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A Spirit That Is Not Afraid


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I was struck with some late night inspiration last night, and I thought I'd share with my AU Family.


I first encountered it as a small child. I had the privilege most don't have, of being raised to know the truth. I didn't fully understand the significance of it right away, but I took advantage of this unique spirit that raged inside of me. As I grew, so too did this feeling. It gave me great joy and pride, though I still didn't know exactly why. Others who didn't understand often belittled me when they caught a glimpse of the fire that burned within. I wanted to hide it, so I would never endure the pain that came along with it. But it was that same spirit that told me not to. It gave me the strength to know, that what I felt, was bigger than them. It was stronger than anything they could throw at me. It assured me that while the attacks would never end, they could not break me.

As I got older, I began to see why people carried such animosity towards something I, my family, and my closest friends, knew to be good. I saw the world for what it was. Full of evil, corruption, liars, cheaters, criminals. Full of hate. I knew why I had been given this unique gift. Why I had been cursed with the ridicule that went along with it. It was to prepare me for something much bigger, something much greater than the small battles that raged between those around me, over something that, to be honest, was quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Through it I learned lessons about life. I learned about disappointment. I learned about honesty, and truthfulness. I learned about the importance of a level playing field. I learned about fighting for the things you believe in. I learned about passion. I learned about perseverance. I learned about dedication, and faithfulness. I learned about perspective and priorities. I learned what being a man really meant. I learned about love. But most of all, I learned who I was, what I believed in, and why.

People that don't have it, will never understand. It can't be described, and it can't be explained or shared. It's a part of who we are, and what we believe in. It's a way of life. It's what drives us to be the best person we can be. It is something many others possess in the world. It can come in many forms, and be brought out of someone through many things. But ours is a special brand. It can never be taken from us, no matter what. And it is why no matter what the odds, whether in life or on the football field, we will never give up, and we will never go down without a fight. It is a spirt that is not afraid. And Auburn University, and Auburn football have burned it into our souls. We are Auburn, Fearless and True.


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No matter what, no matter where, no matter when, no matter who.....


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Great post! War Eagle, guys! ALL IN!

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I was just informed this made it's way to the bama free board. I had no idea why any of them would care about sharing this, but it got more of a reaction out of them, than from Auburn fans. I can't even comprehend how differently their minds work than ours. It's scary.


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I was just informed this made it's way to the bama free board. I had no idea why any of them would care about sharing this, but it got more of a reaction out of them, than from Auburn fans. I can't even comprehend how differently their minds work than ours. It's scary.


it made me create a user name to view, which made me feel dirty in of itself. how pathetic are those guys? wow. speechless

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I can't make myself create a name just to log onto a bammer board. Too much like a TSA "enhanced pat down" for this chick.

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