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No offense...and I'm not flaming here...but to consider Bama a push is probably a reach at this point. Yes, we are replacing some OL and a QB. But UA wasn't even playing the same sport as AU last year.

And you're replace ALL your coaches. You have the same (if not worse) situation in terms of experience at QB. And you lost some pretty significant talent on defense.

That's not to say come november it wont be a push. But in May, considering you haven't taken the field yet, calling that game a push is a stretch.

Thanks for clarifying that. I forget that football and "take the textbook and run" are two different sports.

That being said, my biggest concern is still consistent QB play. I'm not sure we have that, but it should improve if we have more consistent line play.

I think the WVU game should go well for us. I think we are better at every position with the exception of Noel Devine. Last year, Pat White and Noel Devine single handedly slaughtered us. That was the turning point in our season and the point at which I felt like our kids lost hope. But remember, we had points where we were successful on offense and good on defense. But I don't think finding a replacement for White that runs the stretch draw play as well as he did will be very easy, and it was that play that broke us last year.

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Who is Codi? God, you'd think people would know our player's names after 2 years of play. But then again, after 10 years, some still can't spell Tuberville properly.

AUSlug, the Appy State game still wasn't a push in terms of predictions. A push means you could see the game go either way and wouldn't bet on it either way. I guarantee you that not even 0.0001% of the population predicted App State to win that game. I guarantee you not even 0.001% predicted it'd come down to the final play. I guarantee you not even 1% said the game would be a push. There is no such thing as a calling a "push" after the game has been played. Because the outcome is known. Pushes are for BEFORE the game. The App State game WAS NOT a push prior to the game. It still is not a push after the game. Because I don't think anybody would not bet Appy State knowing they won.

I guarantee you, outside of the Auburn fanbase, at least 99% would easily chalk up Bama as the victor in a prediction thread. That is what we refer to as a push. A push would be like Auburn - Ole Miss. Does that mean the game isn't going to be close or won't be come gametime? Not at all. But right now, in May, on paper and in the minds of people - the Bama game is NOT a push.

But if anyone wants to bet on the Bama game this year, that truly thinks it is a push, I will take them up on that bet. No odds, no nothing. Straight up. Any takers? I'll take Bama and hope I lose. But I'm pretty confident that nobody would be willing to take that. If it was August in 2007 and I offered straight up to take Appy State, I'm sure I'd have plenty of takers. Nobody will take Auburn. Pretty sure that means it is not a push if I can't get any brave souls to take Auburn. Because pushes go both ways.

There you go again, you must enjoy watching yourself type. I am not a gambling man, so good try. You try to hard sometimes.

Whats wrong with his response? as far as yours,,, nice response....

Nothing is wrong with his response, it is just typical PC. What is it to you anyway?

Typical PC = What?

Logical? Non-homer? Objective? Able to view life w/o the blue and orange goggles? a non-sunshine pumper?

whats it to me, nothing really,, I was just asking...

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Bronco - I have no problem with folks thinking UGA and UA are both losses. Heck, I'm probably one of them.

I was pointing out the irony that some were chalking up a L as UGA, but then chalking up a W for Bama, which to me just made no sense given last years results and this years expectations for all teams involved. I mean it could definitely happen and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just saw it as "wow, if anything, shouldn't it be the other way around?"

I guess my point is - if someone would think UA is a W (or even a Push), which they are more than welcome to think (I disagree though), then I would expect that same person to predict a W for UGA. And if we can beat Bama, then you'd think we might be able to win 'em all (except when was the last time we won at LSU?).

PC, I do understand your point, if AU can beat UA, then they should smear UGA. I was just stating that I think AU will lose to both UGA and Bama, but gees,, I can't even remember the last time we on at LSU. thats pretty sad, and btw, they are another team we will lose to.

Im telling you, better ingredients, Better pizza,, Pappa Johns.

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Prediction: AU will not go bowling two years in a row...

But the coaches have already bought the shirts and everything...

looool the best comeback I've ever read on this board... i love it.. :thumbsup:

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I love how you made it nearly impossible to reply to. How am I supposed to reply to this? Why not reply in the normal manner? To make it more confusing, I'm just going to keep bulking the original post up with scattered nonsense... Great job.

I do think Malzahn will keep us in every game we play, but if we do any worse than 7-5 with Caudle, who is clearly a great QBclearly, Really? After seeing him play decent at best against 2nd stringers, he is clearly a great QB?, I will call for Chizik's head and write Jacobs again and beg him to give Turner Gill a second chance.What would be the point of that? I can guarantee Turner Gill would not have gotten a staff like this together and would probably have a worse record this year than Chizik will I don't care about first year jitters, I'm tired of being irrelevant on a national scale. We have a very experienced OL3 guys with experience, 2 spots to fill and very thin, I wouldn't consider that a strength, would you? and a great defense...The defense should be good, but again we are thin at a key position LB, with a couple of key departures, although I do think the Defense can be better than last yearI expect at least 8-4 out of '09 if Chizik is as good a gameday coach as most Auburn fans presume.

Forget the fact that Caudle was a 4* out of Hoover who's played behind Cox the majority of his career, it's obvious that he has all the tools to succeed in this conference (mobility, deadly accuracy, strong arm, incredible vision, etc.). The only thing he has against him is the fact of how injury prone he is. Other than that, I believe Malzahn is the greatest OC in the nation (Rivals.com sees him as the #3...) which might be irrelevant, but you mus take into consideration what he's done elsewhere. Also, if going 11 for 16 is "decent at best," what do you consider bad?

Turner Gill was the hot name last year, and fortunately he was available. He's not only a great gameday coach, but a great man who I trust would've put together a staff that was equally impressive.

Unfortunately, our AD is a retard, even though I still support Chizik since he's Auburn's coach... and I will continue to as long as we are winning. But you have to remember that recruiting isn't everything, and if you converse with an objective Cyclone nation on every issue regarding Chizik, they would have to agree...

How could you say that about the middle of our LBs? We'll be starting Stephens, Freeman, and Bynes. Need I say more? Blackmon, while a hard-hitter, was overrated to say the least. Bynes was our greatest LB last season, and he'll even be more impressive here in his Jr. season.

Be realistic here, guys. To find success, we need someone who can compete with Satan on and off the field. Winning recruiting battles won't be enough, we need a gameday leader who I believe is Chizik until convinced otherwise. So, considering where our team currently resides (and whether Caudle stays healthy), there is absolutely no reason to do any worse than 7-5.I also think we should do no worse than 7-5, but I wouldn't put all of that on Caudle's shoulders, he has proved less than Burns at this point and I'm not ready to name him a great Qb like you are. We need to worry about our needs as a football team and not what Saban and Alabama are doing. If we go for the guys we want it shouldn't matter what they do. I'm tired of talking about Saban when this is a question about Auburn Football.

I agree that he has proven less than Burns at this point, but that isn't saying much since Burns doesn't know how to see the entire field, read the defense, check his secondary receivers, and hit someone in the flats if necessary. Again, Caudle has every tool necessary to be a Top 5 QB in the SEC, and quite personally I see him finishing behind Tebow and Snead considering the rest of the SEC QB situations. If he does in fact stay healthy, I see Malzahn shaping him much like Borges did with Cox.

Did I say anything about Alabama? No. I was simply referring to having a coach containing the ability to compete against him, mostly recruiting wise. Because believe it or not, that is very vital to our success. We don't have to win the state in recruiting, but we have to at least compete. Now gameday decisions/halftime adjustments, and developing that talent is a whole 'nother story, and it'll be proven on the field.

Our roster is filled with 4* recruits, and the ones who aren't 4*'s, are players like Antonio Coleman. If you expect 7-5 or worse, then you have already forgotten about the incompetent BBQ boys, the Franklin debacle, and the QB situation of '08.Our roster does have some good-to-great talent, but again we are thin at a few key positions and an injury or 2 can change the entire season. If we have 2 injuries on the OL I doubt we will come close to winning more than 7 games.

Well of course if we lose two OL, it'd change the entire course of the season... that's common sense.

However, if you look at our 11 starters on defense, we should have a Top 3 D in the SEC this season on talent alone. Albeit, there is a question mark on our D line, but I have complete faith that we'll still have enough depth to reload with Tuberville's recruits and use Coleman's talent alone to our advantage.

If you accept 7-5 and support Chizik afterward (with Caudle healthy throughout the season), then expect more 7-5's to come... 8-4 if he recruits well.I really don't get your love fest with Caudle after you saw one average spring game from him

Again, he has all of the tools necessary... And our OC is Gus Malzahn.

It all depends on your expectations. I expect to have national relevance, and for the Iron Bowl to be meaningful for a change.Whether you believe it or not Auburn is relevant on a national stage, the Iron Bowl needs 2 good teams going into it to be relevant so we can only be a part of it

Are you sure? [sarcasm]

War Damn Eagle :au:

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I love how you made it nearly impossible to reply to. How am I supposed to reply to this? Why not reply in the normal manner? To make it more confusing, I'm just going to keep bulking the original post up with scattered nonsense... Great job.

I do think Malzahn will keep us in every game we play, but if we do any worse than 7-5 with Caudle, who is clearly a great QBclearly, Really? After seeing him play decent at best against 2nd stringers, he is clearly a great QB?, I will call for Chizik's head and write Jacobs again and beg him to give Turner Gill a second chance.What would be the point of that? I can guarantee Turner Gill would not have gotten a staff like this together and would probably have a worse record this year than Chizik will I don't care about first year jitters, I'm tired of being irrelevant on a national scale. We have a very experienced OL3 guys with experience, 2 spots to fill and very thin, I wouldn't consider that a strength, would you? and a great defense...The defense should be good, but again we are thin at a key position LB, with a couple of key departures, although I do think the Defense can be better than last yearI expect at least 8-4 out of '09 if Chizik is as good a gameday coach as most Auburn fans presume.

Forget the fact that Caudle was a 4* out of Hoover who's played behind Cox the majority of his career, it's obvious that he has all the tools to succeed in this conference (mobility, deadly accuracy, strong arm, incredible vision, etc.). The only thing he has against him is the fact of how injury prone he is. Other than that, I believe Malzahn is the greatest OC in the nation (Rivals.com sees him as the #3...) which might be irrelevant, but you mus take into consideration what he's done elsewhere. Also, if going 11 for 16 is "decent at best," what do you consider bad?

Turner Gill was the hot name last year, and fortunately he was available. He's not only a great gameday coach, but a great man who I trust would've put together a staff that was equally impressive.

Unfortunately, our AD is a retard, even though I still support Chizik since he's Auburn's coach... and I will continue to as long as we are winning. But you have to remember that recruiting isn't everything, and if you converse with an objective Cyclone nation on every issue regarding Chizik, they would have to agree...

How could you say that about the middle of our LBs? We'll be starting Stephens, Freeman, and Bynes. Need I say more? Blackmon, while a hard-hitter, was overrated to say the least. Bynes was our greatest LB last season, and he'll even be more impressive here in his Jr. season.

Be realistic here, guys. To find success, we need someone who can compete with Satan on and off the field. Winning recruiting battles won't be enough, we need a gameday leader who I believe is Chizik until convinced otherwise. So, considering where our team currently resides (and whether Caudle stays healthy), there is absolutely no reason to do any worse than 7-5.I also think we should do no worse than 7-5, but I wouldn't put all of that on Caudle's shoulders, he has proved less than Burns at this point and I'm not ready to name him a great Qb like you are. We need to worry about our needs as a football team and not what Saban and Alabama are doing. If we go for the guys we want it shouldn't matter what they do. I'm tired of talking about Saban when this is a question about Auburn Football.

I agree that he has proven less than Burns at this point, but that isn't saying much since Burns doesn't know how to see the entire field, read the defense, check his secondary receivers, and hit someone in the flats if necessary. Again, Caudle has every tool necessary to be a Top 5 QB in the SEC, and quite personally I see him finishing behind Tebow and Snead considering the rest of the SEC QB situations. If he does in fact stay healthy, I see Malzahn shaping him much like Borges did with Cox.

Did I say anything about Alabama? No. I was simply referring to having a coach containing the ability to compete against him, mostly recruiting wise. Because believe it or not, that is very vital to our success. We don't have to win the state in recruiting, but we have to at least compete. Now gameday decisions/halftime adjustments, and developing that talent is a whole 'nother story, and it'll be proven on the field.

Our roster is filled with 4* recruits, and the ones who aren't 4*'s, are players like Antonio Coleman. If you expect 7-5 or worse, then you have already forgotten about the incompetent BBQ boys, the Franklin debacle, and the QB situation of '08.Our roster does have some good-to-great talent, but again we are thin at a few key positions and an injury or 2 can change the entire season. If we have 2 injuries on the OL I doubt we will come close to winning more than 7 games.

Well of course if we lose two OL, it'd change the entire course of the season... that's common sense.

However, if you look at our 11 starters on defense, we should have a Top 3 D in the SEC this season on talent alone. Albeit, there is a question mark on our D line, but I have complete faith that we'll still have enough depth to reload with Tuberville's recruits and use Coleman's talent alone to our advantage.

If you accept 7-5 and support Chizik afterward (with Caudle healthy throughout the season), then expect more 7-5's to come... 8-4 if he recruits well.I really don't get your love fest with Caudle after you saw one average spring game from him

Again, he has all of the tools necessary... And our OC is Gus Malzahn.

It all depends on your expectations. I expect to have national relevance, and for the Iron Bowl to be meaningful for a change.Whether you believe it or not Auburn is relevant on a national stage, the Iron Bowl needs 2 good teams going into it to be relevant so we can only be a part of it

Are you sure? [sarcasm]

War Damn Eagle :au:

Yeah sorry about how I did the quote, I was going to do something else at the end to wrap all of it together, but ended up just leaving it as is.

Caudle did not look much better(his stats may have shown he had a better game) than Burns in the A-Day game and that was still just one practice to base your assumption. Burns was also rated just as high, if not higher, coming out of high school so I don't really care what Caudle's star rating was. I'm not saying either is better at this point, but I don't think Caudle is head and shoulders above anybody right now and I'm certainly not ready to name him the 3rd best QB behind Tebow and Snead. I would love for him to prove me wrong, but he didn't handle the pass rush well and from some of the practice footage I have seen it looks like he is still willing to throw a prayer into heavy coverage when he gets in trouble. i think he can throw a lot of TDs in this offense, but I don't know how well he will protect the ball. Right now we need to minimize turnovers to be able to win games. We don't have the firepower, although malzahn may develop a pretty potent offense by the end of the year. Basically I don't care who is the starter as long as he gives us the best chance to win. I think of all the guys on our roster now, Todd is the most likely to do that if his shoulder would ever get back to 100%, but I don't see that happening either.

I said nothing about how good our starting LBs will be, I think they have the talent to be a top group in the SEC, but they have no depth at all. I believe that is what the word thin would mean, maybe I have an incorrect interpretation. Also key departures did not mean Blackmon, but more notably Marks and Powers. I agree Bynes is a much more consistent LB and shows much more leadership potential on the field.

About the relevance on a national stage, do you live in Alabama? Have you lived anywhere outside of the South?

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

Agree with you on that PC, stars mean nothing it is an objective made up ranking system kinda like the BCS.

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Louisiana Tech-W

Mississippi State-W

West Virginia-W

Ball State-W

@ Tennessee-Tossup

@ Arkansas-Tossup



Ole Miss-W


@Georgia L

Alabama-W (Dinky maintains his perfect record of OH-fer JHS.)

Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page. A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?.

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Stars mean something.

In recruiting maybe. But once they have played a down, stars should be forgotten. It is how they play that matters. Stars don't mean anything anymore.

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Stars mean something.

In recruiting maybe. But once they have played a down, stars should be forgotten. It is how they play that matters. Stars don't mean anything anymore.

I agree with that. but more times than not, the Rivals/Scout star rating predicts pretty accurately how they will play on the field.

now, back the the topic........14-0!!!

Auburn plays great defense all year. Bryum makes 3 fieldgoals against Florida in the SEC Champ game. Antonio Coleman wins the Heisman. We beat Texas in the NC game!

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

Damn I hate to do this .But I agree with you! Damn that hurt

But here is where I disagree. I picked us 8-4 with a loss to GA and a Win over Alabama, Reason #1

Ga game on the road ,there O line should be playing well by then and there New QB should have the offence down. Now I picked Auburn to win for the same reason. I believe with Benton***** and Blake ****at WR , true game changers Something we have not had the past two years. And if we are lucky like bama was last year to not get the injury bug. That we can ,and probably will have a very good chance to beat Alabama. OH BTW the last years game !! It was last Year!!!! Bama will have a different team on the field ,And so will we . So yes I call it a push! Does that make me ill informed or non objective? maybe, But it's my opinion

And I believe that the SEC west will be much better this year. With AR Ole Miss and LSU being much better .

So no free walk to the SECCG. Bg and Rws can say what they want bama will (NOT) go undefeated.

And besides Alabama ( WAS NOT ) the best team in the SEC last year Remember!!!!!

Hell they weren't the best team in the mountain west. :cheer: Go Utes

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Louisiana Tech-W

Mississippi State-W

West Virginia-W

Ball State-W

@ Tennessee-Tossup

@ Arkansas-Tossup



Ole Miss-W


@Georgia L

Alabama-W (Dinky maintains his perfect record of OH-fer JHS.)

Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page. A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?.

Different style of offense Bowden was running vs what CGM is running.

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

Damn I hate to do this .But I agree with you! Damn that hurt

But here is where I disagree. I picked us 8-4 with a loss to GA and a Win over Alabama, Reason #1

Ga game on the road ,there O line should be playing well by then and there New QB should have the offence down. Now I picked Auburn to win for the same reason. I believe with Benton***** and Blake ****at WR , true game changers Something we have not had the past two years. And if we are lucky like bama was last year to not get the injury bug. That we can ,and probably will have a very good chance to beat Alabama. OH BTW the last years game !! It was last Year!!!! Bama will have a different team on the field ,And so will we . So yes I call it a push! Does that make me ill informed or non objective? maybe, But it's my opinion

And I believe that the SEC west will be much better this year. With AR Ole Miss and LSU being much better .

So no free walk to the SECCG. Bg and Rws can say what they want bama will (NOT) go undefeated.

And besides Alabama ( WAS NOT ) the best team in the SEC last year Remember!!!!!

Hell they weren't the best team in the mountain west. :cheer: Go Utes

Keep in mind that Bama returns almost their entire Defense from last year AND they got our LB coach. The same Defense that allowed how many points in the Ironbowl last year??????

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

Damn I hate to do this .But I agree with you! Damn that hurt

But here is where I disagree. I picked us 8-4 with a loss to GA and a Win over Alabama, Reason #1

Ga game on the road ,there O line should be playing well by then and there New QB should have the offence down. Now I picked Auburn to win for the same reason. I believe with Benton***** and Blake ****at WR , true game changers Something we have not had the past two years. And if we are lucky like bama was last year to not get the injury bug. That we can ,and probably will have a very good chance to beat Alabama. OH BTW the last years game !! It was last Year!!!! Bama will have a different team on the field ,And so will we . So yes I call it a push! Does that make me ill informed or non objective? maybe, But it's my opinion

And I believe that the SEC west will be much better this year. With AR Ole Miss and LSU being much better .

So no free walk to the SECCG. Bg and Rws can say what they want bama will (NOT) go undefeated.

And besides Alabama ( WAS NOT ) the best team in the SEC last year Remember!!!!!

Hell they weren't the best team in the mountain west. :cheer: Go Utes

Keep in mind that Bama returns almost their entire Defense from last year AND they got our LB coach. The same Defense that allowed how many points in the Ironbowl last year??????

Agreed very good defence great probably top# 5

But that defence was helped out greatly buy downhill style of play, And a Senior QB !!

They lost a very big part of that Offence. And I don't care what any bama fan says you don't just replace a #5 NFL draft pick LT . Much less a new centre and Guard and your QB and Your best RB.

It's not the 1960 Bear days, When you just plug in another all American. Auburn was picked to finish where in the west last year? Look the Franklin experiment was a disaster. But he's gone and so is tubby. CGM will be running this offence now. We have playmakers at the WR position ,Very good RB's, And (if )Our line can stay healthy we will win a lot of game's. Oh and Our Defence was pretty damn good last year too,

They were just wore out from being on the field all year. Look I'm not saying that we are the best team in the west. But the death of Auburn football has been(WELL) wishful thinking. Let me ask one more Question?

If we (AUBURN)are so insignificant and no better than Miss State or Vandy. Why all the talk?

You don't hear them talking about them do you? Are they on the KY board's telling them how great they are?

They are worried they will just never admit it. And before the knee's jerk .Nowhere was i critical of BAMA

or there fan's!

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

I knew someone would bring the stars up as if they were even remotely my point. My point was that he has all of the tools to succeed, especially with Malzahn developing him instead of some drunk retard from Troy:

1. Mobility

2. Deadly accurate

3. Strong arm

4. Sees the entire field

5. Doesn't stare down his primary receiver like someone else "fighting for the job"

6. Doesn't look at the rush

Why didn't he start, you ask?

First year: Redshirt

Second year: Brandon Cox

Third year: Injury

This year, he will start every game, and he will win most of them. I find it hard to believe some of you even watched the spring game and saw with your eyes how much greater Caudle was than Burns.... Wasn't even close. How many wide open receivers did Burns miss in the flats since he was staring down his primary? While I'll admit that he has a pretty touch on the ball, that doesn't mean squat if he can't learn how to read the safeties. The only reason he had any passing yards was because Mario Fannin is a beast. That ball would've been picked off against an SEC opponent.

I think most of you are taking that 5-7 record and running with it like it has any relevance with this season whatsoever. New incredible coaching staff, new scheme, new motive to win, no Burns/Todd situation, etc. You cannot judge this season by the ridiculous situation we had last season.

In a way, I hope Burns goes ahead and transfers because I like the kid, and he will get no more PT if he stays at Auburn. The only thing that'd suck about that would be if Caudle gets injured, we'd be stuck with Todd AKA we'd be absolutely screwed. I might even pull the RS off Trotter at that point, depending on how lengthy the injury...

You skeptics will see the light come La Tech, or better yet, MSU. When Malzahn chooses Caudle for the starting role, the AU faithful will forget Burns is even on the roster.

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Louisiana Tech-W

Mississippi State-W

West Virginia-W

Ball State-W

@ Tennessee-Tossup

@ Arkansas-Tossup



Ole Miss-W


@Georgia L

Alabama-W (Dinky maintains his perfect record of OH-fer JHS.)

Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page. A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?.

Different style of offense Bowden was running vs what CGM is running.

Different style of offense? WTF? Do you know how inane that remark is? (I won't dignify the remark by calling it a comment....)

Keep in mind that Bama returns almost their entire Defense from last year AND they got our LB coach.

You say that like it's a bad thing. CJW totally messed up the pipeline Joe Whitt had built in Mobile and his linebackers underperformed. Just as well UAT hired him, he would have had to be let go anyway, or at least re-assigned to an off the field job.

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Agreed. How can someone say Caudle is clearly a great QB. If he was great, he'd have played last season outside of a few minutes of mop up duty. If he were great, he'd be the starting QB. If he were great, that must mean Kodi Burns is just as great, if not greater.

And then he uses his 4 star status. How many times do we hear about recruits and their stars and then how it means "nothing." Hell, Leon Hart was a 5 star - I guess he'll be an NFL pro star.

I knew someone would bring the stars up as if they were even remotely my point. My point was that he has all of the tools to succeed, especially with Malzahn developing him instead of some drunk retard from Troy:

1. Mobility

2. Deadly accurate

3. Strong arm

4. Sees the entire field

5. Doesn't stare down his primary receiver like someone else "fighting for the job"

6. Doesn't look at the rush

Why didn't he start, you ask?

First year: Redshirt

Second year: Brandon Cox Ummm, excuse me, but Kodi played over Brandon Cox in some games and was the backup. Caudle didn't play because they didn't want him to be the backup? Actually I believe he might of been injured for some of the season. Even if not, Kodi played and Caudle didn't. Kodi Started and Caudle didn't play a snap.

Third year: Injury Calling BS on this one too. Pretty sure he was healthy last year. I think a guy named Chris Todd played. Caudle did play some mop up duty at one point, so I don't think he was injured.

This year, he will start every game, and he will win most of them. I find it hard to believe some of you even watched the spring game and saw with your eyes how much greater Caudle was than Burns.... Wasn't even close. How many wide open receivers did Burns miss in the flats since he was staring down his primary? While I'll admit that he has a pretty touch on the ball, that doesn't mean squat if he can't learn how to read the safeties. The only reason he had any passing yards was because Mario Fannin is a beast. That ball would've been picked off against an SEC opponent.

I didn't realize the Spring A-Day Scrimmage was the big test. If it was this clear, why is it such a close race?

I think most of you are taking that 5-7 record and running with it like it has any relevance with this season whatsoever. New incredible coaching staff, new scheme, new motive to win, no Burns/Todd situation, etc. You cannot judge this season by the ridiculous situation we had last season.

In a way, I hope Burns goes ahead and transfers because I like the kid, and he will get no more PT if he stays at Auburn. The only thing that'd suck about that would be if Caudle gets injured, we'd be stuck with Todd AKA we'd be absolutely screwed. I might even pull the RS off Trotter at that point, depending on how lengthy the injury...

You skeptics will see the light come La Tech, or better yet, MSU. When Malzahn chooses Caudle for the starting role, the AU faithful will forget Burns is even on the roster.

Look, read my reactions above to some of what you had to say. I will admit - Burns isn't as great as I thought he'd be. But there is a reason he started over Caudle before. Will Burns definitely win the job? I don't know. But it's his to lose. He was the starting QB. New staff, ok - but when was the last time a new staff came in and replaced the starting QB?

And I still stand by what I said - if he was so great, he'd be the starter no questions asked.

I don't mind that you like Caudle so much. I hope the kid succeeds and if he is truly better than Burns, then I hope he gets the job and does it well. But the kid hasn't played any meaningful snaps against D-I (FCS) competition.

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Louisiana Tech-W

Mississippi State-W

West Virginia-W

Ball State-W

@ Tennessee-Tossup

@ Arkansas-Tossup



Ole Miss-W


@Georgia L

Alabama-W (Dinky maintains his perfect record of OH-fer JHS.)

Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page. A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?.

Different style of offense Bowden was running vs what CGM is running.

Different style of offense? WTF? Do you know how inane that remark is? (I won't dignify the remark by calling it a comment....)

Keep in mind that Bama returns almost their entire Defense from last year AND they got our LB coach.

You say that like it's a bad thing. CJW totally messed up the pipeline Joe Whitt had built in Mobile and his linebackers underperformed. Just as well UAT hired him, he would have had to be let go anyway, or at least re-assigned to an off the field job.

"A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?."

If thats the case, then explain CTTs first Season with AU.

"Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page."

And if crack was free, prostitutes would be millionaires....Yes, Franklin was an idiot but lets not forget he wasn't allowed to bring his own staff and had to rely on the BBQ gang. So you can't completely blame it on him, because if that was the case, then we should have lost the bowl game to Clemson as well.

"Different style of offense? WTF? Do you know how inane that remark is? (I won't dignify the remark by calling it a comment....)"

You can't compare this coming up season to 1993 dufus.. take the goggles off man....seriously..

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Louisiana Tech-W

Mississippi State-W

West Virginia-W

Ball State-W

@ Tennessee-Tossup

@ Arkansas-Tossup



Ole Miss-W


@Georgia L

Alabama-W (Dinky maintains his perfect record of OH-fer JHS.)

Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page. A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?.

Different style of offense Bowden was running vs what CGM is running.

Different style of offense? WTF? Do you know how inane that remark is? (I won't dignify the remark by calling it a comment....)

Keep in mind that Bama returns almost their entire Defense from last year AND they got our LB coach.

You say that like it's a bad thing. CJW totally messed up the pipeline Joe Whitt had built in Mobile and his linebackers underperformed. Just as well UAT hired him, he would have had to be let go anyway, or at least re-assigned to an off the field job.

"A new coaching staff didn't damage Terry Bowden's '93 team much, did it?."

If thats the case, then explain CTTs first Season with AU.

"Without the Franklin fiasco that caused disintegration in the coaching staff, last year's team would have won 9-10- games. We didn't lose much talent and this staff will be on the same page."

And if crack was free, prostitutes would be millionaires....Yes, Franklin was an idiot but lets not forget he wasn't allowed to bring his own staff and had to rely on the BBQ gang. So you can't completely blame it on him, because if that was the case, then we should have lost the bowl game to Clemson as well.

"Different style of offense? WTF? Do you know how inane that remark is? (I won't dignify the remark by calling it a comment....)"

You can't compare this coming up season to 1993 dufus.. take the goggles off man....seriously..

I'll explain tuberville's first season for you. Bowden went 3-8 the year before....tuberville stepped in with absolutely NOTHING at running back and several other positions and went 5-6. So, we improved the first year under tuberville. The other issue we had was when bowden took over, dye had actually recruited players... when tuberville got here, bowden hadn't done nearly enough to bring in key players.

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You can't compare this coming up season to 1993 dufus.. take the goggles off man....seriously..

Since WarTiger has already solved your bewilderment about Tuberville's first year, I'll address this one:

Dufus? BroncoAU calling someone else a dufus? Seriously, Bronco, have you figured out who Coach Yoxall is yet? LMAO!

By BroncoAU, referring to coach Kevin Yoxall: “Who is this guy and what is his credential?"


Posts #4,5,6 and 7 are really funny. :roflol:

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Wins in bold...




9-26-09 BALL STATE

10-3-09 at Tennessee

10-10-09 at Arkansas

10-17-09 KENTUCKY

10-24-09 at Louisiana State


11-7-09 FURMAN

11-14-09 at Georgia

11-27-09 ALABAMA (Fri.)

7-5. And I'm giving you a split of the Arkansas and Tennessee road games and a sweep of two losable home games in West Virginia and Kentucky. With a break or two, Auburn can win 7-8 games.

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Wins in bold...




9-26-09 BALL STATE

10-3-09 at Tennessee

10-10-09 at Arkansas

10-17-09 KENTUCKY

10-24-09 at Louisiana State


11-7-09 FURMAN

11-14-09 at Georgia

11-27-09 ALABAMA (Fri.)

7-5. And I'm giving you a split of the Arkansas and Tennessee road games and a sweep of two losable home games in West Virginia and Kentucky. With a break or two, Auburn can win 7-8 games.

what a shocker...

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