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Enviro-wackos at it again


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Just when you think the loony fringe of the left wing environmental movement can't get any weirder, just read this and realize their weirdness knows no bounds:

Diaperless Babies Seen As Earth-Friendly Solution

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

April 22, 2004

(CNSNews.com)  - As environmentalists celebrate the 34th annual Earth Day, some in the green movement are now advocating "diaper-free" babies to help save the planet. 

Citing concerns about plastic disposable diapers clogging landfills and the amount of washing and detergents that cloth diapers require, many environmentalists are taking a page from tribal cultures and seeking to eliminate the use of the baby diapers altogether.

The green movement is now promoting diaperless babies as a "retro, cutting-edge, environmentally friendly scheme" to mothers throughout the industrialized world...

..."There is a way to have a baby and NOT use diapers," says one website advocating diaperless babies. Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant's body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.

One advocate suggests bringing a "tight-lidded bucket" along to serve as a waste receptacle when mothers take their babies out in public...


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Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant's body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.

Nasty hippies

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Can you imagine walking through the grocery store or the mall with a "tight-lidded bucket" full of feces and urine? What is wrong with these people?

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I'll buy the argument against disposable diapers (though we do use them) but I'll be damned if I'm walking around with skid marks on my arms from carrying Christopher or carrying a poopy rag in our totebag!!! I'm not THAT liberal!!!

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The only real solution for diapers is to potty train as early as possible. My cousins kid just now potty trained and he is 4. <_< My son decided he was ready at 22 months.

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I'll buy the argument against disposable diapers (though we do use them) but I'll be damned if I'm walking around with skid marks on my arms from carrying Christopher or carrying a poopy rag in our totebag!!! I'm not THAT liberal!!!

I understand the disposable diaper argument too, at least to some extent. But then again, estimates put disposable diapers at .5% to 1% of all landfill waste. This doesn't seem like the most effective target if your goal is making real reductions in landfill waste.

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shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.

The homeowners association here in Houston would have me for lunch if I let my Kids go "potty" on their beautiful azaleas.

It amazes me that we are to panic because the land-fills are getting filled.

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I'll buy the argument against disposable diapers (though we do use them) but I'll be damned if I'm walking around with skid marks on my arms from carrying Christopher or carrying a poopy rag in our totebag!!! I'm not THAT liberal!!!

I understand the disposable diaper argument too, at least to some extent. But then again, estimates put disposable diapers at .5% to 1% of all landfill waste. This doesn't seem like the most effective target if your goal is making real reductions in landfill waste.

But I think that their point, and I'm not defending everything environmentalists say or do, is that if there were twenty things that we could do, like not using disposable diapers, those .5's would add up to significant numbers cumulatively. Many of their ideas, while good, require more time and effort than we're probably willing to spend.

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John "I am a hero!" kerry is taking that LEFT hand turn to the green side.

Liberals....Natures losers!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not averse to taking potshots at Kerry when appropriate, but I don't think even he would advocate this kind of nuttery. This group definitely represents the radical fringe of the left, not the left as a whole.

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2 researchers from Ohio State University have put together a very detailed fact sheet on this subject. Pretty interesting read on a slow news day.

The Diaper Dilemma

My kids were environment polluting Pampers wearers, while my sisters crumb catchers wore cloth diapers. Cloth diapers to me seemed to be more of a mess, and that diaper pail always seemed to reek despite the plastic liner.

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I've got news for these folks, not everyone has the time nor energy to fool with cloth diapers. And I'm not carrying around a kid with a crap pail. So it's either creating more landfill pollution or creating more air and water pollution through energy use. Pick your poison. Since right now neither method is exactly catapulting us all toward imminent doom, I'll just use the disposable diapers and hopefully my children's children will benefit from a more environmentally friendly option, or they'll figure out how to recycle the disposable ones in a cost effective manner.

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I'm with you, Titan. I love kids, but there is nothing quite as revolting as picking up a nephew in very soggy cloth diapers.

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That's the thing. I'm not opposed to enviromentally friendly ideas and products...when they are practical and make sense all things considered. I'd love to have a gas/electric hybrid car. I just can't afford one right now. I think sometime next year Ford will be launching the Escape SUV with a hybrid engine that gets 35mpg. That's awesome. Keep 'em coming. But don't badger me about not having a larger vehicle in the here and now. A Geo Metro isn't going to cut it for our family.

Similarly, stop making people feel bad about using disposable diapers by resorting to nutty crap like this. If you want to live in a dirt floor hut, use a compost toilet, bathe in the creek, and carry around a crap pail for your kid, be my guest. Just don't expect me or other sane individuals to join you.

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Similarly, stop making people feel bad about using disposable diapers by resorting to nutty crap like this. If you want to live in a dirt floor hut, use a compost toilet, bathe in the creek, and carry around a crap pail for your kid, be my guest. Just don't expect me or other sane individuals to join you.

Exactly. If living in a "traditional" way like the tribes in Africa, why don't these people go live in a tribe in Africa.

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BTW guys, the next Environmental hazard from the Left:

The Horrors of the Flush Toilet.

I kid you not!

The next big push will be to eliminate the flush toilet. I bet this will finally show everyone in America that SOME of the Environmentalists are indeed...whack!

I am an Environmentalist but I do hard research before writing the check.

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Actually, David you are correct. From the article posted you could link to this article:

Flush Toilets Called 'Environmental Disaster'

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

June 12, 2003

(CNSNews.com) - Forget the convenience and sanitation of the flush toilet that industrialized nations have enjoyed for most of the past century.

A growing number of environmentalists are now advocating the expanded use of compost or dry toilets worldwide to combat what they see as an international water crisis.

Proponents of dry toilets, set to convene at the first annual international Dry Toilet 2003 conference in Tampere, Finland, August 20-23, warn of "environmental disaster" if developing nations aspire to flush toilets so prevalent in the industrialized world.

Critics of the upcoming conference say the widespread use of dry toilets in the developing world is nothing more than a "celebration of primitivism" and call the flush toilet the "greatest public health advance in the modern era."

A waterless dry toilet, which generally costs about $2,000, collects human urine and feces and requires emptying by humans on a regular basis. Advocates claim the resulting matter can then be composted and used as fertilizer for food crops.

Larry Warnberg, a featured speaker at the conference, said China and other developing world nations cannot aspire to mimic the U.S. and Europe's reliance on modern flush toilets and the resultant sewage infrastructure.

"That is a wrong turn, and it will just be an environmental disaster. The same is true in Brazil and Africa. There are better choices," Warnberg told CNSNews.com. Warnberg, who will speak to the conference about "Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Composting Toilets," also markets manuals on how to build a do-it-yourself dry toilet.

Warnberg calls his toilet designs S.C.A.T., which stands for Solar Composting Advanced Toilet.

Warnberg laments the widespread use of flush toilets in the industrialized nations of the U.S. and Europe, and he does not want to see the flush toilet adopted by the developing nations in Africa and South America.

"I think it is a mistake to inflict that convenience on a developing county and cost without realizing what the consequences are," Warnberg added....

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So there are some real wackos out there. Like I said, if these people want to live like a primative African tribe, why don't they go move in with a primative african tribe.

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Actually, David you are correct. From the article posted you could link to this article:
Flush Toilets Called 'Environmental Disaster'

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

June 12, 2003

(CNSNews.com) - Forget the convenience and sanitation of the flush toilet that industrialized nations have enjoyed for most of the past century.

A growing number of environmentalists are now advocating the expanded use of compost or dry toilets worldwide to combat what they see as an international water crisis.

Proponents of dry toilets, set to convene at the first annual international Dry Toilet 2003 conference in Tampere, Finland, August 20-23, warn of "environmental disaster" if developing nations aspire to flush toilets so prevalent in the industrialized world.

Critics of the upcoming conference say the widespread use of dry toilets in the developing world is nothing more than a "celebration of primitivism" and call the flush toilet the "greatest public health advance in the modern era."

A waterless dry toilet, which generally costs about $2,000, collects human urine and feces and requires emptying by humans on a regular basis. Advocates claim the resulting matter can then be composted and used as fertilizer for food crops.

Larry Warnberg, a featured speaker at the conference, said China and other developing world nations cannot aspire to mimic the U.S. and Europe's reliance on modern flush toilets and the resultant sewage infrastructure.

"That is a wrong turn, and it will just be an environmental disaster. The same is true in Brazil and Africa. There are better choices," Warnberg told CNSNews.com. Warnberg, who will speak to the conference about "Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Composting Toilets," also markets manuals on how to build a do-it-yourself dry toilet.

Warnberg calls his toilet designs S.C.A.T., which stands for Solar Composting Advanced Toilet.

Warnberg laments the widespread use of flush toilets in the industrialized nations of the U.S. and Europe, and he does not want to see the flush toilet adopted by the developing nations in Africa and South America.

"I think it is a mistake to inflict that convenience on a developing county and cost without realizing what the consequences are," Warnberg added....

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So there are some real wackos out there. Like I said, if these people want to live like a primative African tribe, why don't they go move in with a primative african tribe.

Thank you! :hail::hail::hail:

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]Exactly. If living in a "traditional" way like the tribes in Africa, why don't these people go live in a tribe in Africa.

The tribes in Africa don't want them over there! :D

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