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The economic genius in the White House


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If you ever wonder what’s wrong with Obamanomics, this passage from President Obama’s second press conference on the debt-ceiling debate should explain it, (emphasis mine):

So my general view is that if the American people looked at this, they’d say, boy, some of these decisions are tough, but they don’t require us to gut Medicare or Social Security. They don’t require us to stop helping young people go to college. They don’t require us to stop helping families who’ve got a disabled child. They don’t require us to violate our obligations to our veterans. And they don’t require "job-killing tax cuts." [sic]

It would seem the community organizer believes that tax cuts kill jobs.


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If you ever wonder what’s wrong with Obamanomics, this passage from President Obama’s second press conference on the debt-ceiling debate should explain it, (emphasis mine):

So my general view is that if the American people looked at this, they’d say, boy, some of these decisions are tough, but they don’t require us to gut Medicare or Social Security. They don’t require us to stop helping young people go to college. They don’t require us to stop helping families who’ve got a disabled child. They don’t require us to violate our obligations to our veterans. And they don’t require "job-killing tax cuts." [sic]

It would seem the community organizer believes that tax cuts kill jobs.


Tax cuts create jobs?

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If you ever wonder what’s wrong with Obamanomics, this passage from President Obama’s second press conference on the debt-ceiling debate should explain it, (emphasis mine):

So my general view is that if the American people looked at this, they’d say, boy, some of these decisions are tough, but they don’t require us to gut Medicare or Social Security. They don’t require us to stop helping young people go to college. They don’t require us to stop helping families who’ve got a disabled child. They don’t require us to violate our obligations to our veterans. And they don’t require "job-killing tax cuts." [sic]

It would seem the community organizer believes that tax cuts kill jobs.


Tax cuts create jobs?

So you agree with Obama that tax cuts kill jobs.

Thanks for playing.

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If you ever wonder what’s wrong with Obamanomics, this passage from President Obama’s second press conference on the debt-ceiling debate should explain it, (emphasis mine):

So my general view is that if the American people looked at this, they’d say, boy, some of these decisions are tough, but they don’t require us to gut Medicare or Social Security. They don’t require us to stop helping young people go to college. They don’t require us to stop helping families who’ve got a disabled child. They don’t require us to violate our obligations to our veterans. And they don’t require "job-killing tax cuts." [sic]

It would seem the community organizer believes that tax cuts kill jobs.


Tax cuts create jobs?

Business owners reactions to tax cuts create jobs.

Business owners reactions to tax hikes kills private sector jobs.

Governments reaction to tax cuts should kill non productive public sector jobs, but we can borrow money forever so that doesn't happen.

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