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The problem...


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Guys it is a collection of a lot of things and it is NOT the coaches. This is having practically little to no contributuon fom two recruiting classes. I dont know why Tubbs quit but he did. I think it was a few things, it was heavily speculated that it was family issues etc. However, his former players that I know strongly stand up for him and that speaks volumes. He actually told me of a few things that happened in recruiting that was against the rules and the other teams actually got busted for them later. He felt hopeless in the resolve of what was happening.

I knew we were in trouble when he and I were on a fishing trip and I asked him about our potentiol with a big time running back for the upcoming recruiting class, and he did NOT know who he was. This would be the equivalent of CGC not knowing who Yeldon is. We have the best head coach in the country right now, not because he just won a NC, but because of who he is as a person and how he represents AU. I am as frustrated as everone else, but lets dont quit on them.  War Eagle.   

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You are so right - the problems started a long time ago with Tubbs. We were left with an empty cupboard.

Chizik is the BEST and it will all come together eventually. I think more concerning than the play of our team is the reaction from many of the Auburn fans and graduates. it is repulsive and I hope I never have the opportunity to meet anyone of them.

Enough of this reaction will cause Chizik to want to leave one day and then what will you do?

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First of all, Tuberville did not quit when it came to recruiting. Did AU have a poor attrition rate from the last 2 CTT classes? Yes they did.

If we want to fault Tuberville for the issues occurring in 2011, lets be fair about the accountability. The attrition rate for Chizik's first class isn't too hot either. Over the last 2 signing classes, the CURRENT coaching staff could have looked hard at the JUCO level to fill some holes but they elected not to. Youth is an issue and the primary issue but the current coaches have to be held accountable too in terms of recruiting and player development. Ask yourself one question... Do you believe Auburn's coaches have obtained the most of the current roster?

I agree, there are more factors involved in the problems we have witnessed. I'm hoping the players and coaches can improve along the way.

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