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Any one looking forward to the debates?


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Fumbling, stumbling...

It will be here soon and should provide some nice comic relief during the Tuesday night lulls of football season. Lineup:

First presidential debate

Friday, September 26

The University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.

Jim Lehrer

Executive Editor and Anchor, The NewsHour, PBS

Vice presidential debate

Thursday, October 2

Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.

Gwen Ifill

Senior Correspondent, The NewsHour, and Moderator and Managing Editor, Washington Week, PBS

Second presidential debate (town meeting)

Tuesday, October 7

Belmont University, Nashville, Tenn.

Tom Brokaw

Special Correspondent, NBC News

Third presidential debate

Wednesday, October 15

Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y.

Bob Schieffer

CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent, and Host, Face the Nation

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I'm looking forward to them.....wish Obama would agree to more town hall meetings.

As for the signature..............WHAT A REACH! I guess when the wind blows in the opposite direction, the flag is no longer accurate?

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As for the signature..............WHAT A REACH! I guess when the wind blows in the opposite direction, the flag is no longer accurate?

No, it's not inaccurate. The union (blue field with stars) must be at the top and adjacent to the staff, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property, in which case the union may be down. The way it's being displayed in the photo is incorrect and it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. I went into a bar once and saw the flag hanging vertically on the wall with the union in the top right corner. I made them fix it. Like I said, it's a pet peeve.

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It's also an easy mistake to make during an emotional moment. Once again, it's a reach.

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It's also an easy mistake to make during an emotional moment. Once again, it's a reach.

Good thing Laura was able to keep her wits about her during such an emotional moment.

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I guess so. I just don't see the issue with it that the Bush haters do.

Jumping on him is no different than Obama not wearing the flag or failing to put his hand on his heart.

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At least he's not afraid to be out in public with it.


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At least he's not afraid to be out in public with it.


Yes, public desecration of the flag is certainly something for the Commander in Chief, and apparently, you, to be very proud of. It just makes my heart swell with pride.

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It's also an easy mistake to make during an emotional moment. Once again, it's a reach.

It wasn't a mistake. Bush can only see things from his perspective.


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As you are the same with your perspective.

Well......we hijacked this thread. What's next? :)

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As you are the same with your perspective.

Well......we hijacked this thread. What's next? :)

Dude, you're so frikkin' pathetic! You claim to be in the military but don't even have the balls to call a spade a spade. If one of your subordinates was doing any of these things you'd be all over them and if you weren't, your superiors would be all over you. You've bent over backwards to shove your head up your ass trying to excuse Bush but then want to talk about lapel pins? Please.

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More emotional moments with Bush and the US flag.


It is sad that people put that much effort into making a video where he did nothing wrong. And even more pathetic that you use that trash to try to take a shot at him. Grow up. He, like real Americans, loves this country. The flag is a symbol of this country and we generally try to treat it with respect, but it is a symbol only. If you drop it you do not have to kill yourself. Just pick the damn thing up. And I would love to have gotten him to sign one of those little flags for me. At least your beloved Barrack Hussein wont have to worry about such a video since he is ashamed to be near a flag. We should be ashamed of every "American" who casts a vote for the man.

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More emotional moments with Bush and the US flag.


It is sad that people put that much effort into making a video where he did nothing wrong. And even more pathetic that you use that trash to try to take a shot at him. Grow up. He, like real Americans, loves this country. The flag is a symbol of this country and we generally try to treat it with respect, but it is a symbol only. If you drop it you do not have to kill yourself. Just pick the damn thing up. And I would love to have gotten him to sign one of those little flags for me. At least your beloved Barrack Hussein wont have to worry about such a video since he is ashamed to be near a flag. We should be ashamed of every "American" who casts a vote for the man.

If you believe he did nothing wrong, I'd suggest you read the flag code.

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Tigeral is one hair away from being a bottomfeeder clone. He may already be there. Here's your boy obama:

obama shuns flag once again

Whats pathetic al is your level of hatred for bush. It is funny to see though.

The real crime in the last video is that horrific rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Titan if you wipe this part of the thread then that will suck. This is a valid debate and if nothing else could be a split thread.

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Tigeral is one hair away from being a bottomfeeder clone. He may already be there. Here's your boy obama:

obama shuns flag once again

Whats pathetic al is your level of hatred for bush. It is funny to see though.

The real crime in the last video is that horrific rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Titan if you wipe this part of the thread then that will suck. This is a valid debate and if nothing else could be a split thread.

So, the rightness or wrongness of Bush's actions is determined by other people? When is Bush ever responsible for his own actions?

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Tigeral is one hair away from being a bottomfeeder clone. He may already be there. Here's your boy obama:

obama shuns flag once again

Whats pathetic al is your level of hatred for bush. It is funny to see though.

The real crime in the last video is that horrific rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Titan if you wipe this part of the thread then that will suck. This is a valid debate and if nothing else could be a split thread.

So, the rightness or wrongness of Bush's actions is determined by other people? When is Bush ever responsible for his own actions?

I don't see anything you point out as a big deal at all. He got excited and held the flag up backwards, only an a-hole would point that out. I don't thing flag protocol is followed quite so tightly at raucous sporting events

Steppiong on the flasg was a mnor booboo that I'm sure many have made since it is a permanent part of the floor there and level wise is even with the rest of the floor.

Beating the tiny flag on his knee a little is not a big deal either. I don't think many people pay the same reverence to a tiny a thousand for a dollar plastic flag as they would to a real flag. Same deal with signing the tiny flag replica.

You are just trying to be an anal retent about this because you hate you some bush. Don't expect us to play your game.

On the other hand, the three videos I provided have a lot more grounds to go on afa someone disrespecting the flag. That is, with the exception of the middle one where he changes with the direction odf the wind again out of shame and the fear of losing a vote or two.

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I don't see anything you point out as a big deal at all. He got excited and held the flag up backwards, only an a-hole would point that out. I don't thing flag protocol is followed quite so tightly at raucous sporting events

When a person tells others how they should respect the flag and that person is the President of the United States and he doesn't even have the wherewithall to display it properly, it matters. Even Laura had the presence of mind to notice and correct it.

Steppiong on the flasg was a mnor booboo that I'm sure many have made since it is a permanent part of the floor there and level wise is even with the rest of the floor.

Nice try, but no cigar. It's a welcome mat. And, even if it was part of the floor, why is it OK for this president to stand on a picture of the flag?

Beating the tiny flag on his knee a little is not a big deal either. I don't think many people pay the same reverence to a tiny a thousand for a dollar plastic flag as they would to a real flag. Same deal with signing the tiny flag replica.

So, it's OK for the president to disrespect an inexpensive flag? Read the flag code, which, by the way, pertains to the CIC.

You are just trying to be an anal retent about this because you hate you some bush. Don't expect us to play your game.

I don't hate him because I don't allow him to hold that kind of power over me. I do think he's the worst president we've had, if not in our history, then certainly in my lifetime and I'll be very glad to see him go. I was one of the independents who voted for him in 2000. The scales have since fallen from my eyes and I see him for what he is. But, I'll ask you again, when is Bush ever responsible for his own actions?

On the other hand, the three videos I provided have a lot more grounds to go on afa someone disrespecting the flag. That is, with the exception of the middle one where he changes with the direction odf the wind again out of shame and the fear of losing a vote or two.

Why is the rightness or wrongness of Bush's actions determined by other people?

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I'm not really interested in getting in the middle of this back-and-forth but I will make a couple points:

1) I found the picture to be more amusing than disrespecting and to be a reinforcement of my opinion about this President - that is, he is a dunce in the spotlight and a clown on the world stage, who has clearly been in over his head from the get go.

2) Any and all discussion about Obama "not being patriotic" because of a flag pin, salutation of the flag, etc., is boiler plate opposition nonsense that has been debunked numerous times on this board alone. Continuing to put forth these fallacies only shows the opiner's own ignorance. If you don't like Obama fine but to spread this propoganda - especially as a way to defend Bush really shows the limitations of an ability to make a rational argument on valid points.

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I don't see anything you point out as a big deal at all. He got excited and held the flag up backwards, only an a-hole would point that out. I don't thing flag protocol is followed quite so tightly at raucous sporting events

When a person tells others how they should respect the flag and that person is the President of the United States and he doesn't even have the wherewithall to display it properly, it matters. Even Laura had the presence of mind to notice and correct it.

Steppiong on the flasg was a mnor booboo that I'm sure many have made since it is a permanent part of the floor there and level wise is even with the rest of the floor.

Nice try, but no cigar. It's a welcome mat. And, even if it was part of the floor, why is it OK for this president to stand on a picture of the flag?

Beating the tiny flag on his knee a little is not a big deal either. I don't think many people pay the same reverence to a tiny a thousand for a dollar plastic flag as they would to a real flag. Same deal with signing the tiny flag replica.

So, it's OK for the president to disrespect an inexpensive flag? Read the flag code, which, by the way, pertains to the CIC.

You are just trying to be an anal retent about this because you hate you some bush. Don't expect us to play your game.

I don't hate him because I don't allow him to hold that kind of power over me. I do think he's the worst president we've had, if not in our history, then certainly in my lifetime and I'll be very glad to see him go. I was one of the independents who voted for him in 2000. The scales have since fallen from my eyes and I see him for what he is. But, I'll ask you again, when is Bush ever responsible for his own actions?

On the other hand, the three videos I provided have a lot more grounds to go on afa someone disrespecting the flag. That is, with the exception of the middle one where he changes with the direction odf the wind again out of shame and the fear of losing a vote or two.

Why is the rightness or wrongness of Bush's actions determined by other people?

Goody gum drops for you al. You have a victory in your own mind that you feel is supported by some documents. I still couldn't disagree with you more and don't feel that gwb was disrespecting the flag or had any intention to. Blather on about it if you must. I have stated my opinion on it and am now officially completely disinterested in your opinion on this subject.

You say you don't hate bush. Your actions say a different thing, you are kidding yourself here. Whether you do or don't is really insignificant anyways.

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As for the signature..............WHAT A REACH! I guess when the wind blows in the opposite direction, the flag is no longer accurate?

No, it's not inaccurate. The union (blue field with stars) must be at the top and adjacent to the staff, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property, in which case the union may be down. The way it's being displayed in the photo is incorrect and it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. I went into a bar once and saw the flag hanging vertically on the wall with the union in the top right corner. I made them fix it. Like I said, it's a pet peeve.

Pray tell, where is the staff in the pic? Look at any baseball game when the wind is blowing towards left field and you see that side of the flag from behind homeplate. Talking about making a mountain out of a molehill…

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