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I'm sure someone has already brought this up


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but I'm not going to wade through the endless threads and 14 pages about the new article with Cecil admitting money was discussed...you know, discussing money doesn't mean that he was seeking to get money for Cam's signature. I would think it's quite possible that he discussed the money because it was a topic that was broached with him, but thirty seconds into the conversation told the MSU guy to get lost. That would explain why he never told Cam or Cam's mom about it.

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but I'm not going to wade through the endless threads and 14 pages about the new article with Cecil admitting money was discussed...you know, discussing money doesn't mean that he was seeking to get money for Cam's signature. I would think it's quite possible that he discussed the money because it was a topic that was broached with him, but thirty seconds into the conversation told the MSU guy to get lost. That would explain why he never told Cam or Cam's mom about it.

Taylojo is gonna be mad at you!!!

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but I'm not going to wade through the endless threads and 14 pages about the new article with Cecil admitting money was discussed...you know, discussing money doesn't mean that he was seeking to get money for Cam's signature. I would think it's quite possible that he discussed the money because it was a topic that was broached with him, but thirty seconds into the conversation told the MSU guy to get lost. That would explain why he never told Cam or Cam's mom about it.

Taylojo is gonna be mad at you!!!


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Thanks nilla (I like your cookies by the way).  I haven't been worried about this yet, though it has been a stressful week and the damage has been done to our reputation.  I agree with you.  He may have even had a couple of conversations with those connected to MSU.  They brought the prospect of $ up to get Cam to go ahead and sign with MSU.  He considered it for a little while, then decided it was wrong and he couldn't jeopardize Cam's future like that.  He knew now that he could no longer sign with MSU and chose Auburn instead (not that Auburn didn't have a million reasons over MSU already).  I do think in the end Cam plays the rest of the season for Auburn.  Cecil's reputation takes a hit and by default to some people Cam, Auburn and the SEC take a little hit too. 

My in-laws are huge Iowa fans and they all think the SEC is dirty.  They are using this against the SEC and Auburn.  I just remind them that Iowa has one of the highest arrest records over the last 3 years in college football.  Though, the arrests aren't for beating their girlfriends or dealing drugs.  They all get dui's in the long winters there.

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Thanks nilla (I like your cookies by the way).

LOL!!! Yeah, there's actually a really funny story about Nilla Wafers from a few years back: So I was at my parents' lakehouse watching a game and drinking beer with a couple of friends (actually, now that I think about it, I think it was the 05 UGA game when Cox stepped up in the pocket on fourth down and delivered...oh that was a sweet game), and later that night I apparently blacked out, because the next day I had a friend call me and start talking to me about our conversation the night before, and I didn't remember anything about it. I sincerely thought she was messing with me, because I thought I'd passed out not long after the game.

Then she mentioned how I'd been talking about how much I love vanilla wafers...and at that point, I stopped, and it all sunk in, because I very rarely buy them, but had randomly gotten a box the day before and eaten them during the game. That was the first time I ever blacked out...the second time, which was not nearly as much fun, led me to stop drinking.

To this day, we still mess with each other about vanilla wafers. One sentence and we're both cracking up...you know how inside jokes like that are. :-P

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I've always liked nilla wafers, but I'll swear off 'em if they get in the way of beer.  :trampoline:

Anybody else have any food-related anecdotes?  Preferably family-friendly and in good taste.  Let's keep this thread going  :-\

OK, I'll start.  (Looks suspiciously from side to side in case wife is near).  This is back a few years, don't want you to think it was recent.  Girlfriend and I are sharing a cookie and she puts it halfway into her mouth and crap - can't tell that one.

That was a really good cookie, though.  I must have hunted for crumbs for an hour.

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yeah, no one else finds it funny... :-\



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My buddy said there is an article somewhere that says Cecil asked for the money cause his church was going down. Is this correct? Has anyone seen this?

Even if he did and only to MSU; then nothing attaches to Auburn or even Cam and Auburn. NCAA rules state that it applies only to the institution in question. Player can be reinstated if money repayed but no one even alledges any money ever changed hands, only was discussed. This to me weighs heavily in AU and Cam`s favor. But what do I know.

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one portion that pisses me off is that people were demanding to find out where the $ to fix the church came form. and never any proof that the church had even been fixed. tony barnhard and finebaum both talked about this. imo that could be grounds for slander.

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In the light of this weeks events, Name the source of said wafers or I'm not believing it.

The source was Wal-Mart. I'm not sure where they got the wafers or if anything nefarious went on in their acquirement, but at this time I remain adamant that this is nothing more than a witch hunt meant to discredit my food. :laugh:

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In the light of this weeks events, Name the source of said wafers or I'm not believing it.

The source was Wal-Mart. I'm not sure where they got the wafers or if anything nefarious went on in their acquirement, but at this time I remain adamant that this is nothing more than a witch hunt meant to discredit my food. :laugh:

Stick with "no comment" Red - it is safer!! :)

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I haven't heard anyone explain how the nillas became red. Any ideas? :P

n2hoops has the right idea, because the questions are just never going to go away, are they?

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