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Recruiting madness!


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I did it again!  Every year I make a promise to not only myself but my family that I won't get the recruiting bug again, but every year I break that promise.  Why do we get so involved in what a 17 or 18 year old kid does or doesn't do?  We go into fits if a kid says one thing and then does another.  Remember when you were that age?  did you follow through on EVERYTHING you said you would do.  I sure didn't.  We should expect the same from these kids.  I didn't have schools knocking my door adking me to come to their college but if I did, my personality would be that I wouldn't have wanted to hurt anhyone's feelings.  My guess is some of these kids have that same problem.  I'm so glad that the dead period starts tomorrow night.  At least after that, I won't have to sit in front of my computer and refresh every 5 minutes to catch "the latest."  I promise I won't do this again next year...yeah, right!

Now I want to put this out now because if I wait until afte NSD then the uat trolls that lurk in here will just go on and on about how how we lost on so many without a statement about the ones we did get, but that's just how they are.

No matter what happens on NSD, Auburn will have a great class.  We may get everybody we want, we may not.  It's hard to pull so many top players from so many other states.  Regradless of how it goes, I can't remember AU being in on so many top prospects this late.  Our coaches should be proud and we should be proud of them for working so hard.


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