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Finescum Open Thread


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Schad is taking his stance. That stance is against Auburn.

Worst case scenario for Schad: No one remembers any of his garbage.

Best case scenario for Schad: "I told you so! Y'all should have listened to me all along!"

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Schad is taking his stance. That stance is against Auburn.

Worst case scenario for Schad: No one remembers any of his garbage.

Best case scenario for Schad: "I told you so! Y'all should have listened to me all along!"

Reporters aren't suppose to take 'stances', are they ? They're suppose to report the facts. He must be heavily bank rolled by someone to endanger his very reputation on this. Either that, or he's got the intelligence of a doorknob.

Think no one will remember this ? Did you see how Mark Schlabach was treated, before the thUGA game?

Not too smart to become so adversarial to the very readers you hope to attract, is it ?

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Schad is taking his stance. That stance is against Auburn.

Worst case scenario for Schad: No one remembers any of his garbage.

Best case scenario for Schad: "I told you so! Y'all should have listened to me all along!"

Reporters aren't suppose to take 'stances', are they ? They're suppose to report the facts. He must be heavily bank rolled by someone to endanger his very reputation on this. Either that, or he's got the intelligence of a doorknob.

Think no one will remember this ? Did you see how Mark Schlabach was treated, before the thUGA game?

Not too smart to become so adversarial to the very readers you hope to attract, is it ?

Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past, unfortunately.

This is the biggest controversy that has erupted in the college football world in as long as I can remember. Twitter, Facebook, and major message boards didn't exist. We're presented with glorified bloggers(which can be anyone really) trying to make a name of themselves.

They've got nothing to lose, and to gain is another few clicks to their stupid website, blog, Twitter, etc.

"Dillweed over at stupiddillweed.com had this to say: Auburn is very bad people"..."Alright, fellas, let's run it during the 6 o'clock hour".

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It's been a hard six days for Bama fans.

What do you think has them more butt hurt losing a 24 point lead on their home field to their biggest rival or the NCAA clearing Cam Newton to play?

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It's been a hard six days for Bama fans.

What do you think has them more butt hurt losing a 24 point lead on their home field to their biggest rival or the NCAA clearing Cam Newton to play?

Come on Mike, they still have Milton McGregor and his special slot machines......

Bobby Lowder and Pat Dye's magic ATM cards......

Tigers Unlimited and the secret slush fund......

The FBI is coming to bring down Auburn, they have tapes you know....

Corky Frost and his ribeyes.....

Jimmy Rane and his yellowood....

Wayne Hall behind the grassy knoll....

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They are not going to let it go thats for sure. Schad says he is very confident in his source that said Cam called the MSU rep(who Finebaum says may be MRS. Mullen) and said "the money is too much at Auburn". Doesnt he think the NCAA might have looked into that? Why in the heck would Cam do that? Schad just cant deal with it.

Exactly correct. If Mrs Moo was the receipiant of this phone call it would have been very easy for NCAA to talk with her, check phone record. I seriously doubt that Schad's source in this was Mrs Moo but someone who knew someone, who knew someone etc. Schad is coming off as someone who got duped with a bunch of 2nd and 3rd hand bad info (see assistant in Tuscaloosa).

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It's been a hard six days for Bama fans.

What do you think has them more butt hurt losing a 24 point lead on their home field to their biggest rival or the NCAA clearing Cam Newton to play?

Come on Mike, they still have Milton McGregor and his special slot machines......

Bobby Lowder and Pat Dye's magic ATM cards......

Tigers Unlimited and the secret slush fund......

The FBI is coming to bring down Auburn, they have tapes you know....

Corky Frost and his ribeyes.....

Jimmy Rane and his yellowood....

Wayne Hall behind the grassy knoll....

OK arnoldoabru, I now get your humor when you apply it to the Football Forum. I need to go back a read some of your older Political Forum posts. You and TigerMike make a great comedey team. I like it. :poke:

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They are not going to let it go thats for sure. Schad says he is very confident in his source that said Cam called the MSU rep(who Finebaum says may be MRS. Mullen) and said "the money is too much at Auburn". Doesnt he think the NCAA might have looked into that? Why in the heck would Cam do that? Schad just cant deal with it.

Exactly correct. If Mrs Moo was the receipiant of this phone call it would have been very easy for NCAA to talk with her, check phone record. I seriously doubt that Schad's source in this was Mrs Moo but someone who knew someone, who knew someone etc. Schad is coming off as someone who got duped with a bunch of 2nd and 3rd hand bad info (see assistant in Tuscaloosa).

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As someone saisd above, journalistic integrity is gone. Now it's better to be first than to get it right. These media guys got duped by a few bloggers and their own greedy desire to look like they "know something".

Schap, Evans & co. know very well what that NCAA release means: It means that the area of the investigation concerning Auburn and Cam Newton is finished. They won't let it go because to do so is to admit they were wrong. Wrong doesn't get hits on your site. I miss the "old days" when reporters reported news and wrote some op-ed articles when they had legitimate sources.

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As someone saisd above, journalistic integrity is gone. Now it's better to be first than to get it right. These media guys got duped by a few bloggers and their own greedy desire to look like they "know something".

Schap, Evans & co. know very well what that NCAA release means: It means that the area of the investigation concerning Auburn and Cam Newton is finished. They won't let it go because to do so is to admit they were wrong. Wrong doesn't get hits on your site. I miss the "old days" when reporters reported news and wrote some op-ed articles when they had legitimate sources.

It's kinda like the Iraq war and Joe Schad is President Bush/Colin Powell. At least the government had the balls to later on admit the intelligence was wrong. Schad will never stop believing in his "sorces."

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Dog Finebaum all you want, I hate the guy too, but he just defended Newton very well on ESPN's OTL segment.

Hate him as I do, I must admit that he does know a lot about what's going on with college football, particularly in the SEC. I think from the start he felt strongly that Auburn would come out smelling like a rose and and he wanted to be on the side that said "I told you so".

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