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Finebaum ripping Pat Dye.....


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FB just tweeted this:

"Pat Dye got his panties in a wad a week ago about Cam & got mad. His behavior was cowardly for not showing up last night. Inexcusable."

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Obviously you guys don't know much about business.. Pat Dye is a paid spokesperson for Craneworks. I can assure you there are plenty of people working for CW who's income depends on the business he generates by being on the show... His a$$ needs to show up when a business is paying him a nice sum of money to be on a show.. he might be an ex AU coach, but he has no excuse because he is well paid and has a business agreement..

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FB just tweeted this:

"Pat Dye got his panties in a wad a week ago about Cam & got mad. His behavior was cowardly for not showing up last night. Inexcusable."

FB has the gall to call Pat Dye cowardly?????  WTH????

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Obviously you guys don't know much about business.. Pat Dye is a paid spokesperson for Craneworks. I can assure you there are plenty of people working for CW who's income depends on the business he generates by being on the show... His a$$ needs to show up when a business is paying him a nice sum of money to be on a show.. he might be an ex AU coach, but he has no excuse because he is well paid and has a business agreement..

This would then be between Craneworks and DYE.... FBaum has carried things too far... Fbaum was also supposed to treat Dye with respect which he does not do... Dye would only appear with Stallings... Look for Craneworks to find another place to advertise... that is why FBaum is so upset...

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Obviously you guys don't know much about business.. Pat Dye is a paid spokesperson for Craneworks. I can assure you there are plenty of people working for CW who's income depends on the business he generates by being on the show... His a$$ needs to show up when a business is paying him a nice sum of money to be on a show.. he might be an ex AU coach, but he has no excuse because he is well paid and has a business agreement..

How do you know Pat Dye is well paid to appear on the crappiest radio show in the country? How do you know Craneworks didn't know he was in Macon for a speaking engagement? Where did you get your " facts"?
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Obviously you guys don't know much about business.. Pat Dye is a paid spokesperson for Craneworks. I can assure you there are plenty of people working for CW who's income depends on the business he generates by being on the show... His a$$ needs to show up when a business is paying him a nice sum of money to be on a show.. he might be an ex AU coach, but he has no excuse because he is well paid and has a business agreement..

This would then be between Craneworks and DYE.... FBaum has carried things too far... Fbaum was also supposed to treat Dye with respect which he does not do... Dye would only appear with Stallings... Look for Craneworks to find another place to advertise... that is why FBaum is so upset...

I am going to have to disagree with you here.  The contract is between WJOX and Dye, Craneworks simply "sponsors" the segment.  Just to make sure there isn't any confusion on this WJOX pays Dye a fixed amount per show/season (lets say $1,000 per show), they then turn around and sell the sponsorship rights to a third party, crane works in this case, for a premium (lets say $4,000 per show).  If the show doesn't go on like it's supposed to, i.e. Dye doesn't show up, then crane works doesn't owe WJOX any money and WJOX is out their advertising revenue.

I understand that Dye and Finebaum have a rocky relationship to put it mildly but the fact is Dye entered into a contract to provide his services then when he got ticked off he decided he would just not call in.  Now you all can say that he had the Macon AU club meeting and that's why he didn't show but the fact is that at a minimum he should have called in and said he had a conflicting appointment and past that he should have asked to reschedule for earlier in the show if he couldn't change the time of his talk to the Macon AU club.

I know a lot of people here hate Finebaum and will automatically side with one of our own against him but in this case Dye broke the law (contract law not criminal) and is flat out in the wrong.  Dye is an Auburn man and should know better than to let his dislike of someone make him break his obligations.

Also remember the Auburn creed, specifically "I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all." Like it or not Dye did not live up to that in this instance.

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Do we know for a fact that Dye did not fulfill his end of the agreement? Is it not right up FBomb's alley to say he doesn't know where Dye is but CPD did in fact call in to let them know he wouldn't be there?

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Good grief Ed.  So he either doesn't get paid or pays for it per the contract.  So what.  I thought he should have NEVER agreed to go on FB and be ridiculed and poked constantly.  He has certainly made some mistakes over the years, but he is an Auburn man and part of the family.  Maybe this is how you put your foot down when you've had enough FINALLY.  Are you saying "an Auburn man would never break a contract"?  That is both naive and lacks situational awareness to the fact sometimes it is the exact right thing to do.  And who said he didn't contact CW?  You're simply taking Paul Blowhard's word on this--often your first mistake!  I quit listening to FB over a year ago and the stress in my life went down immeasurably.  I highly suggest it to all who are hooked.  I was too, but now I'm not.  Just turn it off, it's that easy.  War Eagle!

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Fbaum said the contract was between craneworks and dye... they do not technically pay for guest

That is an unusual set up but I won't dispute it.  I will still maintain that Dye is in the wrong since he had a contract with someone (apparently Craneworks) and breached his contract due to a personal dispute with Finebaum.  

From what I've read on hear about Finebaum blasting Dye, I will say that in my view Finebaum is also being childish and actually being more so than Dye since Dye is at least doing what all of our parents taught us with the old "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all".

If Dye has that much of an issue with Finebaum he should have just sucked it up for the last couple of shows he would have to do this season and just not said anything when he called in.  After that he could have just refused to renew his contract to do the show.  This was just not handled well.

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