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Our adjustment to the WC Offense


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I'm pleased with our adjustment to Borges' version of the West Coast Offense. Perhaps the transition was much smoother because Al was able to adjust his offense to fit our players, which is the mark of a good coach. The same cannot be said at Nebraska...


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Yeah, I'd have to say I'm pleased too. I was watching the replay again the other night, this time with a critical eye. Saw a lot of missed blocking assignments, and JC got lucky that he didn't throw some interceptions on some quick slants/screens. But then I realized something about this offense -- penalties. Or more correctly, the lack of penalties. Against LSU, AU had 5 penalties for a total of 60 yds. The last one was a ticky-tack personal foul against "the home team bench" for the celebration after the interception. (If Nick Saban wants to weed out a cheap-azz penalty at the next rules committee mtg, he can start with the "excessive celebration" rule. :angry: ) Also, I recall someone on AU's defense getting flagged for a facemask penalty. So, basically you have an offense that's shifting around like a Chinese fire drill before the snap on every play, but every player lines up correctly and stays put with no jumping offsides. Amazing. Last couple of years, we were flagged on a regular basis (even deep in the season) for procedural penalties: not having 7 men on the line, or someone moves before the snap, etc. I'm not seeing those kind of penalties like before and it is damned surprising this early in the season. The absence of stupid penalties on offense is the sign of a well-coached team. The execution will get better as the season progresses. War Damn CAB!

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Agree whole heartedly. Remember last year at the times JC didn't get the play off on time. It was a problem with the play not coming in from the sideline fast enough. That seems to have disappeared this year. I noticed at the LSU game that the team was out of the huddle and JC was perusing the Defense with about 15 seconds left on the play clock. He had a few close ones, but the majority of the time he did his job and got the play off with plenty of time to spare. Shows organization that we lacked last year.

The offense looks well coached. they know where they are supposed to be, and where they not supposed to be. They move about so much, it would be easy to get a penalty. The term chinese fire drill is accurate.

I'm impressed with CAB so far. But it would not have taken much for me to be more happy with the offense compared to last year's debacle. The Nall/Ensminger experiment failed and is gone, thank God.

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I am impressed with AU's offense thus far. Obviously, we could use a bit more productivity in the passing game, but it's solid enough. The teams just over-all looks a lot better than last year. If we'd had Borges last year, we definitely could've made some noise out of our pre-season hype. As it stands, I think the offense looks more mature and more confident in what they're doing. Part of that comes from age, part of it comes from great coaching. If you believe what your coach is telling you will work, you'll find a way to make it happen.

As for Callahan, his comments were classless. Whether it's your players' fault or not, you never say that in the media. Talk about "mistakes" and such is fine. But that article read as if he was saying "I'm Jesus Christ." I don't see him lasting too long at Nebraska, especially not with an attitude like that.

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I Like Al!

...only two small things I'd like to see us do better on, offensively:

1) Catch the dang ball, receivers!

2) Maybe a little more protection for the QB, particularly against the blitz. LSU was in our backfield an awful lot Saturday.

But I think CAB is going to give us great offenses to match our great defenses as long as he stays here...

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I think CAB has done a whale of a job, and it should only get better as the season progresses. The lack on penalties is a true statement that our team is well-coached.

Callahan is an arrogant man and that is not a good stance to take with young men such as those he is now working with. I agree with the article when it said that if the on-field executionn is not there doesn't some of the blame lie with the coach. I hope he can step it up and not act so negative or else he once again may not have a job.

Congrats to CAB so far and keep up the good work. War Eagle!

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I think the LSU game set up a steady diet of misdirections and counters for the Vols. Also, the tight end should play a big part of the passing game.....

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I think the LSU game set up a steady diet of misdirections and counters for the Vols. Also, the tight end should play a big part of the passing game.....

You have to consider that AU didn't really show it's offense until the LSU game so I'm sure that made it harder for LSU to prepare. That's one advantage Tennessee will have and GA over LSU.

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