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For those who questioned if CGM


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Can assemble an SEC staff, I guess he answered that. And no I'm not a sunshine pumper, jut didn't rush to judgement

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Can assemble an SEC staff, I guess he answered that. And no I'm not a sunshine pumper, jut didn't rush to judgement

but we still don't have a TE coach


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Can assemble an SEC staff, I guess he answered that. And no I'm not a sunshine pumper, jut didn't rush to judgement

I was one of those who wondered same. I did so simply because I think this incoming class is CRITICAL in terms of HOW SOON we are back as contenders. However, I never said I did not think CGM could do it, I simply wondered if he could. So far, I have been very impressed with the staff he has assembled. If these guys live up to their reputation, we will be fine.

I was also not a big fan of JJ. However, I tend to believe that the AD and/or are others down there are involved in putting together this staff (as was the case when CGC's staff was hired). In spite of all the criticism, the powers that be at AU have a pretty good track record when it comes to hiring coaches (at least in the short term).

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I was not a fan of CGM being hired but the day he hired coach Garner was the day that hooked me in.Now Dameyne Craig????? I was WRONG and glad I was!!! :-) War Eagle

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.

I think most reasonable fans understand the dynamic in the SEC has changed dramatically. Every team continues to get better every year, even the Miss schools and Vanderbilt are respectable now. My point is, Gus finds himself competing in a league that is much tougher now than it was just a few years ago. That being the case, he'll be given some time to right the ship and I think they definitely WILL get things turned around.

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The staff looks great....an impressive bunch of individuals and I hope they can work together better than Chiz's staffs the past couple year.

The point is.....if you look at the successful teams in the SEC right now....how many members of their coaching staff can you identify? Maybe one or two because of some specific AU interest...but generally those guys go un-noticed and unknown unless the team has dificulties.

We now have more "high profile" coaches than any school in the SEC . The question is how they mesh and function as a team.

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Yes, it seems there was some kind of culture problem on the team, but I do believe that culture has definitely changed with the hiring of all new coaches. It will be up to the kids to decide whether they can fit into the new culture or not. I think they can adapt pretty quickly, if they are willing and those who aren't won't be around for very long. I'd say we will see very significant improvement next year. And I am so excited that we have men who came back home. That will help give credence to what a special place Auburn is and what a privilege it is to wear the orange and blue!!!

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.

Go back to the video of CTT jaw smacking about Lemonier being "one of mine" on signing day in 2010, flip foward to CTT getting between CGC and a player on the sideline this year.

What you had was an adequate coach who was a great recruiter who put his towel waving agenda ahead of the school that paid him handsomely and the team that represented the university.

What you have now are equally great recruiters, that are outstanding coaches, and whose loyalties outside their families belong to their school.

I think CGC had the right idea but was swept/or ran into a whirlwind that he could not control. I will always thank him for his service.

Little doc

taking in pride in leaving it to the coach we hired

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Coach Malzahn's several years of experience as head coach (although at high school level) has probably helped him understand personnel. He is operating like he has been there..Can't wait for recruiting to be done and for next year.

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Admit I was not a fan of the Gus hire. I give credit where credit is due; he has assembled a nice staff that has a good history of both recruiting and coaching. However, putting a staff together itself doesn't automatically give us W's so I'll continue to wait and see what they can deliver on the field. I'm not ready to give Gus his own statue, name him the best coach ever at Auburn and pump sunshine to no end. Names on paper don't impress me...it's like all the 4* & 5* players we have that didn't deliver. I'll remain objective until i see the product on the field.

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Every SEC school is upgrading their staff to do one thing.. If you cruise the websites of the competition, they're all saying the same thing -"Wow, we're gonna kick butt now". Being a bit more sedate and reading the resumes GM has rallied. Objectively it looks good - very good. The only light resume is OC, but that's Gus's call and he is Mr Offense.

AU64 said it well, the group must work together and relay all the past experience and success here and now to move Auburn back into the premier level - and stay there.

But it does look very good.

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I had the impression, from his term here, that CGM is a hard worker and a perfectionist. I wasn't sure if he had all of the skills required to captain a ship like Auburn. He seems to be doing a pretty darn good job.

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When I saw the press conference introducing Gus, at that point in time, I had no real expectations. I was digesting the things the committee was presenting as to why they had selected Gus. I decided i would defer to their judgement and not pass judgement myself. Then things started happening and happening fast. Based on what he has done insofar as assembling his staff, my expectations have begun to expand significantly. The quality of coaches and their vast experience makes this arguably the most acclaimed staff in Auburn football history, however, that doesn't insure success. For some reason, I think the success will follow and while it might take a year or two, it will come. I can feel it happening and I believe that most of us who folllow Auburn closely know that this is the kind of situation that Auburn rises from with a vengeance....we comin!

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.

I agree. I have already seen people expecting 10 wins next season. It will take some time to change the culture, that apparently went horribly wrong, around our program. It will take some time to get some SEC caliber players, and SEC depth, at a position or two. I would not change staff's with anybody in the nation. I just hope some temper expectations and let our coaches recruit/develop the talent that will get us back to where we belong in college football. I am 100% certain our staff will get this done. It just won't be tomorrow.

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.

I agree. I have already seen people expecting 10 wins next season. It will take some time to change the culture, that apparently went horribly wrong, around our program. It will take some time to get some SEC caliber players, and SEC depth, at a position or two. I would not change staff's with anybody in the nation. I just hope some temper expectations and let our coaches recruit/develop the talent that will get us back to where we belong in college football. I am 100% certain our staff will get this done. It just won't be tomorrow.

I Agree,

I don't expect 10 wins, just more than THREE.. If the first season we get to A bowl game, I'll be flabergasted.... concidering where we were in 2012.. If we lose to Bummer by less than 49 and score more than the "great goose egg" of 0 Points, I will feel GRRREAT... as I will know these TIGERS are making progress.. Anything better than the above is icing on the cake....

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I will admit, I was one of the Debbie Downers at the Malzahn hire. I thought he would simply keep Chizik's staff and it would be business as usual. However, things started looking up when he cleaned house. I never expected a staff of this caliber and I have been thoroughly impressed. I just hope the University and the fans give him at least 3 years to turn this thing around (I hope he does it sooner!) because there's a pretty bad culture in place that may take some time to correct.


It is with great pleasure that I find myself with the task to inform you that Sir Gus Malzahn will not need the 3 years you prescribe to, as you say "turn this thing around" if I may be so bold.

(please read that with a British accent. It is more fitting)

War Eagle!

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Admit I was not a fan of the Gus hire. I give credit where credit is due; he has assembled a nice staff that has a good history of both recruiting and coaching. However, putting a staff together itself doesn't automatically give us W's so I'll continue to wait and see what they can deliver on the field. I'm not ready to give Gus his own statue, name him the best coach ever at Auburn and pump sunshine to no end. Names on paper don't impress me...it's like all the 4* & 5* players we have that didn't deliver. I'll remain objective until i see the product on the field.

In other words, you're gonna wait and let Gus pump the sunshine?

I don't blame you, as that is exactly how it should be. He has been entrusted a great responsibility and is being rewarded very nicely both monetarily and the pleasure of fulfilling a dream career position that many would love to have.

I will say this though, if you look at every single coaching year (with the lone exception of his last year under Chizik), Gus' success on the field has never failed to pump a more than ample supply of the good ole' fashion sunshine!

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Every SEC school is upgrading their staff to do one thing.. If you cruise the websites of the competition, they're all saying the same thing -"Wow, we're gonna kick butt now". Being a bit more sedate and reading the resumes GM has rallied. Objectively it looks good - very good. The only light resume is OC, but that's Gus's call and he is Mr Offense.

Oh, are you speaking of the same coach who was the QB's Coach the year AU took the National Title?

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Gus is already doing a great job assembling a staff and bringing in former AU stars who have a proven coaching record as well. That should pay dividends to AU not only due to coaching ability, but a love for all things Auburn as players and students as well.

Let's remember, without Gus on board, we had a embarrassing and dismal losing season. With Gus on board (as OC), we had no losing seasons and a national championship.

Gus Malzahn was the only factor on our coaching staff that when he departed, made a immediate impact. I personally believe that he and Rocker made the difference coaching wise, on the national championship team.

We knew there would be a big hole from 2010 to 2011, due to all the losses we suffered from the NFL draft and from seniors departing. No one thought we would be more than 6-6 that year. However, with Gus on board, we beat all expectations. Conversly, without Gus, we had one of the worst all time seasons in Auburn history.

Another tell-tell sign to me is the fact that Gus did not keep any of the former staff on board. He worked with these coaches for three years, and yet kept none. That tells me that there were systemic problems with the former coaching staff. Either there were problems that the former staff could not or would not address, or they were, themselves, part of the problem.

At any rate, we shall all have to wait and see. But I like what I am seeing thus far and the fact that Gus does not have a losing record anywhere he has been. Personally, I like the idea of bringing Gus back and I think he will prove to be a very good coach at Auburn. He knows Auburn, knows many of the current players, and knows what it means to win in the SEC (Arkansas and AU).

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Another tell-tell sign to me is the fact that Gus did not keep any of the former staff on board. He worked with these coaches for three years, and yet kept none. That tells me that there were systemic problems with the former coaching staff. Either there were problems that the former staff could not or would not address, or they were, themselves, part of the problem.


Time will tell if Malzahan was the right hire but I suspected that much of the blame for last season lays squarely at our former staff's feet. Hopefully the new staff will isolate and eliminate the problems and move us forward.

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