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AUQBDAD ? about Kiehl


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With the combine going on right now I started to think about how some of our recruits would would do. I know many times the websites get it wrong so I thought I would just ask you how Kiehl would measure up. I was curious about his 40 time and hand size as well as anything else you feel like is worth noting. Thanks for all you do. War Eagle

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Just an FYI-One has te be careful when hearing 40 yard dash times.  The NFL combine times are electronic while many of the high school players are hand held times.  Here is the conversion:

The conversion is taken in this way:  hand held time shall first be rounded up to the slower one-tenth of a second (10.42 will be recorded as 10.5) and then the conversion factor of 0.24 seconds is added to provide the equivalent time hand held to electronic although records won't be accepted if not recorded by electronic time advises the NFHS (High School Track governing body).

For the 40, it might be reported that a player ran a 4.42 40 yard dash.  In actuality, this time would be 4.74.  That is a huge difference. I have coached track and worked track meets for many years.  We recently got an electronic timing system, but use hand held back-up times.  The hand held times are usually about 3/10 ths of a second faster than the electronic times.

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Well while folks are asking a question about Kiehl I was curious if it had been mentioned why he wears a knee brace.  I was curious what type of injury he might have had. 

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Just an FYI-One has te be careful when hearing 40 yard dash times.  The NFL combine times are electronic while many of the high school players are hand held times.  Here is the conversion:

The conversion is taken in this way:  hand held time shall first be rounded up to the slower one-tenth of a second (10.42 will be recorded as 10.5) and then the conversion factor of 0.24 seconds is added to provide the equivalent time hand held to electronic although records won't be accepted if not recorded by electronic time advises the NFHS (High School Track governing body).

For the 40, it might be reported that a player ran a 4.42 40 yard dash.  In actuality, this time would be 4.74.  That is a huge difference. I have coached track and worked track meets for many years.  We recently got an electronic timing system, but use hand held back-up times.  The hand held times are usually about 3/10 ths of a second faster than the electronic times.

Im glad this was posted because you see high school kids claiming 4.3, 4.4 in the 40 and then you look at the combine and the fastest time is what? 4.35?  I dont think these kids are getting slower in college. 

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Exactly.  My pet peeve is when I hear H.S. kids state that they had a 4.4, 4.5, etc and their team had something like 20 kids run 4.7 or under.  (These are small high schools with no D1 and maybe a couple of D2 kids) 

My favorite was a team whose kids were running 4.2's, and 4.3's, etc.  I then found out they were timed with a RUNNING start. They would begin running from 10 yards away from the start line, then coaches would then start the watch when they got to the starting line-LOL.

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High school 40 times, weights, and heights are as subjective as college ones. It's a big part in why teams hold camps and the NFL holds the combine. Anyone notice Fairley lost an inch or two since this season? I think the whole thing is silly. Weights, heights, shuttle times, and 40 times are important but you can't measure heart and determination. Julio Jones absolutely showed out during the combine. I feel this is due to him being motivated(by money). I still wouldn't have is butt on my football team. Some team will bite due to those numbers though.

Please spare me the turd loving rhetoric from you closet bama fans. I fully know that Julio is a talented individual. When motivated he's a hard guy to stop. Who knows when that might be? That is the reason I wouldn't want him on my team. His effort isn't there. There are just as talented WRs that actually try hard day in and day out.

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Exactly.  My pet peeve is when I hear H.S. kids state that they had a 4.4, 4.5, etc and their team had something like 20 kids run 4.7 or under.  (These are small high schools with no D1 and maybe a couple of D2 kids) 

My favorite was a team whose kids were running 4.2's, and 4.3's, etc.  I then found out they were timed with a RUNNING start. They would begin running from 10 yards away from the start line, then coaches would then start the watch when they got to the starting line-LOL.

Yeah, I had someone trying to tell me he ran a 3.9 40 a few years back. I sarcastically asked when he was going to be running in the Olympics. After a little back and forth, he backtracked and admitted that this was done with the head start, like you mentioned, but quite obviously was trying to be deceptive (and I'm sure he was still exaggerating with that 3.9, because regardless of the head start that'd be impressive). It just goes to show how much you have to watch these 40 times coming out of high school.

Another pet peeve of mine is seeing game film that has been sped up to make a player look faster than he is. That's the thing that really turned me off of Andrew Buie, tbh...

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Then there are the kids who brag about how much they can bench/squat.  When I watch them bench press, they arch their back on the bench and bounce the weight off their chest so hard I'm surprised they don't break their sternum. When doing the squat, they are lucky if they go low enough to get their quads even HALF way to parallel. 

The vertical jump is another good one.  Some jump with no step, some jump with one step, and still others measure with a total running start. 

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Then there are the kids who brag about how much they can bench/squat.  When I watch them bench press, they arch their back on the bench and bounce the weight off their chest so hard I'm surprised they don't break their sternum. When doing the squat, they are lucky if they go low enough to get their quads even HALF way to parallel. 

The vertical jump is another good one.  Some jump with no step, some jump with one step, and still others measure with a total running start.   

I couldn't stand that: the strength and conditioning coach at my high school (who also happened to be my calculus teacher...and the guy that to this day I consider to be my mentor) was adamant about not doing either. I preferred lifting right and getting the most out of it to looking like I was trying harder. There were guys who would arch their back as soon as they started pushing up every single rep...just stupid.

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Then there are the kids who brag about how much they can bench/squat.  When I watch them bench press, they arch their back on the bench and bounce the weight off their chest so hard I'm surprised they don't break their sternum. When doing the squat, they are lucky if they go low enough to get their quads even HALF way to parallel. 

The vertical jump is another good one.  Some jump with no step, some jump with one step, and still others measure with a total running start.   

This post brings back memories. I used to hate how much coaches emphasized getting your legs parallel. Haha, I used to hate them for it. It would suck when a rep wasn't counted with 460 pounds on your back.

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I don't wanna interupt, but I thought I would answer your questions...:)

1. Shiloh is fortunate enough to own a lazer for timing...Kiehl is running track right now and they timed the football players running track last Friday. He ran a 4.51.

2. His last recorded vertical, using the same testing apparatus they use at the NFL combine was 35 1/2".

3. He can do 13/14 reps on the bench with 225 lbs.

4. His last recorded shuttle time was a 4.1 but that was almost a year ago.

5. His hand size measures 10 5/8" according to how they measure at the NFL combine. (I had to make him hold still for this one...he rolled his eyes at me).

6. The knee brace wasn't because of an injury...it was to keep from getting an injury. Notice it was on his left leg which is the front plant leg for a right handed QB. The one exposed just after release.

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I don't wanna interupt, but I thought I would answer your questions...:)

1. Shiloh is fortunate enough to own a lazer for timing...Kiehl is running track right now and they timed the football players running track last Friday. He ran a 4.51.

2. His last recorded vertical, using the same testing apparatus they use at the NFL combine was 35 1/2".

3. He can do 13/14 reps on the bench with 225 lbs.

4. His last recorded shuttle time was a 4.1 but that was almost a year ago.

5. His hand size measures 10 5/8" according to how they measure at the NFL combine. (I had to make him hold still for this one...he rolled his eyes at me).

6. The knee brace wasn't because of an injury...it was to keep from getting an injury. Notice it was on his left leg which is the front plant leg for a right handed QB. The one exposed just after release.

None of that surprises me in the least. I've said before that he looks a little quicker and a little faster than Cam, and this just confirms it.

Pretty cool that you have a laser, though. :thumbsup:

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he looked like a fast 4.51 in the underarmor game. 14 reps of225 is very stout for an 18yrold. how many can you do dad?

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Guest JNieder51188

can't wait to see him compete, he's definately going to have a great teacher/mentor in Malzahn and if he so happens to grab that starting spot I would love nothing more than a 4 year starter....been a while since we had one those and it's very rare

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can't wait to see him compete, he's definately going to have a great teacher/mentor in Malzahn and if he so happens to grab that starting spot I would love nothing more than a 4 year starter....been a while since we had one those and it's very rare

4 year starter sounds great, but I will understand if he goes pro after 3 years, esp if he brings us a couple of National Championships and a couple of Heismans!! (hope I am not setting the bar too high...)

I am looking forward to seeing him play for Auburn.

War Eagle, 2010 BCS National Champions!

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Rod Washington is the Offensive Coordinator and Head Track Coach at Shiloh ran track for Texas A & M and was the 2nd fastest man in Texas during his career. He recorded multiple laser times in the low 4.2 range in his career. He has told me before that if Kiehl concentrated on running alone he has the potential to be just as fast as he was. Just sharing.

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Rod Washington is the Offensive Coordinator and Head Track Coach at Shiloh ran track for Texas A & M and was the 2nd fastest man in Texas during his career. He recorded multiple laser times in the low 4.2 range in his career. He has told me before that if Kiehl concentrated on running alone he has the potential to be just as fast as he was. Just sharing.

Yeah, not at all a "Proud Papa" note, just something that should be mentioned, right? :tease:

In seriousness though, that's absurd. And it does nothing but add to my believe that he's the best QB in his recruiting class...kid's incredible!!!

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