maybe at one time they might have wanted somebody but maybe they cool on him and both sides move on. but at some point something must have made this kid believe that AU still wanted him. same for the other kid that tried to commit a few weeks ago. and at some point you have to believe that this will negatively impact recruiting because then you have kids saying "wow, they gave me an offer but will they really honor it? are they just lying to me when they say they want me to come play?" i just can't believe that some kid would be very anxious to make a fool of himself trying to commit to a team that showed no interest in him and told him they didn't want him previously. plus it really screws them up if they want to take the time to check out all their options and are led to believe the whole time that they have an AU offer, then other schools fill up and he hasn't commited to them because he wants to go to AU, then AU turns him down. then he's really screwed.

on 7/7/08 there was an interview on Rivals where Simon said he was at the Senior camp in June and said AU was his leader. he said he talked to Coach Gran alot at he camp, and that he was with him the whole time. he also stated that he keeps up with Coach Knox alot. he said that AU said he could play wherever, and that he said he wanted to play RB and that AU agreed on that. so, what changed between Senior Camp in June and the end of July on AU's end?

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Anyone remember the Antoine McClain saga from last season? Bama offers early. McClain tries to commit after the Arky game and again in early October. The staff told him both times they wanted him to wait on his commitment. He is now a Clemson Tiger.

In other words, he had an offer with circumstances. That's why coaching staffs offer 50-75 kids each year. You can't just offer the kids that you absolutely want or you'll be stuck with 8-15 kids on signing day. It doesn't work that way. AU offered Simon as did Bama. I know he was offered by Bama as an athlete. It sounds like AU did the same thing, which means neither school wants him at runningback. AU is finished with runningbacks so Simon no longer has an offer. I seriously doubt if he contacted Saban right now and told him he wanted to commit as a runningback he would probably get the same answer. Like it or not, that's the way it works.

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Anyone remember the Antoine McClain saga from last season? Bama offers early. McClain tries to commit after the Arky game and again in early October. The staff told him both times they wanted him to wait on his commitment. He is now a Clemson Tiger.

In other words, he had an offer with circumstances. That's why coaching staffs offer 50-75 kids each year. You can't just offer the kids that you absolutely want or you'll be stuck with 8-15 kids on signing day. It doesn't work that way. AU offered Simon as did Bama. I know he was offered by Bama as an athlete. It sounds like AU did the same thing, which means neither school wants him at runningback. AU is finished with runningbacks so Simon no longer has an offer. I seriously doubt if he contacted Saban right now and told him he wanted to commit as a runningback he would probably get the same answer. Like it or not, that's the way it works.

Ding dong.

Part of the problem here is Scout/Rivals listing anything the recruit says as an "offer", and failing to regularly update said offers. Part of the problem also comes from the recruit failing to understand his standing, or just reporting anything even hinting at an offer as a full-out offer (reporting more offers = more press = more hype from Rivals/Scout). There was a WR out of Louisiana a year or two ago who reported offers from several SEC powers along with OSU. He tried to commit to OSU and found out that he never even had an offer, all he had was an invitation to attend OSU's camp where he would have the opportunity to earn an offer. Turns out his SEC offers were of the same variety.

I know for a fact that at the beginning when Simon was "offered" (note the quotations) that his offer was fully conditional towards him showing up at camp. His offer was not committable, period. What happens in that scenario is that the kid comes to camp and either earns an offer or he doesn't. I haven't spoken to anyone regarding Simon's performance in camp, but he either earned an offer and sat on it too long (ie: to the point where we now dont have room for him) or he didn't earn an offer and was essentially put on the waiting list.

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I'm not very good at explaining it, but essentially, just because someone has an offer doesn't mean that they can commit. Offers come with all types of conditions, including camp performance, SR season performance, grade performance, signing-slot standing, positional standing, etc. You have space for 3 linebackers and offer 7-10 guys....of those 7-10 no school just takes the first 3 that calls in and says they want to commit (unless those three are the 3 highest on your board, at which point you do a backflip of joy). What happens is that you often have to deny guys along the way, or tell them to wait it out if they really want to come. We already denied WR James Green earlier this year when he tried to commit and actually told ESPN that he was committed. The same happened with LB Justin Isadore who called in trying to commit but was told that we no longer had room for him.

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Anyone remember the Antoine McClain saga from last season? Bama offers early. McClain tries to commit after the Arky game and again in early October. The staff told him both times they wanted him to wait on his commitment. He is now a Clemson Tiger.

In other words, he had an offer with circumstances. That's why coaching staffs offer 50-75 kids each year. You can't just offer the kids that you absolutely want or you'll be stuck with 8-15 kids on signing day. It doesn't work that way. AU offered Simon as did Bama. I know he was offered by Bama as an athlete. It sounds like AU did the same thing, which means neither school wants him at runningback. AU is finished with runningbacks so Simon no longer has an offer. I seriously doubt if he contacted Saban right now and told him he wanted to commit as a runningback he would probably get the same answer. Like it or not, that's the way it works.

Ding dong.

Part of the problem here is Scout/Rivals listing anything the recruit says as an "offer", and failing to regularly update said offers. Part of the problem also comes from the recruit failing to understand his standing, or just reporting anything even hinting at an offer as a full-out offer (reporting more offers = more press = more hype from Rivals/Scout). There was a WR out of Louisiana a year or two ago who reported offers from several SEC powers along with OSU. He tried to commit to OSU and found out that he never even had an offer, all he had was an invitation to attend OSU's camp where he would have the opportunity to earn an offer. Turns out his SEC offers were of the same variety.

I know for a fact that at the beginning when Simon was "offered" (note the quotations) that his offer was fully conditional towards him showing up at camp. His offer was not committable, period. What happens in that scenario is that the kid comes to camp and either earns an offer or he doesn't. I haven't spoken to anyone regarding Simon's performance in camp, but he either earned an offer and sat on it too long (ie: to the point where we now dont have room for him) or he didn't earn an offer and was essentially put on the waiting list.

I want to make sure I understand this. An offer (as listed by Rivals/Scout) is more like a letter of interest, and at that point the recruit must show his interest (go to camp). At that point, if he interests us more, he gets an actual offer. If he accepts that offer, he may or may not get a scholarship.

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No, as meta said, many offers have special conditions that must be met. In the case of Simon, time seems to be an issue. We saw the same thing with Wesley Johnson out of Nashville, and he stated it clearly. When the staff made its offer to him, they told him that time was definitely an issue. If he wanted his slot to be held, he needed to make a decision quickly. He has decided to wait, and as a result, if he comes back in 2 months after taking his visits, that offer may or may not still stand. Simon's offer seems to have been time based and also probably based on the number of other guys who committed at the running back position. We already have Perkins for sure and Jacobs as either a RB or LB, along with the possibility that Rodney Scott could still uphold his verbal. That coupled with the fact that Simon may not be one of the top 1 or 2 backup plans leaves him pretty much out of luck.

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No, as meta said, many offers have special conditions that must be met. In the case of Simon, time seems to be an issue. We saw the same thing with Wesley Johnson out of Nashville, and he stated it clearly. When the staff made its offer to him, they told him that time was definitely an issue. If he wanted his slot to be held, he needed to make a decision quickly. He has decided to wait, and as a result, if he comes back in 2 months after taking his visits, that offer may or may not still stand. Simon's offer seems to have been time based and also probably based on the number of other guys who committed at the running back position. We already have Perkins for sure and Jacobs as either a RB or LB, along with the possibility that Rodney Scott could still uphold his verbal. That coupled with the fact that Simon may not be one of the top 1 or 2 backup plans leaves him pretty much out of luck.

i thought CTT has been saying that they are not doing anything different this year and that they are not pressuring kids to commit early. i've seen him say this on Rivals interviews numerous times. when asked why they have so many commits so early, he says more and more kids are just wanting to get the recruiting process over with early. but you're saying the staff is pressuring kids to commit as quickly as possible, and if they don't their offer may be pulled or may not be good when they try to commit?

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No, as meta said, many offers have special conditions that must be met. In the case of Simon, time seems to be an issue. We saw the same thing with Wesley Johnson out of Nashville, and he stated it clearly. When the staff made its offer to him, they told him that time was definitely an issue. If he wanted his slot to be held, he needed to make a decision quickly. He has decided to wait, and as a result, if he comes back in 2 months after taking his visits, that offer may or may not still stand. Simon's offer seems to have been time based and also probably based on the number of other guys who committed at the running back position. We already have Perkins for sure and Jacobs as either a RB or LB, along with the possibility that Rodney Scott could still uphold his verbal. That coupled with the fact that Simon may not be one of the top 1 or 2 backup plans leaves him pretty much out of luck.

i thought CTT has been saying that they are not doing anything different this year and that they are not pressuring kids to commit early. i've seen him say this on Rivals interviews numerous times. when asked why they have so many commits so early, he says more and more kids are just wanting to get the recruiting process over with early. but you're saying the staff is pressuring kids to commit as quickly as possible, and if they don't their offer may be pulled or may not be good when they try to commit?

Just because they tell a kid he has an offer but if the slot is filled it is filled, is not pressuring him to commit. It is being honest and giving him a taste of the real world.

How many schlorship offers do you think AU & UAT make? They don't limit themselves to 25 - 30 offers. They (all colleges) offer a lot and then see where they stick.

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I don't know about y'all, but I'm totally confused. Sounds like we have soft offers, firm offers and solid offers. Resulting in soft verbals, firm verbals and solid commits......

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I don't know about y'all, but I'm totally confused. Sounds like we have soft offers, firm offers and solid offers. Resulting in soft verbals, firm verbals and solid commits......

Being someone who completely understands this process, I don't have a problem with you thinking it all boils down to just that. It'll be easier to grasp it

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It's simple a player is offered a scholarship "pending" X amount of things happening. For example making grades, progessing in level of play, and if a spot is open. All recruits are told where they are at on the "board' so to speak. And they all know this up front. Some don't want to be the bottom of the list so they say "they pulled my offer" or I'm a soft verbal..etc...

And yes it's how it is down by everyone..including Bama...I have several family members that have been recruited including a recent LB at Bama...all told the same thing

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