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Enough about Petrino


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If you're not for winning at all costs... Well you're just not into winning.

(See: Cameron Newton 2010)

Go blow Saban I dont agree. We didnt do anything wrong with Cam and I dont want to win at all costs.

To be clear, I'm not advocating winning at all costs.

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

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I'm not judging Bobby Petrino's actions - that's God's job, if Bobby even espouses religion of any kind. I am not without sin of my own, hell I've probably sinned a half dozen times this week. Lord knows I covet the 2013 Corvette my snotty neighbor is driving around the neighborhood in - I lied to my wife when I told her I ate her casserole for lunch today when I actually had a Momma's Love & a sweet tea at Momma Goldbergs - - -

To quote Charles Barkley, "I try not to play the God game, there's no saints in this buisness."

I simply listed Bobby Petrino's commonly known indiscretions that took place barely 6 (SIX) months ago, and I voiced my opinion on not wanting him to be hired in any capacity at Auburn University.

I'm not throwing stones at the man, I'm not damning him to hell for running around on his wife. I'm not a saintly man, and I struggle everyday of my life just to be a good father, husband and I make an effort to be kind and fair to my fellow man. I enjoy good bourbon, a good poker game, and I love to place bet or three on any sport that carries a line. I love my Auburn Tigers and always will. WDE!

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

I didn't mean the sex. I meant the overall lack of character.

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

I didn't mean the sex. I meant the overall lack of character.

So did I.

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

history is the best indicator of future performance...7 months after his latest transgression he's a reformed man??? Oh and by the way we need a hc.

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

history is the best indicator of future performance...7 months after his latest transgression he's a reformed man??? Oh and by the way we need a hc.

In the absence of any other factors, sure. But I don't think that's the case here.

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So is BP the only solution AU has after Chiz?! No other names? No decent people? Was L'ville, ATL, and Arky not enough warning? 4th time a charm? The worst part is we have a Mod arguing FOR this piece of no defense-cant recruit-trash.

Because admins aren't allowed to have opinions? Shut up already before you say something even dumber.

Look, I'm not arguing FOR him, I'm arguing AGAINST refusing to consider him out of hand.

Put your panties back on and act like you have better manners than BP. Never said you couldn't have an opinion - I just said it is a bad one.

Arguing against refusing to consider him is a vote for lets consider BP. The guy has no place at AU. I am sure there has to be something out there better and without the shame and embarassment that will follow him around. Personally I hope the only change we have to worry about is a new OC and this is all for nothing.

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The video is a better indicator of how disingenuous this guy is.

He seemed seriously remorseful and genuine to me. IMO it was telling the remorse was over betraying his wife and not what he lost at Arky.

Dang right he was remorseful. He let his johnson do the thinking for him, he chose to have an extra-martial affair, he chose to hire his side piece to work in his department. How convenient to have your young, blonde mistress working for you in the office where you can have your way with her at your whim and out of the prying eyes of your wife and kids.

He chose to give her a cash gift of +$20,000, he chose to take a Sunday afternoon joy ride with her on his Harley in broadass daylight for anybody to see (how egotistical), without any regard for his employer or his wife.

He chose to lie to a police officer about the passenger in the accident, he chose to lie to his employer and his employer made public statements in a press conference that were lies because they believed their employee. He chose to withold the truth from his employer about his text messages, which were found to have taken place minutes before the Arky/Bama game. (Wonder where is head was if he was texting his mistress before a huge football game?) He chose to lie and withold information from his employer about everything. And, whether it ever comes to light or not, those text messages weren't only to the blonde, there was yet another "lady" he was communicating with - AND there were pictures in those messages too. (I don't think I want to know what kind of pics he was sending to his ladies)

He embarrassed his wife and family - he embarrassed and humilitated the University he worked for - he embarrassed and humiliated the Athletic Director he worked for by telling lie upon lie.

No thanks - I don't want Bobby on AU campus.

Is that you God?...I take it that you are speaking from a high and snotty place Keesler because you have never sinned or made a mistake in your life...

I don't pretend to cast eternal judgment on Bobby Petrino, and I don't read Keesler doing that either. But there is no command of scripture that says we cannot impose earthly consequences for certain actions. Even unconditional love doesn't necessarily translate into unconditional relationships, which, last time I checked, is why passages of Scripture dealing with divorce specifically bless adultery as grounds.

If one of the sacraments can be broken because of that deceit and treachery, then why in the world can't a prospective boss look at both the primary offending behavior and all of the ripples -- the lying, the lying, the lying -- and say, "Not at my school"?

You're absolutely right my friend. Deuteronomy 22:22"If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die." #Godthing

My point is it's not for us to judge but the leaders of the university to judge as they would be making the decision.

Yeah, I'm just naturally mouthy and not inclined to sit back and trust Auburn's "leaders." I trust Dr. Gogue. But I don't trust the board or the "kitchen cabinet" of big check writers that, however well intentioned, have in the past gotten out in front of themselves and the university. FWIW, I'm aware of the considerable board turnover. I'm not speaking of individual members. I just don't want to see Auburn return to a time when a small cadre of folks, led by a single diminutive banker, called the shots and the threatened job action on any president, vice president or AD who tried to do anything about it. Any little thing we can do to build up a little public opinion against what I think would be an embarrassing hire, I say we do it instead of just sit back and dutifully say "War Eagle" in our little paternalistic orange-and-blue world.

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So is BP the only solution AU has after Chiz?! No other names? No decent people? Was L'ville, ATL, and Arky not enough warning? 4th time a charm? The worst part is we have a Mod arguing FOR this piece of no defense-cant recruit-trash.

Because admins aren't allowed to have opinions? Shut up already before you say something even dumber.

Look, I'm not arguing FOR him, I'm arguing AGAINST refusing to consider him out of hand.

Put your panties back on and act like you have better manners than BP. Never said you couldn't have an opinion - I just said it is a bad one.

Arguing against refusing to consider him is a vote for lets consider BP. The guy has no place at AU. I am sure there has to be something out there better and without the shame and embarassment that will follow him around. Personally I hope the only change we have to worry about is a new OC and this is all for nothing.

No, no...you decided to go down this road. You seemed to have a particular problem with an admin holding a different opinion on this than your precious take on it. If you don't like being called out for it, don't say dumb things.

Since you have problems understanding English, let me break it down. There are more than just the binary options you are bent on putting forth.

1. Refuse to consider him, period. Thus, you don't hire him.

2. Consider him, take into account whether you feel he's a changed man, decide you don't think he's really changed and is sincere. Don't hire him.

3. Consider him, take into account whether you feel he's a changed man, decide you do think he's changed and is sincere. Don't hire him.

4. Consider him, take into account whether you feel he's a changed man, decide you do think he's changed and is sincere. Hire him.

All I'm arguing against is #1. It's closed minded and silly. Options 2-4 are what reasonable adults do.

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How can you guys trust this man?

Folks getting Bobby P is like meeting your wife when she was cheating on her husband with YOU

then acting outraged when you discover she was unfaithful to you. Point is hire him but understand you will pay

a price at some point. He JUST AINT WORTH IT GUYS!

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I have seen estimates that 40-60% of all men in the US commit adultery. I am in the military and guess my peers are at around 90%. I sure won't be getting sanctimonious and act like Bobby is not qualified to coach football because he had relations outside of his marriage. Reminds me of this little old lady I know that talks about how bad the lottery is but she never misses church bingo night.

Oh and can you imagine if any school tried to limit candidates to only coaches that had never left a coaching position for another job with a higher profile, or better pay? Impossible. If someone is mad because a coach left their team to improve his own life then they probably have some maturing to do. And does anyone really expect AU to hold a grudge against Bobby Petrino because he was willing to accept the AU job in 2003?! Ridicules.

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A major issue with Petrino is that for Auburn he is a PR nightmare. Even if he has his life fully together and becomes the most trustworthy coach in the nation.

Jetgate - every game we played on TV this will brought up. Every game will have to listen to the entire the Bots went after him then, went behind others backs etc etc etc. Maybe the other stuff we could get away with, but the fact that he was involved in that should rule him out. The press will never let it go, will throw in his acts at other universities, will combine that with accusations involving Cam etc etc. We truly will be labeled as a program that sold its soul for victories on the football field.

And all this other stuff about your neighbor cheated, you cheated or wife cheated, or whatever..... the head football coach is a national, facially recognized endorser and representative of Auburn University. That is the difference between him and two bank tellers or university professors. Part of his job and responsibility besides winning is to sell Auburn University as respectful and ethical institution of higher learning that provides opportunities for a education through athletics. I mean this guy didn't just cheat with a secretary... he overpayed and put his mistress into a university job at his side.

If we do fire Chizik and hire him......noone better ever judge Alabama or Saban again. We also better not ever show another Creed commercial during a football game.

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It's MORE than just infidelity. He embarrassed his university. He exposed Arky to a possible lawsuit. He lied to LE and to his bosses. He let down all those kids on the team, and all the other coaches. That's more than just a "private matter" between him and his wife.

Hiring him would be a huge mistake.

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A major issue with Petrino is that for Auburn he is a PR nightmare. Even if he has his life fully together and becomes the most trustworthy coach in the nation.

Jetgate - every game we played on TV this will brought up. Every game will have to listen to the entire the Bots went after him then, went behind others backs etc etc etc. Maybe the other stuff we could get away with, but the fact that he was involved in that should rule him out. The press will never let it go, will throw in his acts at other universities, will combine that with accusations involving Cam etc etc. We truly will be labeled as a program that sold its soul for victories on the football field.

And all this other stuff about your neighbor cheated, you cheated or wife cheated, or whatever..... the head football coach is a national, facially recognized endorser and representative of Auburn University. That is the difference between him and two bank tellers or university professors. Part of his job and responsibility besides winning is to sell Auburn University as respectful and ethical institution of higher learning that provides opportunities for a education through athletics. I mean this guy didn't just cheat with a secretary... he overpayed and put his mistress into a university job at his side.

If we do fire Chizik and hire him......noone better ever judge Alabama or Saban again. We also better not ever show another Creed commercial during a football game.

I just completely disagree. I think you're worrying far too much about what people who've never really liked us or given us credit anyway think.

And as far as the Creed...whatevs. As if no Auburn men or women who fully subscribe to that Creed now at one time in their lives failed to live up to it.

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A major issue with Petrino is that for Auburn he is a PR nightmare. Even if he has his life fully together and becomes the most trustworthy coach in the nation.

Jetgate - every game we played on TV this will brought up. Every game will have to listen to the entire the Bots went after him then, went behind others backs etc etc etc. Maybe the other stuff we could get away with, but the fact that he was involved in that should rule him out. The press will never let it go, will throw in his acts at other universities, will combine that with accusations involving Cam etc etc. We truly will be labeled as a program that sold its soul for victories on the football field.

I completely agree with this. I really don't care about his transgressions. I care about Auburn, and his past dealings with us are tainted, like it or not.

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some of you guys here are worry too much about other people outside of Auburn Family/Friends think of you(I didn't means Auburn, I means you).

Especially Jetgate which happen almost 10 years ago, it should be part of factor on looking for a new coach. Are you guys gonna disassociate Cam Newton from Auburn as well since he was make mistake in the past? Like TitanTiger say anybody that hate us like Bammer always... why care what they think.

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If it were one thing with Petrino, but it wasn't....

exactly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part.

You speak as though you're close enough to him to know that it's still a current pattern.

Maybe it's just me. I've screwed up pretty big in my life. Some things were habits and patterns and others weren't. I know that one some things, there was a moment where I finally saw it for what it was and in some cases it wasn't something I figured out or owned up to on my own. Someone called me on it or my "sins" were discovered and I had to deal with them. The pattern stopped. It was no longer a current thing anymore. If you tried to pin "it's a pattern on your part" on me, I'd laugh because I know when that pattern stopped and it would be ludicrous to say that to me.

history is the best indicator of future performance...7 months after his latest transgression he's a reformed man??? Oh and by the way we need a hc.

In the absence of any other factors, sure. But I don't think that's the case here.

titan, if you recall in 2003 I was a HUGE supporter of Petrino on this board as a replacement for tubby. The difference today? The pattern of behavior by Petrino over the past 9 years. Would some of you be so accepting of petrino if we were 5-1 instead of 1-5?

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Oh and what the hell has he ever won anyways?

People clown posters for saying Gruden uhh he has won something.

He won big at Louisville based on the competition and he was doing something at Arky that Nutt was not doing and that was beginning to consistently win. I have a question for you. When has he ever had talent and resources he would have at Auburn?
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titan, if you recall in 2003 I was a HUGE supporter of Petrino on this board as a replacement for tubby. The difference today? The pattern of behavior by Petrino over the past 9 years. Would some of you be so accepting of petrino if we were 5-1 instead of 1-5?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If we were 5-1 we wouldn't even be discussing this. It wouldn't be on my radar.

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People keep saying the adultery thing aside and act like he has a laundry list of other transgressions. Please tell me these so called other transgressions. I will give you leaving the Falcons early was bad but in fairness to that situation he thought he was going to have Michael Vick to coach but Vick screwed him over like a dog. Pun intended. Don't give me leaving Louisville after 4 years. A number of coaches would have made that jump to the pros. As for Jetgate, that should not be a strike against him. Don't be naive by thinking meetings like that do not happen while another coach is in place and looking to be on the way out because you would be wrong. Stuff like that happen all across college football. It's their way of trying to have a plan in place before a school lets a Coach go. In 8 years of college football Petrino has never gotten his schools on NCAA sanctions. That should count for something. Anyway, I have named the transgressions I know of. Does anyone have anything else? Something more substantial?

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