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Finescum Open Thread


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So, I know a lot of you hate to listen and support that jerk. I tend to agree, but the calls today promise to be PRICELESS! I'll be here listening, figure we might as well comment on all the butthurt bammers calling in.

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Well excuuuuuuuuse me Negative Nancy, I'm just trying to have some fun. No need to rain on my parade!

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Well excuuuuuuuuse me Negative Nancy, I'm just trying to have some fun. No need to rain on my parade!

I think what WarTiger wanted to convey was he wouldn't be listening to Findong under any circumstances. <_<

There is no doubt that the bammies will be butthurt over this. Last week AU comes back from 24 - 0 and beats their ass! Now this week Cam Newton is absolved and declared eligible to play by the NCAA.

Keep us informed AU! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I missed the name of who is talking here but some key quotes:

"There is no real deterrent to asking for money anymore."

"...this encourages the solicitation of money."

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Finebaum is an unabashed pot-stirrer, but I saw him a few times on ESPN talking about this whole deal and he was actually pretty supportive of Auburn and Cam.

I'd be curious for updates about today's show. Bammers are hating life this week.


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It is a conspiracy and mike slive bailed us out!....priceless.....

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It is a conspiracy and mike slive bailed us out!....priceless.....

Yeah, saw that one coming. Mike Slive throwing his weight around. Paul sounds happy that he can stop defending Cam.

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Well excuuuuuuuuse me Negative Nancy, I'm just trying to have some fun. No need to rain on my parade!

You clearly don't read my posts here. There is nothing in my comment or any comment ever made here that makes me Negative Nancy by any stretch. It's actually quite simple, but since you apparently struggle with the simple things, let me explain my statement to you.

Who cares? Refers to me not giving a rats ass what the uaters say, do or think. Who cares? Also refers to me not giving a rats ass what finescum or any other 2 bit hack journalist with a radio show thinks. Is that clear enough for you now?

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Well excuuuuuuuuse me Negative Nancy, I'm just trying to have some fun. No need to rain on my parade!

You clearly don't read my posts here. There is nothing in my comment or any comment ever made here that makes me Negative Nancy by any stretch. It's actually quite simple, but since you apparently struggle with the simple things, let me explain my statement to you.

Who cares? Refers to me not giving a rats ass what the uaters say, do or think. Who cares? Also refers to me not giving a rats ass what finescum or any other 2 bit hack journalist with a radio show thinks. Is that clear enough for you now?

Rain rain go away

come back when you have something nice to say. <_<

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@WarTiger, If you don't give a rats ass about what PF or uater think or say why the hell did you click this topic to read in the first place the title very clearly states this topic is about Finescum!!! :poke:

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Paul essentially just said Pat Dye was right. At least he said "Pat Dye predicted this weeks ago." I hope it didnt hurt him too bad to say it.

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"This job watch is sponsored by incomeathome55.com"

As much as I dislike PAWWWWWL Finescum, his commercials are the worst part of listening to him.

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Paul essentially just said Pat Dye was right. At least he said "Pat Dye predicted this weeks ago." I hope it didnt hurt him too bad to say it.


I cann't wait to see if Shane or the Legand call in!!

This attorney currently on here is always a reasonable guy..I like listening to him.

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Paul essentially just said Pat Dye was right. At least he said "Pat Dye predicted this weeks ago." I hope it didnt hurt him too bad to say it.


I cann't wait to see if Shane or the Legand call in!!

This attorney currently on here is always a reasonable guy..I like listening to him.

Yeah, the Newtons should have hired him!

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Paul essentially just said Pat Dye was right. At least he said "Pat Dye predicted this weeks ago." I hope it didnt hurt him too bad to say it.


I cann't wait to see if Shane or the Legand call in!!

This attorney currently on here is always a reasonable guy..I like listening to him.

Yeah, the Newtons should have hired him!

You know Paul was foaming at the mouth when this broke...I was really starting to think for some reason everything(over the last few weeks) was being held to be broke on his show there for a while- sorry that sounded very CIA- Bammish..hehe

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Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy blah blah blah...

"we expect nothing less from a bunch of west georgia water boys at JOX."

"I have lost all faith in Mike Slive."

"What do you mean he did his job, covering West Georgia's butt?"

"By the way, in the next week, Bobby Lowder and Jimmy Raines are going to be indited for fedral bank fraud and the dominoes are gonna start fallin' then buddy."

Then Paul called Jimmy and Bobby "good friends" of his.

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HA! "Well Paul, if you would just shut your mouth and quit with the hooey fooey I---" *click*

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HA! "Well Paul, if you would just shut your mouth and quit with the hooey fooey I---" *click*

OH YEAH...the tapes, where r those tapes

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"I'm not sure that Cecil Newton didn't shop him to everybody."

This guy just called Lane Kiffin and Bob Stoops liars.

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