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Who do you plan on voting for?


Who do you plan on voting for?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you plan on voting for?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry
    • Ralph Nader

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I'm voting for America, "W" all the way!!

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I regard myself as an independent. I was hoping the democrats would offer up a candidate that would make me think about who I would vote for. But now, for me, it's a no-brainer. I see Kerry as a Ted Kennedy clone and that's more than I want to even see briefly, let alone for four years. :D

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If there were any doubt, I will erase it now. I voted for George W. Bush in the last election and I plan to vote for the Legally Elected President George W. Bush in this election as well!


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"W"....because we are ALL taxed enough!

And, because he is not a cryin'-whinin'-bleedin' heart liberal. ! ! ! ! :D

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We, in Illinois, will make history be voting in the 5th American of African Heritage into the U.S. Senate. Both, John Kerry and Barack Obama will both go to Washington D.C. one as a Senator and the other as an ELECTED President of the United States of America.

"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Obama's child can speak better than Bush, and she's only two years-old. How about that gene pool, huh? Harvard and Columbia law school grad. Obama actually studied, whereas, Dubya can't even speak in complete sentences without having to take a snort.


Got Coke?

Unauthorized Biography of George Bush


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"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Strange that you would choose to put that in your post and then say you are voting for John Kerry. Who is a know liar of notorious renown.

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"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Strange that you would choose to put that in your post and then say you are voting for John Kerry. Who is a know liar of notorious renown.

Yeah, maybe, but did his lies kill anybody?

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"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Strange that you would choose to put that in your post and then say you are voting for John Kerry. Who is a know liar of notorious renown.

Yeah, maybe, but did his lies kill anybody?

According to him, yes!!

As an officer in the military, if he witnessed war atrocities and failed to act, then he is as guilty as those committing the actions....

Is it a lie he made to a senate subcommittee, or a truth he failed to act upon?

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"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Strange that you would choose to put that in your post and then say you are voting for John Kerry. Who is a know liar of notorious renown.

Yeah, maybe, but did his lies kill anybody?

There's logic for you. "Let's elect him President and give him some real power so his lies kill people!"

Geez, I think I lose IQ points just by reading your posts.

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"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Strange that you would choose to put that in your post and then say you are voting for John Kerry. Who is a know liar of notorious renown.

Yeah, maybe, but did his lies kill anybody?

According to the POW's in North Vietnamese prisons YES! According to the NVA representatives at the Paris Peace talks YES! According to John Kerry, himself YES!

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...wonder if we could add a fourth choice...none of the above.

Nixon '04...he's tanned, rested and ready...well, at least rested. B)

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It must be sad to be a dem on this board dominated by the pubs. I expected such from bottomdweller, but southlink? a bullpup and a dem, I used to think you had some sense. Not any more you poor misguided soul.

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Actually if you understand how the democrats would read this poll all is clear.

Democrats view of WEN POLL

Kerry comes in 2nd in WEN POLL

Bush comes in next to last!


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If all republicans had the same ideology as this guy, I might, I repeat might consider a republican president. I'D, MAYBE, EVEN CONSIDER A McCAIN/PAUL (or visaversa) TICKET TO GET THIS NATION BACK THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED. The word "intent" has meaning far beyond what we are presently experiencing in the CONUS.

This guy is a REAL REPUBLICAN, while Bush is just an uneducated genuis at finding WMD, I mean oil:



"We all praise our troops and support them. Challenging one's patriotism for not supporting this resolution and/or policy in the Persian Gulf is not legitimate. We should all be cautious in endorsing and financing a policy that unfortunately expands the war rather than ends it."

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas. ___________________________________________________________________

Otherwise , I will not vote for a Federalists like Dubya. When corporations run the government, what you end up with is so far from the original intent that it is totally unrecognizable.

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Actually if you understand how the democrats would read this poll all is clear.

Democrats view of WEN POLL

Kerry comes in 2nd in WEN POLL

Bush comes in next to last!


That is exactly how the ABc, CBS, NBC, CNN side would report it. Sad but true.

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