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John Kerry, August 5, 1986


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"Are we rushing headlong into the next step of those 40 years of progressions by which we do something then they do something, by which we pretend that we're going to build this and it will somehow strengthen our deterrent then they do it, and low and behold, the next thing we know is, the President of the United States is addressing the nation saying, ‘My fellow Americans, I hate to tell you this, but the Soviet Union is deploying more of these, and we have to respond, and I'm asking the Congress for more money in order to respond.’ Star Wars is guaranteed to do that, and it's guaranteed to threaten the heavens -- the one line we haven't yet crossed with weaponry: the heavens." – Senator John Kerry, on SDI, the program that brought the evil empire to its knees, August 5, 1986.
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"Are we rushing headlong into the next step of those 40 years of progressions by which we do something then they do something, by which we pretend that we're going to build this and it will somehow strengthen our deterrent then they do it, and low and behold, the next thing we know is, the President of the United States is addressing the nation saying, ‘My fellow Americans, I hate to tell you this, but the Soviet Union is deploying more of these, and we have to respond, and I'm asking the Congress for more money in order to respond.’ Star Wars is guaranteed to do that, and it's guaranteed to threaten the heavens -- the one line we haven't yet crossed with weaponry: the heavens." – Senator John Kerry, on SDI, the program that brought the evil empire to its knees, August 5, 1986.

George Bush, July  6, 1986:  George W Bush gives up alcohol on his 40th birthday. As he explains it later to friends, Laura had given him an ultimatum: "It's me or the bottle."
George Bush, August 5, 1986:  "Com'on Laura, how 'bout just a few shots tomorrow to celebrate a month of sobriety?"

You know, one of the Republican advantages of pulling quotes from the distant past is that Bush hadn't said much that was worth repeating that long ago.

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wow TT...

new low.

And the sad thing is, I'm still not even close to the floor set by Bush and his supporters. But if the Republican strategy in 2000 was to select a person with no history of accomplishment to sort through and pick apart, what are we supposed to compare Kerry of 18-35 years ago to? If what John Kerry said and did years ago is so relevant they why is not Dubya's?

By the way, guess who said this in 2000:

"The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is simply unqualified for the job, he's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party. Yes, he was elected governor of Texas, and before that he ran a baseball team and lost a lot of other people's money in the oil business. But what has happened in the intervening five years to make people believe he'd be a good president? What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"

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