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President Gogue Statement on Athletics Department Review


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In summary, 'I support Jay Jacobs but improvement is needed' ...

Dear Auburn Family,

The committee I appointed to review operations of Auburn Athletics as part of the Department’s annual evaluation has provided its findings. I’m grateful to members of the committee for their hard work, good thinking and dedication to helping Auburn Athletics move forward.

We asked the committee to review the Department’s total body of work with a focus on five areas: academic and support services for student-athletes; financial management; customer service; competition, including winning, sportsmanship and compliance; and management structure.

Athletics Director Jay Jacobs and I have talked in length about their recommendations. In general, they center on steps to improve overall operations of the Department, upgrade how we interact and communicate with fans and alumni, and enhance the game-day experience, on and off the field. Jay will talk in more detail about what’s in store, and I’m confident he will move forward to put in place a plan to give the Auburn family what we all expect.

There’s much to celebrate about Auburn Athletics, but there’s also room for substantial improvement. I look forward to Jay providing the leadership needed to make the necessary improvements.

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Well if JJ is part of the process going forward, that tells me I'm not getting what I asked for for Christmas. Do us proud JJ.

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Oh well. Not unexpected or surprising, but disappointing. They are praying Gus is the answer.


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Just read this on facebook and wanted to facepalm - JJ sticking around. I really do not care what he has to say.

FWIW Gouge should not be fired just for keeping this guy on as I have seen many suggesting. Jay should do the right thing and step down. However, a winning season in football with a victory over uat and most will forget how much we hate where he has led baseball, basketball, softball, swimming, and the recent 2 football seasons (especially how he handled it before selena).

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Just read this on facebook and wanted to facepalm - JJ sticking around. I really do not care what he has to say.

FWIW Gouge should not be fired just for keeping this guy on as I have seen many suggesting. Jay should do the right thing and step down. However, a winning season in football with a victory over uat and most will forget how much we hate where he has led baseball, basketball, softball, swimming, and the recent 2 football seasons (especially how he handled it before selena).

That's very closed-minded and sad when you look at the entire Athletic Department. It's very true, but sad. :sad2:
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This shows how incompetent and spineless Gogue is in regards to athletics. The committee, or whatever the crap he was talking about is, was formed with the sole purpose of returning back to Gogue stating that JJ is doing a good job. The committee was only formed to make the fans feel like he cared, but wait and see - no changes will be made. It's all smoke and mirrors to protect the good ole boy network.

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

Mac Crawford is a complete fool if he really believes what he is saying here.


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If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Obviously, Gouge is kicking the can down the road. Good decision-making skills for a guy make $2.5MM per year??!!

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...


I just never thought I would see the people that matter allow mediocrity to run rampant through our athletic programs. I do understand a few programs are doing well, but just as many are in the basement of the SEC. Oh well..............

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Anyone expecting anymore than this answer is just naive.

I have seen this university pack more fat than hibernating bear. The amount of administrative job creation and rings or minions who collect a paycheck is unbelievable. So if you are troubled about your athletic managent, who do do hire to review? God forbid someone who doesn't already have their seat at the table. Too bad there wasn't a critical review done. . . .

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FACEPALM! How can you say the state of the athletics department is ok when all our teams suck. I am not blaming the athletes. I am blaming the coaches and the person who hired the coaches. Guess its time to start the firejayjacobs.com site and promote my website at ballgames.

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.

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Ok - what did I guys expect...JJ to be fired after the review? Publicly the statement made by Gogue was good.....now who knows what may have been said privately. What I take is, ok JJ you are getting a shot to right the ship, if not someone else will be along to replace you.....

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.

Actually, financially we are mid-pack/average/mediocre (but not at the suck level our three major athletic programs are at in terms of results on the field of play) and while certain facilities may be "on par" with some in the SEC, the major one (JHS) needs a quality facelift (not posters and flags draped over it). So, mediocrity financially and average facility wise at the same time being below average to poor on the field of play is acceptable for AU in terms of athletics.

This review was a complete farce and it scares me that Mac Crawford was on the committee that made the head football coach hire decision based on his completely laughable comments regarding Jay Jacobs.


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Sounds like JJ has something on Jay Gogue. What President at a big time University would keep an AD like Jay Jacobs around after the many screw ups he's made in his hiring and firing of our coaches in many of our sports teams.

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.

Actually, financially we are mid-pack/average/mediocre (but not at the suck level our three major athletic programs are at in terms of results on the field of play) and while certain facilities may be "on par" with some in the SEC, the major one (JHS) needs a quality facelift (not posters and flags draped over it). So, mediocrity financially and average facility wise at the same time being below average to poor on the field of play is acceptable for AU in terms of athletics.

This review was a complete farce and it scares me that Mac Crawford was on the committee that made the head football coach hire decision based on his completely laughable comments regarding Jay Jacobs.


JMO but you greatly under-estimate the Auburn program. Financially in the top 10 nationally and the only non-flagship state university on the list. JH is a vey nice facility and while it would be nice to do some improvements in amenities, the Athletic Department has to apportion money around the entire program. Football has gotten some major non-revenue producing facilities...weight room, indoor practice field...and of course the Arena and athletic dorms are probably in the picture too. No question improvement needed in W-Ls but let's see what Gus is able to do.

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Update on cost of Auburn athletic review committee: Members of committee "volunteered their time" but school reimbursed travel & hotel


Auburn "Didn't want to use state funds" for ath dept review, so the Tigers Unlimited Foundation paid for committee expenses, according to AU


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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.

Actually, financially we are mid-pack/average/mediocre (but not at the suck level our three major athletic programs are at in terms of results on the field of play) and while certain facilities may be "on par" with some in the SEC, the major one (JHS) needs a quality facelift (not posters and flags draped over it). So, mediocrity financially and average facility wise at the same time being below average to poor on the field of play is acceptable for AU in terms of athletics.

This review was a complete farce and it scares me that Mac Crawford was on the committee that made the head football coach hire decision based on his completely laughable comments regarding Jay Jacobs.


Actually, I believe a report came out just today that stated only 23 collegiate programs were profitable this past year. 23 out of probably close to 1,000. Auburn was one of the 23. Hardly middle of the pack. I agree with you on JHS needing a facelift, but apparently there are plans to do just that.

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At least we didn't use a state department accountability review board... :-(

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