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France on terror alert????

DKW 86

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But I thought that all the world needed was a frank discussion with the terrorists?

Afterall, why take such a "militant view" of all this. I am sure that you are all perfectly safe.... :roll:

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They were worried if they didn't raise the terror alert that the US would put them on the list countries that harbor terrorists and do a premtive strike and invade so we could topple the regime before the elections this year.

Did you want some wine with that cheese <_<

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They were worried if they didn't raise the terror alert that the US would put them on the list countries that harbor terrorists and do a premtive strike and invade so we could topple the regime before the elections this year.

Did you want some wine with that cheese    <_<

Heck ya. That sounds like a plan to me. Over running France will take what, about half a day? :lol:

Go in early and have it over by lunch. :lol:

We could then make them all take baths so the world smelled better.

We could parade thru the Arc d'Triomphe and still be in St. Tropez by sunset. ;) Wonder what all those french women would do with some real men in American uniforms rather than the panty waist litle boys they have now?

And I will have any wine, as long as it isnt French whine, or French wine. ;)

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They were worried if they didn't raise the terror alert that the US would put them on the list countries that harbor terrorists and do a premtive strike and invade so we could topple the regime before the elections this year.

Did you want some wine with that cheese    <_<

Heck ya. That sounds like a plan to me. Over running France will take what, about half a day? :lol:

Go in early and have it over by lunch. :lol:

We could then make them all take baths so the world smelled better.

We could parade thru the Arc d'Triomphe and still be in St. Tropez by sunset. ;) Wonder what all those french women would do with some real men in American uniforms rather than the panty waist litle boys they have now?

And I will have any wine, as long as it isnt French whine, or French wine. ;)

Wouldn't even take that. All you would have to do is send a telegram. And poof. A whole new selection of vintage unused french military surplus hitting the market! :D

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Since Bush is so stupid ;) and his Foreign policy and his stance on terrorism are comical :wacko: What do you Kerry Lovers propose we do?

Is our goal only to make the US safe or would it be more prudent to make the world a safer place or will free trade do that for us?

Someone bueller anyone bueller

We have been lucky because our country has been isolated from most of the world's violence but those barriers (other countries attacking us) are starting to come down and we are begining to realized that we aren't safe and that our livelyhood is at stake if other nations are in turmoil.

The US has to take a more vested role in world politics so back to my question (Is our goal only to make.....)


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France never even knows they are in trouble until they see German soldiers drinking coffee in Paris. :D

I don't wish for anyone to suffer a hit from terrorists but if it has to happen I hope it is France that gets it.., right on the Presidential residence.

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France never even knows they are in trouble until they see German soldiers drinking coffee in Paris. :D

I don't wish for anyone to suffer a hit from terrorists but if it has to happen I hope it is France that gets it.., right on the Presidential residence.

France never even knows they are in trouble until they see German soldiers drinking coffee in Paris. :D

For that line alone, you are now one of my favorite posters. :hail:

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I think Chirac is just gathering all the higher ups so they can get a cohesive plan on who they need to surrender to. How embarrassing would it be to surrender to Al Qaida then find out that it was the Basque separatists after all? That just wouldn't do.

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france does have an excuse, though.

all their military is in the dominican republic awaiting our word for them to into haiti to support our peace-keeping efforts.

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