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Kerry's new ad campaign,,,, more lies!


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Kerry's biographical 'vision for America' ads debut

Starting Tuesday and running through May 27, Kerry will air two 60-second ads in the 19 states as well as on national cable news channels. The ads stress Kerry's record as a Vietnam War vet, prosecutor and lawmaker.

One ad shows Kerry with Republican Sen. John McCain. A narrator describes their work involving soldiers missing in action from the Vietnam War. McCain, a friend of Kerry's, supports Bush's re-election.

That ad says Kerry cast "a decisive vote" in 1993 that "created 20 million new jobs." The vote was for spending restrictions and tax increases that put the federal budget on the path to surpluses in the late 1990s. It passed the Senate by one vote — but it was Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., who was seen as the last senator to get on board. Most economists say deficit reduction helped but was not solely responsible for job growth in the '90s.


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Poor john...He can't help it...The TRUTH is just TOO painful ! ! ! ! !

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