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And the worst fanbase of the year goes to.....


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The University of Georgia....I have been to every home game at Jordan Hare Stadium this year and they were by far the worst.  Yes, they even beat LSU.  The Georgia fans around me wished death upon Bell and Etheridge the whole time they were down on the ground.  They bashed Auburn University the WHOLE game.  This was not just UGA students....it was grown men and women....Maybe someone else had a better experience with them?

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The University of Georgia....I have been to every home game at Jordan Hare Stadium this year and they were by far the worst.  Yes, they even beat LSU.  The Georgia fans around me wished death upon Bell and Etheridge the whole time they were down on the ground.  They bashed Auburn University the WHOLE game.  This was not just UGA students....it was grown men and women....Maybe someone else had a better experience with them?

Did they bark like dogs?  I can never get over grown people doing that cracks me up every time.

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The University of Georgia....I have been to every home game at Jordan Hare Stadium this year and they were by far the worst.  Yes, they even beat LSU.  The Georgia fans around me wished death upon Bell and Etheridge the whole time they were down on the ground.  They bashed Auburn University the WHOLE game.  This was not just UGA students....it was grown men and women....Maybe someone else had a better experience with them?

Did they bark like dogs?  I can never get over grown people doing that cracks me up every time.

Yes, all game....

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try living around them 24/7...makes you wanna go to petsmart and buy a leash and some doggy treats

More like a muzzle.

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try living around them 24/7...makes you wanna go to petsmart and buy a leash and some doggy treats

More like a muzzle.

some shock collars would be even better...could you imagine 15000 people with those on haha

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try living around them 24/7...makes you wanna go to petsmart and buy a leash and some doggy treats

Know exactly how you feel. SO going to enjoy wearing every piece of Auburn gear I own around town for the next week. I always catch dirty looks even when they had their streak. I am sure that I will be loved even more now. Hope the pastor does not mind an Auburn polo at church in the morning.  ;D

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The last ugaly game I went to, my wife had to keep me from skull dragging some ugaly frat punks. It was 2006. They were talking about bringing down the goalpost. I said, "go ahead. It's your funeral."

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The last ugaly game I went to, my wife had to keep me from skull dragging some ugaly frat punks. It was 2006. They were talking about bringing down the goalpost. I said, "go ahead. It's your funeral."

You should have encouraged auburn could use some more fine money for its budget.

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I live in Georgia and I find that the ones that *actually* attended school at UGA are fine.  For the most part, they are actually good sports.  The obnoxious ones are the part of the fanbase that never attended school at UGA... the ones that bark at every play for positive yardage

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The University of Georgia....I have been to every home game at Jordan Hare Stadium this year and they were by far the worst.  Yes, they even beat LSU.  The Georgia fans around me wished death upon Bell and Etheridge the whole time they were down on the ground.  They bashed Auburn University the WHOLE game.  This was not just UGA students....it was grown men and women....Maybe someone else had a better experience with them?

Did they bark like dogs?  I can never get over grown people doing that cracks me up every time.

It was too funny when CBS showed UGA 8 (or 9, or 10, or 11, I can't keep up) sleeping on the sidelines toward the end of the game.  ;D

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I guess we should feel grateful that they didn't rush the field and rip up the grass.  they are still mad because they lost to fla for the 18th out of the last 20 games.  My wife told me that I should probably take my auburn flag down tonight so we don't get vandalized.  that is really sad.  even she knows and she doesn't even watch football.

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The last ugaly game I went to, my wife had to keep me from skull dragging some ugaly frat punks. It was 2006. They were talking about bringing down the goalpost. I said, "go ahead. It's your funeral."

I guess these lads were too young to remember the last time a group of Georgia fans tried to rush the field- hose'um. Man that was fun to watch.

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I went to one AU-UGA game in Athens, 1979. Auburn put a whoopin' on the dogs that day. But the thing I will never forget about that game is a UGA fan wearing a shirt that said in bold  letter, F...k Auburn. I mean there were kids around, but this clown thought he was cool. Bottom line AU came away with a 33-20 victory, if memory serves me correctly. Both Joe Cribbs and James Brooks rushed for over 100 yards that day. WDE.

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I was at the game in the upper deck not far from the UGA section.  Listen, I want to beat Georgia almost as bad as Bama since I live in Atlanta and work with many doggies, but I only saw one jerk the whole night.  I actually was thinking how this rivalry at times is probably less intense fan-to-fan because of the proximity of schools/fanbase.

The worst jerk I saw all night was actually an Auburn fan sitting next to a UGA fan giving him crap (and the UGA guy was actually nice and chatting up the AU people around us).

This falls into the "every team has their jerks fans".  Seems to always come down to what part of the stadium you might be sitting in I guess.

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The last ugaly game I went to, my wife had to keep me from skull dragging some ugaly frat punks. It was 2006. They were talking about bringing down the goalpost. I said, "go ahead. It's your funeral."

I guess these lads were too young to remember the last time a group of Georgia fans tried to rush the field- hose'um. Man that was fun to watch.

LMAO!!!! I still had that sweat shirt up until a few years ago


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I've always been able to handle Georgia folk.  Like Housel says, it's a family dispute.

But as Richt has lost control of his players, it seems to be attracting a different kind of fan, and the long-time folks are either catching the attitude or letting it happen.

Either way, it's not healthy.

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I was at the game in the upper deck not far from the UGA section.  Listen, I want to beat Georgia almost as bad as Bama since I live in Atlanta and work with many doggies, but I only saw one jerk the whole night.  I actually was thinking how this rivalry at times is probably less intense fan-to-fan because of the proximity of schools/fanbase.

The worst jerk I saw all night was actually an Auburn fan sitting next to a UGA fan giving him crap (and the UGA guy was actually nice and chatting up the AU people around us).

This falls into the "every team has their jerks fans".  Seems to always come down to what part of the stadium you might be sitting in I guess.

Good post.

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