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What's the higher total?


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Is the combined score from the Bama game going to be higher than the points Auburn scores on LaMonroe?

I can easily see the Bama game going over 55, and I can see Auburn putting up 50.

What you say?

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I don't expect us to score 50. The combined total of UA v. Clem should be higher.

I would be shocked if we scored 40. I'm thinking like a 35-10 victory. I mean its the first game in this offense for our QB's.

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Is the combined score from the Bama game going to be higher than the points Auburn scores on LaMonroe?

I can easily see the Bama game going over 55, and I can see Auburn putting up 50.

What you say?

Just being truthful, I haven't paid attention to Clemson in the offseason. Do they have many of their defensive starters returning? If so, they will be a pretty stout D.

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If we score more than 35... I'll be shocked. Put it this way. The 2004 team (which had more talent and experience than this one) only scored 31 in its season opener against a LaMo team that was worse than this one.

As for the question, I'll take the combined AU/UA score, but not by a lot. That's going to be a 24-14 type game. It's not going to be high scoring. Seriously, since Tubby came to Auburn, the combined score has exceeded FORTY only three times (1999, 2003, and 2005). It's gone over 50 just once (2003 had 51 points scored). The game is not going to become some shootout all the sudden. Look further into the Tubs/$aban games. Those games have eclipsed the 50 point mark only once as well (the 2000 LSU/Auburn game had 51 points scored), and they've combined for 40 only one other time (2001 LSU/Auburn had 41).

That game is more likely to be a 20-30 point scored game than a 40-50.

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If we score more than 35... I'll be shocked. Put it this way. The 2004 team (which had more talent and experience than this one) only scored 31 in its season opener against a LaMo team that was worse than this one.

As for the question, I'll take the combined AU/UA score, but not by a lot. That's going to be a 24-14 type game. It's not going to be high scoring. Seriously, since Tubby came to Auburn, the combined score has exceeded FORTY only three times (1999, 2003, and 2005). It's gone over 50 just once (2003 had 51 points scored). The game is not going to become some shootout all the sudden. Look further into the Tubs/$aban games. Those games have eclipsed the 50 point mark only once as well (the 2000 LSU/Auburn game had 51 points scored), and they've combined for 40 only one other time (2001 LSU/Auburn had 41).

That game is more likely to be a 20-30 point scored game than a 40-50.

Isn't the spread offense supposed to provide for you to be able to score a lot more points? I thought that happened at Troy last year. They scored a lot and fast, and it just depended on whether the other team scores faster and more. It's sort of like the run and gun in basketball, and it's fun to watch because the entire game can turn around in just a few minutes, and you never feel like you are out of the game.

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A CTT team rarely puts up more than 50. Many times by choice. My thought is that we will score in the 40's.

But, hey, I'm always up for a "statement" game!

Then again, CTT has never had an offense like this one. We all know the no-huddle spread can produce points quickly-especially when you've got superior athletes than what they have on the D....I definitely smell a statement game coming!!

:cheer: 52-10 Auburn.

:cheer: 38-17 Clemson.

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I don't expect us to score 50. The combined total of UA v. Clem should be higher.

I would be shocked if we scored 40. I'm thinking like a 35-10 victory. I mean its the first game in this offense for our QB's.

I hope the Bama/Clemson game's a low scoring affair. Something like 52-0.

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I hope we don't put up 40 points, unless ULM is so bad we can't help it. We need to save some surprises for the next games.

This is not to say I want a vanilla 14-0 game.


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I don't expect us to score 50. The combined total of UA v. Clem should be higher.

I would be shocked if we scored 40. I'm thinking like a 35-10 victory. I mean its the first game in this offense for our QB's.

I hope the Bama/Clemson game's a low scoring affair. Something like 52-0.


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Bama My Heart, I'll say two things about the that. First, Tubby is still a conservative coach. He put the cuffs on Bobby Petrino in 2002, and if he feels like we've got the game in hand, he'll put the cuffs on Tony Franklin as well. We're still going to be a power running team, and that means we won't be a 50 point team. We might (and should be) more explosive, but we're not going to be a run it up team all the sudden.

Second, the defense will never be bad as long as Tubby is here. We'll never be a "score quickly and hope to outscore the other guy" defense. Ever. That's just wishful thinking. So expect the Bama game to be similar to the last few years. Attacking defense that controls the game. Grinding offense (hopefully puts up a few more points but even so) that wears down the team with less depth, through tempo or style or talent or whatever.

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Bama My Heart, I'll say two things about the that. First, Tubby is still a conservative coach. He put the cuffs on Bobby Petrino in 2002, and if he feels like we've got the game in hand, he'll put the cuffs on Tony Franklin as well. We're still going to be a power running team, and that means we won't be a 50 point team. We might (and should be) more explosive, but we're not going to be a run it up team all the sudden.

Second, the defense will never be bad as long as Tubby is here. We'll never be a "score quickly and hope to outscore the other guy" defense. Ever. That's just wishful thinking. So expect the Bama game to be similar to the last few years. Attacking defense that controls the game. Grinding offense (hopefully puts up a few more points but even so) that wears down the team with less depth, through tempo or style or talent or whatever.

I'm hoping for a replay of the '05 Iron Bowl. You know, up by three scores before Brodie broke a sweat. I just hope this time we keep the gas pedal floored instead of granting Bama a moral victory with all the "we won three quarters" crap and "it was a close game, only ten points" crap. I want Bama's second string QB to throw a last minute hail mary to try to cut the gap to only 28 points. Of course, I hope Powers pulls it down and takes it to the house.

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