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BCS Championship ticket info


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I'd be nervous of buying from a scalper at the game at the risk of getting a counterfeit. I don't know if it's a popular thing for sporting events; but for concerts, I hear of horror stories from people going to a show without a ticket in hand only to get ripped off.

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I went the Rose Bowl last year and got face value tickets through a connection at a fellow PAC 10 school. Every school in your conference gets alloted some tickets. If you have a connection to another SEC school I would explore it. Especially if they are in the AD department at all. That is how I am getting face tickets to the "Natty".

We also had a few who tagged along for the ride and gave it a shot with scalpers in the parking lot before the game. We found them and then wore them down on price. I bet if you waited it out till just before kickoff with no more than $500 in your pocket your getting in. We paid $220 each for two great seats to the Rose Bowl last year an hour before kick and face was $150.

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I agree. If I spend the kinda cash it takes to get out there if I have to pay a ticket taker $200 I am getting in the game. I am not going to watch in a freakin sports bar.

I tend to believe this also. Honestly I think most people are fools paying these prices. Im 34 I dont think I have EVER paid above face for any event I have attended.

Scary thought to go ALL the way out there without tickets but I agree I think its the best course of action.

Stubhub, Ebay, all these ticket brokers and AU people trying to rip people off is a waste of tiem.

I've heard from many people who have gone to these type of events before that scalpers at the game are alot cheaper than buying from these other sites like stubhub. This is due to the local markets dont have alot of interest in attending the games and generally you have alot less people who go out to the locations these games are at without a ticket due to the cost of just traveling to get there.

I know its a scary thought for many, but if you didnt get a shot to buy through Auburn and dont want to pay the absurd prices out there this is probaly your best best at getting a "cheaper" ticket.

It's scary alright but I may end up doing it. I already have my flights and hotels booked just need the tickets. My wife and I are gonna do a couple nights in Vegas and then fly over to PHX the morning of the game. I have a couple more people I'm trying to network thru to get face value tix but if that falls thru I'll just see if prices drop or go without a ticket and hopefully get 2 there. If that doesnt work, I heard the Marriot or something that is near the stadium has a nice bar so I'll just watch it there with other Auburn fans and then go celebrate a national championship. Plus I get 2 days in Vegas so the trip wont be a total bust.

I'm going "All In" and making the trek out there without a ticket unless one falls from the sky into my lap. Booked airfare and hotel last week. By hook or by crook I'll get into the game. I'm not shelling out coin like this to go sit in a sports bar. Don't know how yet, but my a$$ will be in that stadium.

I was considering this too... that is alot of money for airfare and a hotel just to watch the game at a bar. I'm not too worried about the plane ticket. Trying to find a way in the stadium and finding a place to sleep are my worries. I guess I'll just watch it at the bar here :-/

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When I booked my hotels (have two currently booked) last week it wasn't too much of an issue. It doesn't appear from my limited looking that the hotels are gouging on prices, but availability may be an issue closer to the stadium.

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