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***Announcement: New Recruiting Forum Moderator (ellitor)


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Please join me in congratulating ellitor on his promotion to Moderator of the Recruiting Forum! Now we know this isn't as exciting as a commitment or other prominent AU news but we still think it's a big deal and worthy of an attaboy! :big:

Seriously though, he's earned the role and will help us continue to make this board the best free medium for AU Recruiting news anywhere.

Congratulations again to ellitor and War Eagle!

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E, congrats. You do a great job. I feel like you have sort of been I unofficially that role for a while.

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So, how does the hazing process work?!?!

Cheers E!

There is a goat, but I forget who has it right now...

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Hear, hear

Hear, hear is an expression used as a short, repeated form of hear him, hear him. It represents a listener's agreement with the point being made by a speaker. In recent usage it has often been re-analysed as here, here, although this is incorrect.[1]

Get'm E!!! And WarEagle always!!

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Invoking E's spirit here:

Mods, can we move this into the new announcements forum and merge it with the new mods thread. TIA.

J/K congrats E!

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Congrats E! Much deserved and really glad you got it!

Also, continued thanks for always being there for us! You are the man!

We need more Prattville Auburn people, like yourself!! :)

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He has earned it. Like any good umpire/ref, the best mods are those who do not use the title of mod in a vindictive, power hungry way. Hopefully, E will remember that. My money is on E in this case.


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