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Prayers PLEASE

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Hey everyone. I lost my dad to a major heart attack at just the age of 49 here about 4 months ago and now my mother is in bad shape. They said her arteries around her heart were 60 percent blocked and unable to have a stint, balloon, and maybe not even a bypass done. We decided to try for the bypass next week, but the odds are not in our favor. I'm still in debt from my fathers funeral and have no insurance on my mother. Afraid I'm going to lose my second parent here in less than six months. I could really use the prayers right now guys. I like to think we are good christian, Auburn people and are in our most dire need for the lord.

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Your mother and your family will be in my prayers. My dad died a year ago this month and know what you are going through....

1 Peter 5:10  Â¶But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Lord Bless!

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Guest Autiger88

Got it and remember If she does go the lord has got you and will always be there,

for he said I will never leave you nor forsake you but my prayers go out to you and your family.

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You got it bro. Prayers sent. The whole entire Auburn Family will be praying for you and your mother. Make sure you tell her that we're thinking about her and for her to stay strong. Our prayers will pull her through.

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Guest shirley4au9

Father, I pray for this woman's health to be restored, but most of all Lord, seeking your Will. Lord, I pray for this family as they are in this storm. Please Lord, prepare the way for them and give them peace and understanding that only You can provide. By the cross at Calvery and the blood shed there, I ask these things. Amen!

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Thanks everybody, it means a lot. Now only time will tell. It's going to be a long weekend waiting on the surgery next week. Much love everyone.

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Father, I pray for this woman's health to be restored, but most of all Lord, seeking your Will. Lord, I pray for this family as they are in this storm. Please Lord, prepare the way for them and give them peace and understanding that only You can provide. By the cross at Calvery and the blood shed there, I ask these things. Amen!


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