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Dunn in "doghouse"


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Per the Tubbs presser he as listed at 4th team H reciever. He is not suspended and will still return punts.

I just saw that on al.com myself. It also says that Raven Gray will redshirt, which doesn't surprise me. I wonder what happened to Dunn? It had to be an attitude problem in practice if he didn't get a suspension out of it. Keep'em in line and workin' towards the goal CTT! WDE!


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Purely specualtive on my part, but I'd say he probably was just taking it easy and going through the motions at practice. No suspensions leads me to think that no "wrong-doing" was present. He'll still be returning punts, so maybe he was still putting efforts into that. Also this is "sending a message to the younger guys" so again, I doubt it was any misbehavior but a work ethic issue. Regardless, I hope he gets his crap straight.

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I, personally think this is a good thing. I have never been real big on Dunn. He's explosive at times. But, too many dropped passes and he plays small in my opinion. (Not sure of actual physical size.) i would much rather see Rod, Frenchy, Hawthorne, Slaughter, and the new guys get the ball.

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Well, Dunn is a descent player and is fast but he has not been too great at returning punts. The only punt of signifigance he's had was last year in the Alabama game, other then that he's not been a major factor in terms of special teams.

If Tristin Davis can stay healthy I think he may be the one returning kickoffs and punts, and thats "IF".

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I think we should be aware of our standards. We should not speculate over what we do not know about these young men. All I can see is that Dunn has fallen down the depth chart at receiver, but apparently is not injured because he will play on special teams. If anybody has a link to a reliable source that knows the story, post it. Otherwise, we should just wish Mr. Dunn well and see what develops.


Bob in Winter Haven

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I think we should be aware of our standards.

I'm with you Bob. Also, the standards of our coaches are pretty high (possibly higher than ours). That being said, the fact he isn't suspended leads me to believe nothing "big" is the cause of this.

Sure Dunn has had some trouble in the past. I'm proud of him though. Tuberville gave this guy a chance who was headed down some bad roads in his life. He is growing and becoming a better, stronger person. These little "reminders" could be to help him keep is mind on the right track as well as proving points to the rest of the team, showing them the high standards the coaches have set.

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if we are down in the 2nd half, tubs will hold his ice cream cone for him and put him back in at first string

Dunn played really well in the Spring and his story is a classic tale of a kid that changed the direction of his life for the better. I love his story and I cheer for him because I feel he has yet to live up to his potential on the football field. But if we're down in the second half and Dunn is our only hope for success, this is going to be a long season.

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if we are down in the 2nd half, tubs will hold his ice cream cone for him and put him back in at first string

Dunn played really well in the Spring and his story is a classic tale of a kid that changed the direction of his life for the better. I love his story and I cheer for him because I feel he has yet to live up to his potential on the football field. But if we're down in the second half and Dunn is our only hope for success, this is going to be a long season.

i totally agree with you - just thought i'd take a jab at bammer while i could

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