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AU in NFL exhibition play


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Some stats...

Mike Blanc (Chargers) - 2 Tackles / 1 TFL

Josh Bynes (Ravens) - 1 TFL

Ronnie Brown (Eagles) - 9 Rushes for 22 Yards, 1 Reception for 7 Yards

Zac Etheridge (Raiders) - 1 Tackle

Source: http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/scoreboard

Who watched the games? How'd our guys look?

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FYI, here's a full list of AU players (40) in the NFL...

Adams, Darvin -- Carolina Panthers

Aromashodu, Devin -- Minnesota Vikings

Billings, Montez -- New Orleans Saints

Blanc, Mike -- San Diego Chargers

Brown, Ronnie -- Philadelphia Eagles

Bynes, Josh -- Baltimore Ravens

Campbell, Jason -- Oakland Raiders

Clayton, Zach -- Tennessee Titans

Coleman, Antonio -- Buffalo Bills

Dansby, Karlos -- Miami Dolphins

Davis, Tristan -- Minnesota Vikings

Dunlap, King -- Philadelphia Eagles

Etheridge, Zac -- Oakland Raiders

Fairley, Nick -- Detroit Lions

Fannin, Mario -- Denver Broncos

Green, Tyronne -- San Diego Chargers

Groves, Quentin -- Oakland Raiders

Grubbs, Ben -- Baltimore Ravens

Herring, Will -- New Orleans Saints

Isom, Byron -- Minnesota Vikings

Johnson, Spencer -- Buffalo Bills

Lee, Pat -- Green Bay Packers

Marks, Sen'Derrick -- Tennessee Titans

McFadden, Walter -- Oakland Raiders

McNeill, Marcus -- San Diego Chargers

Newton, Cam -- Carolina Panthers

Obomanu, Ben -- Seattle Seahawks

Powers, Jerraud -- Indianapolis Colts

Pugh, Ryan -- Carolina Panthers

Ratliff, Jay -- Dallas Cowboys

Rogers, Carlos -- San Francisco 49ers

Sims, Pat -- Cincinnati Bengals

Spikes, Takeo -- San Diego Chargers

Tate, Ben -- Houston Texans

Torbor, Reggie -- Buffalo Bills

Washington, Demond -- Kansas City Chiefs

Wilhite, Jonathan -- New England Patriots

Williams, Cadillac -- St. Louis Rams

Zachery, Terrell -- Baltimore Ravens

Ziemba, Lee -- Carolina Panthers


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DYK: Carolina, Oakland and San Diego all have four (4) AU players on their roster?

Atleast 3 other teams have 3 AU players. AFC South has only 4 across the league- Ben Tate(Texans), Sen'Derrick Marks, Zack Clayton(Titans), Jerraud Powers(Colts). My Jags did have one, but traded my boy Quinten Groves across the country....

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Montez Billings (Saints) - 1 Reception for 25 Yards

Karlos Dansby (Dolphins) - 2 Tackles

Demond Washington (Chiefs) - 1 Tackle

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Montez Billings (Saints) - 1 Reception for 25 Yards

Karlos Dansby (Dolphins) - 2 Tackles

Demond Washington (Chiefs) - 1 Tackle

Julio got the largest reception of any player at the Falcons game, thought that was interesting.

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Montez Billings (Saints) - 1 Reception for 25 Yards

Karlos Dansby (Dolphins) - 2 Tackles

Demond Washington (Chiefs) - 1 Tackle

Julio got the largest reception of any player at the Falcons game, thought that was interesting.

Heard ol JPW got knocked out of the game too

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Montez Billings (Saints) - 1 Reception for 25 Yards

Karlos Dansby (Dolphins) - 2 Tackles

Demond Washington (Chiefs) - 1 Tackle

Julio got the largest reception of any player at the Falcons game, thought that was interesting.

Heard ol JPW got knocked out of the game too

Yea Sarah got wacked pretty hard when the D-line came in and crushed him. Not sure what it was but from the walk of shame I think shoulder. He threw the prettiest interception I have ever seen ;)

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