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Its official...Texas A&M joins the SEC


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All indications are Mizzou, though I think WVU makes a better fit.

The best fit is VaTech.  But as long as things don't go nuclear elsewhere, I can't see the SEC raiding the ACC.  If suddenly everything explodes, all the rules -- including the blackballs against GaTech, FSU, and Clemson -- are out the window.

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Auburn going to the east would really depend on who is the 14th team...if it is another team from the west then yes they would...if it is a team from the east coast then no.

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Texas A & M is a good addition.  They will recruit very well and compete quickly.  I know several A & M graduates, and they are ecstatic to be joining the SEC.  

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Could be anybody really, apparently geography no longer makes any difference as to which teams would qualify in joining what is supposed to be the "Southeastern Conference", or any conference for that matter. Much like TCU joining the Big East or the rumored Texas/Oklahoma to Pac 10 deal i suppose.  I dunno, whatever makes the rich get richer i suppose. Perhaps we should re-define our boundries as I'm pretty sure Texas is not in the South East, TCU is only East of New Mexico, and Oklahoma doesn't have much of a view of the Pacific. Ha! :dunno:

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Missouri has passed on the SEC invite, FSU will be the next member.

There has been no invite.  Why would the SEC go back and try to pull another Big 12 school with Baylor and the other bottom feeders of that conference threatening to sue? 

If the Big 12 would have imploded, I'm sure Missouri was an option.  Interesting thing is that Missouri is balking on the new 6 year agreement proposal.

And for the folks who are saying no chance with FSU or another ACC school -- watch out.  Why do you think ACC poached two schools from the Big East so fast? 

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It will be interesting to see who #14 will be. But do remember that it probably will not be a member of the ACC since they just changed their buy-out from $5M to $20M for a school to leave the conference. I have a feeling it will be a Big East team with that type of money being required. But, crazier things have happened.

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Could be West Virginia, although I'm not sure what they could bring to the table compared to other potential options. Virtually no tv market. Limited recruiting and fan base. I'm actually not sure who is all in the Big East anymore, so.....

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There are rumors that the SEC turned down WVU.  Wish they'd kept their powder dry, but that's at least a rumor.  I'm not aware of rumors that Mizzou has committed to the Big XII -- even today's reporting says they have not.

UCF is a rising monster.  If Florida would block FSU, no freaking way they'd let UCF in.

Unless we're in a raiding posture, and I don't think we are, it looks like it's either Mizzou, WVU, or sit tight.  Ain't no other pretty girl without a date.

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Unless we're in a raiding posture, and I don't think we are, it looks like it's either Mizzou, WVU, or sit tight.  Ain't no other pretty girl without a date.

I agree,

For some reason, today I am excited about A&M being inthe SEC.  There will be a new place to see games, new rivalries, and different traditions to see.   I imagine in the next 4 years the novalty will have worn off,  so I think we should add teams slowly.   Unless the SEC office can not figure out a way to work an odd number of teams,  I think we should wait until we get bored of playing with the new girl we have now ....  then pick up a 14th.   

There is no rush,  and adding 4 teams in 1 year will be a drastic change.  No knee-jerk teams should be added.  We need teams have been decent through out football history,  and have deep traditions held by the school.   We shouldn't dilute the conference to keep up with the joneses

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Missouri has passed on the SEC invite, FSU will be the next member.

Over Florida's dead body.

Not sure why you'd think UF wouldn't want everyone else in the SEC East to have to play FSU every year too.  I'd think they'd be all in favor of the 'Noles comin' aboard.

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For some reason, today I am excited about A&M being inthe SEC.  There will be a new place to see games, new rivalries, and different traditions to see.   

LONG drive from Auburn to College Station.  Dude cheerleaders.  They salute a dog that out ranks them.  They go bat-%@*! crazy if you step on the grass.  And last but not least, we have this little gem of a tradition:


I really don't see why we needed to expand in the first place. 

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I hope that A&M brings in enough money for each of the SEC schools to cover the cost of having to fly our non-revenue producing teams out there to compete every year.  Don't know why we are trying to fix what isn't broken.

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Missouri has passed on the SEC invite, FSU will be the next member.

Over Florida's dead body.

Not sure why you'd think UF wouldn't want everyone else in the SEC East to have to play FSU every year too.  I'd think they'd be all in favor of the 'Noles comin' aboard.

If FSU come they lose their trump card. They don't wanna share the benefits of being in the SEC with any other in-state team. There are MANY benefits.

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