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I Have Never Felt Like This


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Guys (and gals), I have been watching AU football since 1962. I have seen a bunch of games in person and on TV. I have been nervous for a bunch of games during that time period, but not like I am now. The nervousness of prior games pales in comparison to what I am feeling now. Frankly, there are times right now that I have to get away from thinking about the game coming up because I feel like I might throw up.

I would also add that if our guys are feeling anything like I am feeling now (and I suspect a good number of you feel the same way), our guys are going to play big-time smash-'em-in-the-mouth football tomorrow. They are going to hit the SCAR guys like they have never been hit before. Some of their folks are going to get knocked out and left bleeding on the turf. It is going to be an all-out, epic, seek and destroy mission by our guys.

Sure, you could say that the SCAR guys are going to feel the same way, but they can't possibly feel the same way. Their school and their QB has not been drug through the mud for 4 weeks now. Every time one turns on a sports show there is some kind of crap being given to our beloved AU and Cam. Don't think for a second that our guys are simply shrugging this off.

All season long, we have all wanted to see AU play a complete game. Tomorrow is that day! I can feel it in my bones. The old ball coach is going to be pushed into early retirement by some angry and talented Tigers!

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I feel exactly the same - I believe we are a team of destiny. But I still have been more nervous all week than usual for a BIG game. We have never played a game this BIG since I have been a Auburn fan. (was born one; started watching in '72 when I was six).

For the first time in my life, unlike our teams from '83 who got screwed by the rankings, '93 when we were on probation (had season tickets that year - still love ya Frank Sanders), and it 2004 when we royally got screwed,

this time, if we just win the game even by the smallest margins, we get to play for all the marbles.

I remember in '92 I told a co-worker of mine (Bama fan) just one time in my life I wanted to know what it would be like to watch Auburn play for the NC.

I told my wife before this season, one time before I die, I want to see us hoist the NC crystal ball.

If you look at my icon, I am also a Steelers fan. But I have said many times I would trade the Steelers last two Lombardis for one Auburn NC.

For all of you there tomorrow, scream your heads off!! We should have a HUGE advantage in the crowd.

For the rest of us watching from home or somewhere else, say a little prayer..just maybe you might be witnessing history.

It's always Great to be an Auburn Tiger. But this year has been one we will not forget for a long time!!

I love all my Auburn brothers and sisters!!

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I feel exactly the same - I believe we are a team of destiny. But I still have been more nervous all week than usual for a BIG game. We have never played a game this BIG since I have been a Auburn fan. (was born one; started watching in '72 when I was six).

For the first time in my life, unlike our teams from '83 who got screwed by the rankings, '93 when we were on probation (had season tickets that year - still love ya Frank Sanders), and it 2004 when we royally got screwed,

this time, if we just win the game even by the smallest margins, we get to play for all the marbles.

I remember in '92 I told a co-worker of mine (Bama fan) just one time in my life I wanted to know what it would be like to watch Auburn play for the NC.

I told my wife before this season, one time before I die, I want to see us hoist the NC crystal ball.

If you look at my icon, I am also a Steelers fan. But I have said many times I would trade the Steelers last two Lombardis for one Auburn NC.

For all of you there tomorrow, scream your heads off!! We should have a HUGE advantage in the crowd.

For the rest of us watching from home or somewhere else, say a little prayer..just maybe you might be witnessing history.

It's always Great to be an Auburn Tiger. But this year has been one we will not forget for a long time!!

I love all my Auburn brothers and sisters!!

I'm a Steelers fan too and I agree!

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I have only been observing Auburn football fanatically since 1969 (when I was 14) but I agree. TEAM OF DESTINY!!!


Bob in Winter Haven, FL

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