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Florida in Two weeks


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Before I begin, I know we have Arkansas next week and we need to focus on them and not look ahead.  With that being said, reports are that Brantley is definately out for the LSU game this Saturday and could be out longer due to a high ankle sprain he suffered in the first half of the Bama game.  Jeff Driskell (true freshman) took over for Brantley in the 2nd half and was unable to do anything with the offense.  Granted, he was facing the Turd defense but that could bode well for us if Brantley is unable to return in two weeks.  I am sure that Driskell will improve as the starter after a full week of practice and possible two if he starts against us, but I think I would rather face him than Brantley.  What say you?

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I don't care who we face as long as AUBURN BRINGS IT!!!!!!

Wife and I will be there in the upper deck (Section 54) on Auburn Side for first time!!!

Going to root the TIGERS on to VICTORY no matter who is playing for Florida...... :wedance:

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Here here!

Bring it like it's all the first stringers.

If Brantley doesn't play in two weeks, then Driskel will just hand off to Rainey/Demps all game long.  Those guys can be shut down, they were in Sat's game against uat.  AU defense will put the lockdown on those speedy guys and we will WIN.

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Will Muschamp said he would give updates Brantley's status "on Mondays." I know its common to give injury updates on Monday but that definitely made it seem like he's going to be out at least 3-4 weeks.

As far as Demps and Rainey: I think that is the game where Cody Parkey's touchbacks may be the most valuable.

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As far as Demps and Rainey: I think that is the game where Cody Parkey's touchbacks may be the most valuable.

^^^this. They're dangerous on returns, if we can make them start at the 20 that'd be a great help

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Lets be careful what we wish for. Remember last year against Arkansas when Fairley knocked Mallet out of the game? Tyler Wilson came in and looked like a Heisman Trophy Candidate. speaking of Wilson I hope the defense can improve on last weeks performance...I have a feeling we're going to need it. WDE.

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Driskell is one of the best freshman QBs in the country. Tough to come in and have to face Alabama's defense. Give him a couple weeks taking snaps with the first team, and Florida isn't going to be a push-over. Driskell is a much better runner than Brantley, so that will be another thing Auburn's defense will have to watch out for. Facing Driskell would be a much greater advantage if we were playing Florida this week instead.

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I am going to the game as well, I had t shirts made that have Al on them and they say Choot'em Lizabeth!!

Sadly, I'm missing this cultural reference.

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I will get back to the Gators next week.

This week it is Pork.

Last week's game day chili was v. lucky (no yard bird in it).

This one will have pork mixed with the red meat. I will buy spices, meat and other ingredients  

from the same sources, but completely different recipe.   I've made before and powerful Ju Ju.

Am inviting the same crowd over, so continuity there.

The rest of y'all help them as you can.  It is up to the the team to do their part.

Back to the gators before closing , then it will be grilled gator  and folding chairs @ JH.

Not cooked on site though.  Worked last time.


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Driskell is one of the best freshman QBs in the country. Tough to come in and have to face Alabama's defense. Give him a couple weeks taking snaps with the first team, and Florida isn't going to be a push-over. Driskell is a much better runner than Brantley, so that will be another thing Auburn's defense will have to watch out for. Facing Driskell would be a much greater advantage if we were playing Florida this week instead.

I think facing Driskell after they have another brutal game this weekend (LSU) will be beneficial to AU.  Flordida will have been beat down by two of the best defenses in the country in back-to-back weeks (uat/LSU), they will probably be pretty banged up when we get them in JHS on Oct 15th.

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florida will be a tough game, regardless if they have injuries.

You may be right, they just didn't look good in their game against uat Saturday night.  Looked like their defense just gave up in the 2nd half of that game.  Richardson/Lacey ran all over them, and I think Dyer/McCaleb will do the same.

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Its too early for this conversation. keep seeing it up top the last few days. thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

I have been eating Baked Pork loin for about 4 days now. and I'm stopping by the store on the way home for some bacon, just to make sure I get my fill. Because by the time the game is over Saturday Night, there will be no pig left on the field worth eating, tigers don't leave much behind on a carcus.


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Its too early for this conversation. keep seeing it up top the last few days. thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

I have been eating Baked Pork loin for about 4 days now. and I'm stopping by the store on the way home for some bacon, just to make sure I get my fill. Because by the time the game is over Saturday Night, there will be no pig left on the field worth eating, tigers don't leave much behind on a carcus.


dont forget your heartburn and cholesterol medicine

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