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NSA Surveillance program thwarted plans to bomb stock exchange


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shabby is not worried, the government will protect him/her!

Presumably, you are talking about Islamic terrorists, so who's protecting you?

It used to be that the Constitution was protecting me, but now....not so much.
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shabby is not worried, the government will protect him/her!

Presumably, you are talking about Islamic terrorists, so who's protecting you?

It used to be that the Constitution was protecting me, but now....not so much.

The constitution is what protects you from terrorists?

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Over the ages far more people have been killed and / abused by their own governments than by outside threats or terrorists...and that's probably not including governments that sent people off to wars of conquest against their wills. Most people today seem to have forgotten that the constitution was written to protect us from our government and limit its powers. And I love some of the defenses above of the "government" as if the government were some objective and independent being that looks after our welfare...instead of being a huge (and growing) bureaucracy of human beings with their own personal agendas and goals that are not necessarily benevolent.

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Over the ages far more people have been killed and / abused by their own governments than by outside threats or terrorists...and that's probably not including governments that sent people off to wars of conquest against their wills. Most people today seem to have forgotten that the constitution was written to protect us from our government and limit its powers. And I love some of the defenses above of the "government" as if the government were some objective and independent being that looks after our welfare...instead of being a huge (and growing) bureaucracy of human beings with their own personal agendas and goals that are not necessarily benevolent.

I thought the government was charged by our Constitution with national defense.

And the government does consist of a large bureaucracy of human beings, all of whom are either directly accountable (elected representatives) or indirectly accountable through those same representatives or through legislation (the law).

I am not sure what you are getting at. Are you arguing against the concept of government in general or are you arguing against our specific government in particular?

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