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Any Turkey Hunters here?


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I have been working on a farm for a friend to help make ends meet around here. It's 252 acres up in Buff, AL between Winfield and Fayette. This place is set up RIGHT for deer and turkey hunting. If my estimation is right, (judging by the pics from the game cameras) he's got several bucks that would score in the 145-155 range (B&C). Big, healthy does, too.

Anyway, he let me turkey hunt this morning. This was only my 3rd time to do it in my life, first by myself and first time to call them up by myself. I had one come into my field at about 20 yards and NEVER GOT A SHOT!!! He was coming right to me! And I hadn't hit the call in probably 30 minutes by this time. I heard him gobbling far off but it quit after about 30 minutes. He never sounded terribly close. I had my shotgun across my lap and was getting ready to hit the call again when I saw him. He saw me and bolted.

I was telling my friend about this turkey and how his beard looked like a paintbrush about 8 inches long, blah, blah, blah. He just laughed and ribbed me - the usual stuff, exaggerating, turkey fever, etc. After working a while, we went and pulled the memory cards from the game cameras. The last picture on the camera (at 7:07 am today) was the turkey I saw. He went right in front of it as he bolted! The spurs were probably 1.25-1.5. I can not believe I never got a shot. I asked him to email me the picture. I will post as soon as I get it.

Lesson learned today, fellas. I need to learn to use a mouth call better and need to set up with my gun better.

Just thought I would share this story.

I do have "Turkey Fever" now.

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Good story MDM, it brings back memories. It's been a few years since I have been turkey hunting. But it doesn't surprise me that your turkey saw you before you had a chance for a shot.

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Nice story....sounds like you have a great place to hunt and it sounds like you are hunting an old bird. Those are the most difficult but most rewarding if you get to bag him. Ive been turkey hunting since i was 15. There is nothing like it! I have managed to take 2 birds so far this season...but to me just hearing a bird gobble and working him just as fun. The kill is only a bonus. I usually hunt with a partner (friend, dad, uncle) and I have found that its much more fullfilling to share your experiences in the woods with someone who loves hunting these birds as much as I do.

A few tips...if you hunt alone...its vital to learn how to use a mouth call...your gonna need your hands when that bird gets in gun range. Get you a good pair of hand pruning shears and keep in your vest (primos has even started to sell these)...this will allow you to snip/cut down small green tops from the surrounding vegitation to make a ground blind....remember to put some greenery behind you to break up your pattern as well as in front of you. The more you can camo yourself the better your chances. Always keep your gun up on your knee in a semi shooting position in the direction you last heard the bird...the less movement you have to make when getting ready to shoot...the better...A turkey's sight and hearing are amazing. And finally...the best piece of advice I can give you is to be patient. Thats the key in my opinion to turkey hunting....when you call...he knows exactly where you are...he may be with some hens right then...but when they leave him...he is gonna want to find some more and being patient will pay off then.

Good Luck!

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I got a 20 pounder the other day.

Cleaned and frozen? :rolleyes:

Here's where I shop:




Sorry about the size. I'm ignorant of the way to reduce them.

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Awesome turk LE! It's been a strange year over here. Very sporadic gobbling for some reason. Also, I missed for the second time in my turkey hunting career, so I am in a bit of a funk right now. Nothing like chasing those gobbling beasts in the spring woods!

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is the turkey I was referring to. For some reason, the pic he emailed me doesn't show the spurs. Not sure what the deal is with that.


This is a pic of the same bird (right) on another field nearby.

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