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For those who questioned if CGM


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Another tell-tell sign to me is the fact that Gus did not keep any of the former staff on board. He worked with these coaches for three years, and yet kept none. That tells me that there were systemic problems with the former coaching staff. Either there were problems that the former staff could not or would not address, or they were, themselves, part of the problem.


Time will tell if Malzahan was the right hire but I suspected that much of the blame for last season lays squarely at our former staff's feet. Hopefully the new staff will isolate and eliminate the problems and move us forward.

Agree. The best thing Gus did was completely sterilize the coaching staff and start over.


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I had no idea what kind of staff to expect. Am I surprised, yes! My comments were pointed to ppl who acted like they knew he couldn't. None of us have any idea what contacts he has or what he is capable of. I just can't stand some of the AU faithful who r so negative, and have no idea what to expect.

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