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ESPN announces 30 for 30 film on Bo Jackson


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ESPN to air '30 for 30' film on Bo Jackson

Published: Friday, August 03, 2012, 6:14 PM Updated: Friday, August 03, 2012, 6:20 PM

10151435.png By Wesley Sinor, al.comal.com



"You Don't Know Bo," a documentary on Bo Jackson, is scheduled to air Dec. 9 on ESPN. (The Birmingham News)ESPN announced its fall schedule for the "30 for 30 Vol. II" film series on Friday, and among the first six films is a documentary on Auburn legend Bo Jackson entitled "You Don't Know Bo."

Directed by Michael Bonfiglio, the film is described as "a close look at the man and marketing campaign that shaped his legacy. Even without winning a Super Bowl or World Series, Bo redefined the role of the athlete in the pop cultural conversation. More than 20 years later, myths and legends still surround Bo Jackson, and his impossible feats still capture our collective imagination."

The critically-acclaimed film series premiered in October 2009 and focuses on sports stories from the last 30 years.

ESPN Films made its mark on the Auburn-Alabama rivalry when it aired the documentary "Roll Tide/War Eagle" in November 2011.

Jackson recently made headlines with his "Bo Bikes Bama" bicycle tour, which raised $410,000 for the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund.

"You Don't Know Bo" is scheduled to air Dec. 8 at 9 p.m. on ESPN.

I can't wait. This should be a good film. Hopefully they spend a good bit of time on his career at Auburn.

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Not a huge fan of anything ESPN these days,

But always a huge fan of Bo.

I'll probably watch it...but then probably be P.O'd at every shot they take against Auburn or Cam! ...and/or every plug they give Bama!

(Even if Bo was 30 years ago, want to start a pool on how much camera time they manage to give Harvey? That'll be right around or just after his trial...)

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Ooo wow I am absolutely stoked to watch this! I wish it had been directed by Billy Corbin but 30 for 30's are usually quality documentaries. (excluding the Roll Tide/War Eagle)

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