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Congrats to TigerAl


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I just realized that you had made it through all the stages of dealing with a trauma and had finally reached acceptance. I saw that you had changed your title to bedwetting libbie and I was so proud of you :lol:;) . I would have went for resident bedwetting libbie because you are a fixture here,but hey.

I thought about using an accurate description of myself for my title, but I didn't think they'd let me go with Big A$$ho*# :lol: .

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I just realized that you had made it through all the stages of dealing with a trauma and had finally reached acceptance. I saw that you had changed your title to bedwetting libbie and I was so proud of you :lol:;) . I would have went for resident bedwetting libbie because you are a fixture here,but hey.

I thought about using an accurate description of myself for my title, but I didn't think they'd let me go with Big A$$ho*# :lol: .

Hey, BamaGrad can call himself 'Kool-Aid Drinker' and still be cool, so I thought I could have a little fun, too! I wouldn't use the term 'resident' for fear of alienating the two or three other liberals on board.

In fact, I would call on all of the liberals here to change your 'rank' to 'Bedwetting Libbie' and then we'll have a true coalition to do battle with the VRWC!!!

Who's with me!?! Let's...GO!!!...go, go ,go, go, go...!

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The next step after acceptance is cure. C'mon now TigerAl, GOP GOP GOP GOP GOP GOP!!!!


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The next step after acceptance is cure. C'mon now TigerAl, GOP GOP GOP GOP GOP GOP!!!!



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TA, are you okay? Get your wife to check you temperature, you've got us worried.

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Everyone look! Tigeral is purging the liberalism right out of his system! :lol:

That was truly hilarious! :roflol:

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I want to see a REAL party for America. Not the two special interest parties that we have now. They both stink!

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I want to see a REAL party for America. Not the two special interest parties that we have now. They both stink!

There's always the Constitution Party!!!

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ALRIGHT! its about time someone else besides me had enough sense of humore to laugh at himself/herself. :)

Way to go Tiger Al!

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Congratulations to Tiger Al for being one of the more intelligent, thoughtful, reasonable regular posters.  Salute!


Just kidding with you, Al. ;)

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< -

I'd say I have a healthy dose of self-deprecation, too...or at least weirdness.

I'm voting for Spuds McKenzie for president... B)

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<---------I'd say I have a healthy dose of self-deprecation, too...or at least weirdness.

I'm voting for Spuds McKenzie for president... B)

I don't understand your signature. :(

'There are 10 types of people in this world...those who understand binary, and those who do not.'


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Al, 10 = the number 2 in binary. Base 2 instead of base 10.

1 = 1

10 = 2

11 = 3

100 = 4

101 = 5

110 = 6

111 = 7

1000 = 8

1001 = 9

1010 = 10

1011 = 11

1100 = 12

1101 = 13

1110 = 14

1111 = 15


I used to mess with people's heads when I was 32...if someone asked me how old I was, every now and then I'd tell them 100000.

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I'm by no means an expert at this, but binary acts like an on/off (or yes/no) switch in computer programs and such...1 is on, 0 is off. I will defer to some of our more erudite computer types on anything more specific.

Check out the link below for a more detailed explanation...it also includes hexadecimal, which is base 16.

Comparing Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal

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Thanks a lot, Slag...now I've gotta go find some Tylenol!!! Maybe if I stayed in a Holiday Inn!

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Maybe if I stayed in a Holiday Inn!


don't forget it has to be an 'express'!!

That must be it. It was NOT an Express! :D

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