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The Debate Hullaboo

Proud Tiger

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After watching the debate and all the discussions since my take is:

Kerry won the debate hands down. So if I want a great debater for some occasion, Kerry fits the bill just nice. BUT if I want someone to lead the country for the next four years it's Bush for me, hands down.

I have also come to the conclusion the Kerry was indeed a war hero. I just haven't decided yet for which side.

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Did sKerry cheat during the debate?


We all know that the rules of the debate dictated that neither candidate could bring any notes.  If you did bring anything to the podium, you had to clear it with the debate officials beforehand.

On Sunday Drudge ran with a story that has been bouncing around the Internet all weekend.  There's apparently a bit of a mystery  about something The Poodle took out of his pocket when he walked onto the stage at last week's joint press conference ("debate.")  Did The Soufflé break the rules?

So what was it?  Who knows...maybe a folded up piece of paper with some facts, figures and talking points.  Does this really matter in the larger scheme of things?  Not a bit, except you have to ask yourself.  What if President Bush had brought aboard a cheat sheet?

Just as the mainstream media will ignore this story, they would have been all over it if Bush were involved.  He would be bashed in the media for needing a paper with notes on it, and they would have questioned his intelligence...as if needing notes meant he were out of touch.

Remember, there are two sets of rules in the media: one for Democrats, and one for Republicans.

Is what Boortz and Drudge say, true?

It seems it was just a black pen. What if Bush would have pulled anyhting out if his pocket? I feel that thye would have stopped the debate and asked him. HHMMM. Much ado about nothing. But it does make you wonder why they had all those stupid rules to begin with. I knda miss ole Perot's charts!!!

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