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Enough about Petrino


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People keep saying the adultery thing aside and act like he has a laundry list of other transgressions. Please tell me these so called other transgressions. I will give you leaving the Falcons early was bad but in fairness to that situation he thought he was going to have Michael Vick to coach but Vick screwed him over like a dog. Pun intended. Don't give me leaving Louisville after 4 years. A number of coaches would have made that jump to the pros. As for Jetgate, that should not be a strike against him. Don't be naive by thinking meetings like that do not happen while another coach is in place and looking to be on the way out because you would be wrong. Stuff like that happen all across college football. It's their way of trying to have a plan in place before a school lets a Coach go. In 8 years of college football Petrino has never gotten his schools on NCAA sanctions. That should count for something. Anyway, I have named the transgressions I know of. Does anyone have anything else? Something more substantial?

Make no mistake, the real crime in the eyes of our enemies was that AU wanted to hire what was considered the best up and coming coach in the country at a time when Bama was in a down cycle. They were terrified at the idea of Bobby bringing that high flying offense from Louisville to Auburn. It was amazing that Finebaum led the push to keep Tubs in AU and so many Auburn people actually cared about his opinion. Got to hand it to them though. We still had Tubs out hunting with the BBQ gang when Saban arrived. We left the door wide open for them and they took full advantage.
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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs.

3. Falcons.

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

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titan, if you recall in 2003 I was a HUGE supporter of Petrino on this board as a replacement for tubby. The difference today? The pattern of behavior by Petrino over the past 9 years. Would some of you be so accepting of petrino if we were 5-1 instead of 1-5?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If we were 5-1 we wouldn't even be discussing this. It wouldn't be on my radar.

if we didn't need a possible replacement for chizik, would some of you be so forgiving of Petrino? I don't think so.

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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs.

3. Falcons.

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

that's it in a nutshell

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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract. So what? AU did the right thing in my opinion. Getting the next coach lined up so they could hit the ground running the day after the UAT game. Why get mad at Bobby for wanting the AU job? Be mad at the AD and BOD for offering it almost makes sense. But not really considering the 2003 season but w/e.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs. Louisville is a dumpster fire program that he made great. It is a basketball school that plays football during the off season. Why should any man not listen to job offers that promised huge pay raises and increased quality of life for his family?

3. Falcons. Coaches leave jobs for other jobs all the time. I don't understand why Falcons fans cry about that. Do you guys get equally mad at the owners when they fire a coach?

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

I guess because I am not religious and judgmental I find it easier to make room in my heart to forgive him for having relations outside of his marriage. I guess others are not as tolerant. I work for the government. Friends hire friends all the time. Jobs are converted, positions are created, job descriptions magically match resumes and vice versa. Sorry it is not a big deal. All of this is common, ordinary stuff that happens all over the country by good men and women.

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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs.

3. Falcons.

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

that's it in a nutshell

Again 1 and 2 happen alot. Heck Tubbs basically did #2 to Ole Miss literally and figuratively. Neither should be considered a transgression in today's college football world.
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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract. So what? AU did the right thing in my opinion. Getting the next coach lined up so they could hit the ground running the day after the UAT game. Why get mad at Bobby for wanting the AU job? Be mad at the AD and BOD for offering it almost makes sense. But not really considering the 2003 season but w/e.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs. Louisville is a dumpster fire program that he made great. It is a basketball school that plays football during the off season. Why should any man not listen to job offers that promised huge pay raises and increased quality of life for his family?

3. Falcons. Coaches leave jobs for other jobs all the time. I don't understand why Falcons fans cry about that. Do you guys get equally mad at the owners when they fire a coach?

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

I guess because I am not religious and judgmental I find it easier to make room in my heart to forgive him for having relations outside of his marriage. I guess others are not as tolerant. I work for the government. Friends hire friends all the time. Jobs are converted, positions are created, job descriptions magically match resumes and vice versa. Sorry it is not a big deal. All of this is common, ordinary stuff that happens all over the country by good men and women.

1. Petrino met with au reps behind the back of his AD.

2.as you stated he continued to provide unsolicited statements saying that he wanted to be at UL even requesting a buyout clause in his contract. Completely dishonest.

3.coaches don't quit on their team during the season and leave a note in their lockers. I believe he notified the owner via phone. Utterly classless.

4.speaks for itself

I'm sure the inspector general would like to know more about the illegal activities that you have apparently observed.

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Petrino's transgressions, so far as I know.

1. Interviewing with Auburn while his former boss was still under contract. So what? AU did the right thing in my opinion. Getting the next coach lined up so they could hit the ground running the day after the UAT game. Why get mad at Bobby for wanting the AU job? Be mad at the AD and BOD for offering it almost makes sense. But not really considering the 2003 season but w/e.

2. Year after year, pronouncing his commitment to Louisville, then interviewing for other jobs. Louisville is a dumpster fire program that he made great. It is a basketball school that plays football during the off season. Why should any man not listen to job offers that promised huge pay raises and increased quality of life for his family?

3. Falcons. Coaches leave jobs for other jobs all the time. I don't understand why Falcons fans cry about that. Do you guys get equally mad at the owners when they fire a coach?

4. At Arkansas, it wasn't just adultery. It was (a) skewing the hiring process in favor of his skirt, (2) lying to the AD, (3) lying to the police, and yeah, committing adultery.

I guess because I am not religious and judgmental I find it easier to make room in my heart to forgive him for having relations outside of his marriage. I guess others are not as tolerant. I work for the government. Friends hire friends all the time. Jobs are converted, positions are created, job descriptions magically match resumes and vice versa. Sorry it is not a big deal. All of this is common, ordinary stuff that happens all over the country by good men and women.

1. Petrino met with au reps behind the back of his AD.

2.as you stated he continued to provide unsolicited statements saying that he wanted to be at UL even requesting a buyout clause in his contract. Completely dishonest.

3.coaches don't quit on their team during the season and leave a note in their lockers. I believe he notified the owner via phone. Utterly classless.

4.speaks for itself

I'm sure the inspector general would like to know more about the illegal activities that you have apparently observed.

1. Nobody cares. Coaches take jobs at other schools and then inform their employer after their decision every single year.

2. I said no such thing. I doubt very seriously that he ever walked up to a reporter or called a news conference to announce his intention on staying without first being asked. The way he answered is called coach speak. By saying those things he was helping his current employer. It would be much worse if a coach answered a question with, "Yeah I am leaving as soon as a better job opens up this year or next". Is that really what you want him or any coach to do?

3. Employers (owners) don't make promises and conditions to their staff and then break them without a response. Also, some people act like he went and recruited pro players to Atlanta and promised their mommy he would be there forever to take care of them. Those are not college kids. Those are grown men that get paid to show up and play football. It doesn't matter who writes the game plan.

4. Sorry but there is nothing illegal about any of those things. By name requests are even legal and I didn't even get into that. Hiring just within the system is legal. There are tons of ways to get people jobs. It is how you surround yourself with people that are motivated, hold special insight, experience, skills, and loyalty. With the government is almost always not what you know, but who you know that gets you the job.

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A major issue with Petrino is that for Auburn he is a PR nightmare. Even if he has his life fully together and becomes the most trustworthy coach in the nation.

Jetgate - every game we played on TV this will brought up. Every game will have to listen to the entire the Bots went after him then, went behind others backs etc etc etc. Maybe the other stuff we could get away with, but the fact that he was involved in that should rule him out. The press will never let it go, will throw in his acts at other universities, will combine that with accusations involving Cam etc etc. We truly will be labeled as a program that sold its soul for victories on the football field.

And all this other stuff about your neighbor cheated, you cheated or wife cheated, or whatever..... the head football coach is a national, facially recognized endorser and representative of Auburn University. That is the difference between him and two bank tellers or university professors. Part of his job and responsibility besides winning is to sell Auburn University as respectful and ethical institution of higher learning that provides opportunities for a education through athletics. I mean this guy didn't just cheat with a secretary... he overpayed and put his mistress into a university job at his side.

If we do fire Chizik and hire him......noone better ever judge Alabama or Saban again. We also better not ever show another Creed commercial during a football game.

I just completely disagree. I think you're worrying far too much about what people who've never really liked us or given us credit anyway think.

And as far as the Creed...whatevs. As if no Auburn men or women who fully subscribe to that Creed now at one time in their lives failed to live up to it.

Know plenty around this area that actually like and respect Auburn, would lose respect for us for hiring Petrino. Not cause the guy had an affair..... because he had an affair and skipped the whole hiring process and brought her in as his assistant. Especially the female ones that have earned their way into their positions. They can't stand women that as they say open their legs to get promoted, nor can they stand the men that support and encourage that behavior.

Personally ya, I think we will hear about the bots and there control for quite some time if we hired him and I wouldn't like it. It was almost 4 years after it happened before it finally died down without him around.

If he had an affair with some women he met somewhere that was not affiliated with the University of Arkansas it wouldn't bother me. People falter, I get and understand that well.

Hell throw out all the rest, jetgate, the falcons, louisville. We want to fire a coach because he obviously made a very bad decision in his offensive coordinator. To hire a guy that is letting his penis make his hiring decision?

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My reasons for not hiring Petrino.

1: He has never had a balanced team with a great defense to go along with his high flying offense. His defenses have always lost him games and in my opinion he makes a good OC.

2: He hasn't shown that he is a great recruiter in the SEC. His recruiting classes didn't shock the world and we can't take a step back in that area.

3: His offenses often lack a good run/pass balance and skew heavily to a pass oriented offense and we have all seen what happens to teams that can't run the ball effectively in the SEC.

4: We all know the guy is a scum bag. What he did at Arkansas just highlights the kind of guy he is.

I don't like Petrino as a head coach. I think he makes a great OC but its hard for people to recognise that some coaches have limits and his is that he shouldn't be a HC. I feel the same way right now about CGC. Great D coordinator but still trying to figure out how to be a good HC.

In my opinion I think Chris Peterson is a great HC. Not sure about his recruiting capabilities. I am not sure he wants to get into the pressure cooker of the SEC but I am always impressed with the fundamental football that his teams play. Even when out talented his teams are confident, trained, and look prepared to play.

I also like Paul Rhodes. I liked him as a D coordinator for us but he never had a chance that year. He would have had to coach a lights out 0 points scored defense that could play 45 minutes a game that year to keep us in the ball game.

Oh, and Tuberville didn't get fired. Tuberville quit. He ended his tenure at Auburn the only way he knew how. To lose fantastically and get out of dodge with his payout rather than pay to leave. He was done. You could see it on the mans face and in his recruiting.

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I can forgive the guy for the whole L'ville thing. It wasnt pretty how he treated the school but that's just part of the game. So he left the falcons, big deal. Just so happens he left notes on lockers and jumped a plane during the freaking season. Arkansas is where I draw the line. He hired his booty call to a created position and lied the whole way through. Even if we did hire this piece of $h!t - what makes you think he can compete with our rivals? You know that is what it will come down to. The guy has not shown he can recruit (I will grant you it's Arkansas) and I just do not care to keep hearing that AU can't play D.

Still it makes me sad to think that a large portion of fans think this is the best guy. On top of all this - name his career highlight.

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My reasons for not hiring Petrino.

1: He has never had a balanced team with a great defense to go along with his high flying offense. His defenses have always lost him games and in my opinion he makes a good OC.

2: He hasn't shown that he is a great recruiter in the SEC. His recruiting classes didn't shock the world and we can't take a step back in that area.

3: His offenses often lack a good run/pass balance and skew heavily to a pass oriented offense and we have all seen what happens to teams that can't run the ball effectively in the SEC.

4: We all know the guy is a scum bag. What he did at Arkansas just highlights the kind of guy he is.

I don't like Petrino as a head coach. I think he makes a great OC but its hard for people to recognise that some coaches have limits and his is that he shouldn't be a HC. I feel the same way right now about CGC. Great D coordinator but still trying to figure out how to be a good HC.

In my opinion I think Chris Peterson is a great HC. Not sure about his recruiting capabilities. I am not sure he wants to get into the pressure cooker of the SEC but I am always impressed with the fundamental football that his teams play. Even when out talented his teams are confident, trained, and look prepared to play.

I also like Paul Rhodes. I liked him as a D coordinator for us but he never had a chance that year. He would have had to coach a lights out 0 points scored defense that could play 45 minutes a game that year to keep us in the ball game.

Oh, and Tuberville didn't get fired. Tuberville quit. He ended his tenure at Auburn the only way he knew how. To lose fantastically and get out of dodge with his payout rather than pay to leave. He was done. You could see it on the mans face and in his recruiting.

1) How is this any different from Chizik?

2) He built Arkansas into a top 5/10 program while he was there. I guess since Scout/Rivals didn't approve, his recruiting was bad. Get a clue!

3) in 2010, Knile Davis ran for over 1300 yards. Did you know that?

4) I don't care if he is a scumbag. Dye was a scumbag alcoholic that landed us on probation with no TV. Tot was a scumbag per certain rumor and innuendo. Tubs was a scumbag for holding us hostage in the offseason, duck hunting during recruiting season, and then riding off with the big buyout.

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FWIW I don't think it's about forgiveness. Forgiveness and hiring someone are different things. As soon as I saw the news this summer, I had to check myself -- I admit, it entertained me -- and pray for him and everyone involved. But I wouldn't hire him.

He's left devastation and hate everywhere he's been. Not just one place. Every place.

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My reasons for not hiring Petrino.

1: He has never had a balanced team with a great defense to go along with his high flying offense. His defenses have always lost him games and in my opinion he makes a good OC.

2: He hasn't shown that he is a great recruiter in the SEC. His recruiting classes didn't shock the world and we can't take a step back in that area.

3: His offenses often lack a good run/pass balance and skew heavily to a pass oriented offense and we have all seen what happens to teams that can't run the ball effectively in the SEC.

4: We all know the guy is a scum bag. What he did at Arkansas just highlights the kind of guy he is.

I don't like Petrino as a head coach. I think he makes a great OC but its hard for people to recognise that some coaches have limits and his is that he shouldn't be a HC. I feel the same way right now about CGC. Great D coordinator but still trying to figure out how to be a good HC.

In my opinion I think Chris Peterson is a great HC. Not sure about his recruiting capabilities. I am not sure he wants to get into the pressure cooker of the SEC but I am always impressed with the fundamental football that his teams play. Even when out talented his teams are confident, trained, and look prepared to play.

I also like Paul Rhodes. I liked him as a D coordinator for us but he never had a chance that year. He would have had to coach a lights out 0 points scored defense that could play 45 minutes a game that year to keep us in the ball game.

Oh, and Tuberville didn't get fired. Tuberville quit. He ended his tenure at Auburn the only way he knew how. To lose fantastically and get out of dodge with his payout rather than pay to leave. He was done. You could see it on the mans face and in his recruiting.

1) How is this any different from Chizik?

2) He built Arkansas into a top 5/10 program while he was there. I guess since Scout/Rivals didn't approve, his recruiting was bad. Get a clue!

3) in 2010, Knile Davis ran for over 1300 yards. Did you know that?

4) I don't care if he is a scumbag. Dye was a scumbag alcoholic that landed us on probation with no TV. Tot was a scumbag per certain rumor and innuendo. Tubs was a scumbag for holding us hostage in the offseason, duck hunting during recruiting season, and then riding off with the big buyout.


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My reasons for not hiring Petrino.

1: He has never had a balanced team with a great defense to go along with his high flying offense. His defenses have always lost him games and in my opinion he makes a good OC.

2: He hasn't shown that he is a great recruiter in the SEC. His recruiting classes didn't shock the world and we can't take a step back in that area.

3: His offenses often lack a good run/pass balance and skew heavily to a pass oriented offense and we have all seen what happens to teams that can't run the ball effectively in the SEC.

4: We all know the guy is a scum bag. What he did at Arkansas just highlights the kind of guy he is.

I don't like Petrino as a head coach. I think he makes a great OC but its hard for people to recognise that some coaches have limits and his is that he shouldn't be a HC. I feel the same way right now about CGC. Great D coordinator but still trying to figure out how to be a good HC.

In my opinion I think Chris Peterson is a great HC. Not sure about his recruiting capabilities. I am not sure he wants to get into the pressure cooker of the SEC but I am always impressed with the fundamental football that his teams play. Even when out talented his teams are confident, trained, and look prepared to play.

I also like Paul Rhodes. I liked him as a D coordinator for us but he never had a chance that year. He would have had to coach a lights out 0 points scored defense that could play 45 minutes a game that year to keep us in the ball game.

Oh, and Tuberville didn't get fired. Tuberville quit. He ended his tenure at Auburn the only way he knew how. To lose fantastically and get out of dodge with his payout rather than pay to leave. He was done. You could see it on the mans face and in his recruiting.

1) How is this any different from Chizik?

2) He built Arkansas into a top 5/10 program while he was there. I guess since Scout/Rivals didn't approve, his recruiting was bad. Get a clue!

3) in 2010, Knile Davis ran for over 1300 yards. Did you know that?

4) I don't care if he is a scumbag. Dye was a scumbag alcoholic that landed us on probation with no TV. Tot was a scumbag per certain rumor and innuendo. Tubs was a scumbag for holding us hostage in the offseason, duck hunting during recruiting season, and then riding off with the big buyout.


Well maybe thats a trend we need to change then, instead of being the collateral damage from the walking time bomb that is Petrino!!!

Just food for thought....

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In the business world an employer gives a lot of weight to a prospective employee's track record. What one has done in their career matters and is paramount when considering them for employment. I see nothing wrong with using the same criteria in hiring our hext HC but one cannot argue there are many "red lights" and warning signals when objectively reviewing Petrino's track record. He was successful @ Louisville and Arkansas but not so much in the ATL. What is most troubling is the trail of disaster that he created and left in his in his wake everystop along the way. Im a big believer in learning from history whenever possible because i see no need to be complicit in repeating it especially when its as bad as Bobby petrino's history is. I find it somewhat surprising how quickly so many are to forgive and forget which I have no problem with myself. I hold no animosity toward him but do have an opinion of whether or not I'd hire him to coach at Auburn and thats a firm non-negotiable "not in this lifetime" response.

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The idea of having Petrino as AU's coach makes my skin crawl. There is no reason we have to stoop that low.

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In the business world an employer gives a lot of weight to a prospective employee's track record. What one has done in their career matters and is paramount when considering them for employment. I see nothing wrong with using the same criteria in hiring our hext HC but one cannot argue there are many "red lights" and warning signals when objectively reviewing Petrino's track record. He was successful @ Louisville and Arkansas but not so much in the ATL. What is most troubling is the trail of disaster that he created and left in his in his wake everystop along the way. Im a big believer in learning from history whenever possible because i see no need to be complicit in repeating it especially when its as bad as Bobby petrino's history is. I find it somewhat surprising how quickly so many are to forgive and forget which I have no problem with myself. I hold no animosity toward him but do have an opinion of whether or not I'd hire him to coach at Auburn and thats a firm non-negotiable "not in this lifetime" response.

He left Louisville to take a job with the Atlanta Falcons. While at Louisville, they moved from conf USA to the Big East. Him interviewing for other jobs is something most in corporate America do and they also do it without their supervisor's consent. I have worked jobs where I risked being fired if they thought I was "looking around", so I don't see him doing anything wrong here.

He left the Atlanta Falcons to take a pretty good college job. He signed on to coach the Mike Vick led Falcons. Mike Vick is to blame for the Falcons fall that year. Petrino didn't coach to the end of his contract. Anyone that follows the NFL knows that the franchises cut players every year even though they are under contract. It is the nature of the business. He left a note that he was leaving. That may not be the classiest thing, but its not the first nor the last time. Fran at bama comes to mind as does the ASU coach that was at Pitt. I feel sorry for the college kids because they were recruited by that coach. The NFL is a business and the players often times hold out of training camp and the owners lockout the players, so what is the big deal?

Arkansas - he made mistakes and there is no way around this one.

Overall, I just don't see a "track record" of mistakes and destruction. I see one big debacle in Arkansas.

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What are the chances that Auburn goes after Rhoads or Malzahn? Realistically.

Only if others names they contact first turn them down.

Seems like I remember rumors of their being bad blood between the athletic department and Rhoads but I can not remember any details. Or have I just lost my mind?
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What are the chances that Auburn goes after Rhoads or Malzahn? Realistically.

Only if others names they contact first turn them down.

Seems like I remember rumors of their being bad blood between the athletic department and Rhoads but I can not remember any details. Or have I just lost my mind?

I'm trying to look at what coaches would be hired realistically. I like Rhoads and Malzahn. All the talk about big name coaches, but as fans what should we expect? History says it could very well be a Rhoads or Malzahn. If bridges are burned then I don't know. Personally, I don't really expect a big name hire. Hope I'm wrong.

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What are the chances that Auburn goes after Rhoads or Malzahn? Realistically.

Only if others names they contact first turn them down.

Seems like I remember rumors of their being bad blood between the athletic department and Rhoads but I can not remember any details. Or have I just lost my mind?

I'm trying to look at what coaches would be hired realistically. I like Rhoads and Malzahn. All the talk about big name coaches, but as fans what should we expect? History says it could very well be a Rhoads or Malzahn. If bridges are burned then I don't know. Personally, I don't really expect a big name hire. Hope I'm wrong.

I agree with this 100%

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