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Rating the RB's of RBU


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If we're going on full career... (NFL included), then you have to put Heath Evans in there.

We could start a different list for fullbacks. If we included NFL, you would have to have Tony Richardson and Fred Beasley.

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If we're going on full career... (NFL included), then you have to put Heath Evans in there.

If you are doing that then William Andrews goes almost to the top of the list as well as Steven Davis moving up. Heath had a good NFL career but there are other more successful FBs from AU in the NFL. Fred Beasley had a good career and at least one pro-bowl. Tony Richardson had an amazing and long career as a NFL FB with a HUGE amount of yardage gained behind him over his career.

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FYI - In order for career rushing yards

1 Bo

2 Caddy

3 Brooks

4 Cribbs

5 Tate

6 Davis

7 Fullwood

8 Brown

9 Danley

10 Dyer

In order of career TDs

1 Caddy

2 Bo

3 Cribbs

4 Davis

5 Brown

6 Tate/ Fullwood/ Brooks

9 Reggie Ware

10 Cam

Career yds/game

1 Bo

2 Irons

3 Brooks

4 Caddy

5 Davis

6 Kuykendall (1944-1945)

7 Dyer

8 Cribbs

9 Fullwood

10 Tate

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1. Bo

2. Brent Fullwood

3. James Brooks

4. Cadillac

5. Joe Cribbs

6. Ronnie Brown

7. Lionel James

8. Rudy Johnson

9. Stephen Davis

10. Kenny Irons


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I was glad to see someone include Stephen Davis. I think that both James Bostic and Stacey Danley reserve some honorable mention. They were both beasts when healthy.

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If we're going on full career... (NFL included), then you have to put Heath Evans in there.

If you are doing that then William Andrews goes almost to the top of the list as well as Steven Davis moving up. Heath had a good NFL career but there are other more successful FBs from AU in the NFL. Fred Beasley had a good career and at least one pro-bowl. Tony Richardson had an amazing and long career as a NFL FB with a HUGE amount of yardage gained behind him over his career.

If you did pros Andrews, Cribbs Brooks and Fullwood all jump Brown and Caddy...

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Could we call Cam a running back? Every time he touched the ball and began to run with it, there was that feeling that he could take it for big yardage. If this was the case id go Bo, Cadillac, cam

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There was also a guy named Allen Evans whom I actually know personally. He came in the year Bo did and was a huge and highly touted recruit. I never saw him, but they say that when Bo was out, he was another one of those guys who you just expected to take it the distance

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With Fullwood you also have to remember, he shared the backfield for 2 years with Bo Jackson and before that had Lionel James and Bo to deal with. And Bo's senior season (1985) we had switched to an I-formation from the wishbone so the split carries he'd gotten the year before went down even further. His only year with the ball to himself, he racked up 8.2 yds per carry and had he been fed the ball as much as Bo, would have obliterated the season season rushing mark at Auburn.

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Could we call Cam a running back? Every time he touched the ball and began to run with it, there was that feeling that he could take it for big yardage. If this was the case id go Bo, Cadillac, cam

I think he's ranked down in the 20-25 range for career rushing yards, but way up there for career ypc.

Might not be fair comparison, however, since most RBs aren't able to pass or handoff when the goin' looks tough

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With Fullwood you also have to remember, he shared the backfield for 2 years with Bo Jackson and before that had Lionel James and Bo to deal with. And Bo's senior season (1985) we had switched to an I-formation from the wishbone so the split carries he'd gotten the year before went down even further. His only year with the ball to himself, he racked up 8.2 yds per carry and had he been fed the ball as much as Bo, would have obliterated the season season rushing mark at Auburn.

I fondly remember visiting fans talking like they'd catch a break when Mr. Jackson took a breather

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Could we call Cam a running back? Every time he touched the ball and began to run with it, there was that feeling that he could take it for big yardage. If this was the case id go Bo, Cadillac, cam

I think he's ranked down in the 20-25 range for career rushing yards, but way up there for career ypc.

Might not be fair comparison, however, since most RBs aren't able to pass or handoff when the goin' looks tough

He is 10th on the all time career TD list. Pretty impressive to do that in one year with the RBs we have had.

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Could we call Cam a running back? Every time he touched the ball and began to run with it, there was that feeling that he could take it for big yardage. If this was the case id go Bo, Cadillac, cam

I think he's ranked down in the 20-25 range for career rushing yards, but way up there for career ypc.

Might not be fair comparison, however, since most RBs aren't able to pass or handoff when the goin' looks tough

He is 10th on the all time career TD list. Pretty impressive to do that in one year with the RBs we have had.

and I suspect the LSU game alone would be a highlight film that would make some RBs proud

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I do love that someone mentioned Stacy Danley. I will never forget him getting knocked unconcious on a head-to-head collision with Spencer Hammond in the 88 Iron Bowl. CBS said he was done for the game. He came back in later and ripped off about a 20-25 yard run that helped set up the game clinching touchdown. If you ranked AU backs based on Iron Bowl performances he would be near the top of the list. He was always at his best against the turds. He had 100 yard games in 87 and 89, and most certainly would have in 88 had he not been knocked out of the game (I think he had around 97 nonetheless).

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Yeah, hard to believe that Beasley and O-mac aren't on anyones list. Well, that is a great problem to have...War "RBU" Eagle!!!

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Lets just remember... Auburn is considered "Running Back U".

Tailbacks are RB's...

Fullbacks are also considered RB's...

Lets not short-change any of AU's GREAT fullbacks (both collegiate and professional) just because they didn't get a bulk of the carries.

Tommy Agee, Fred Beasley, and Heath Evans were all great RunningBacks.

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Lets just remember... Auburn is considered "Running Back U".

Tailbacks are RB's...

Fullbacks are also considered RB's...

Lets not short-change any of AU's GREAT fullbacks (both collegiate and professional) just because they didn't get a bulk of the carries.

Tommy Agee, Fred Beasley, and Heath Evans were all great RunningBacks.

Agee was my favorite until Heath came along. Heath is the most versatile FB we have had in my life IMO. Let's not forget Tony Richardson in the FB list. He not only had a great college career, but he spent more than a decade and a half in the NFL. Just unheard of for a FB.

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Could we call Cam a running back? Every time he touched the ball and began to run with it, there was that feeling that he could take it for big yardage. If this was the case id go Bo, Cadillac, cam

I think he's ranked down in the 20-25 range for career rushing yards, but way up there for career ypc.

Might not be fair comparison, however, since most RBs aren't able to pass or handoff when the goin' looks tough

True but many of his runs were designed keepers and/or run plays called for him to make a decision

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Taking the top-11 performances by each RB, here is how they rate...

Bo Jackson ............... 2175-301-20tds / 116.1 rating

Brent Fullwood .......... 1757-193-14tds / 111.2 rating

James Brooks ........... 1893-260-15tds / 107.2 rating

Carnell Williams ........ 1800-275-23tds / 102.7 rating

Stephen Davis .......... 1639-239-15tds / 98.1 rating

Joe Cribbs ................ 1719-283-19tds / 97.7 rating

Onterio McCalebb ..... 1155-128-10tds / 92.9 rating

James Bostic ............. 1488-232-12tds / 90.9 rating

Lionel James ............. 1228-148-8tds / 90.8 rating

Ben Tate .................... 1466-230-12tds / 90.1 rating

Michael Dyer .............. 1506-248-10tds / 88.7 rating

Ronnie Brown ............. 1411-227-14tds / 88.6 rating

Rudi Johnson .............. 1626-331-13tds / 87.6 rating

Kenny Irons ................. 1443-264-12tds / 85.1 rating

James Joseph ............. 1173-183-7tds / 79.6 rating

The rating formula is an efficiency rating based on yards per game, yards per carry and TD ratio.

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Taking the top-11 performances by each RB, here is how they rate...

Bo Jackson ............... 2175-301-20tds / 116.1 rating

Brent Fullwood .......... 1757-193-14tds / 111.2 rating

James Brooks ........... 1893-260-15tds / 107.2 rating

Carnell Williams ........ 1800-275-23tds / 102.7 rating

Stephen Davis .......... 1639-239-15tds / 98.1 rating

Joe Cribbs ................ 1719-283-19tds / 97.7 rating

Onterio McCalebb ..... 1155-128-10tds / 92.9 rating

James Bostic ............. 1488-232-12tds / 90.9 rating

Lionel James ............. 1228-148-8tds / 90.8 rating

Ben Tate .................... 1466-230-12tds / 90.1 rating

Michael Dyer .............. 1506-248-10tds / 88.7 rating

Ronnie Brown ............. 1411-227-14tds / 88.6 rating

Rudi Johnson .............. 1626-331-13tds / 87.6 rating

Kenny Irons ................. 1443-264-12tds / 85.1 rating

James Joseph ............. 1173-183-7tds / 79.6 rating

The rating formula is an efficiency rating based on yards per game, yards per carry and TD ratio.

Neat, and difficult to argue with

May I inquire as to the formula, or is it proprietary?

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Lets just remember... Auburn is considered "Running Back U".

Tailbacks are RB's...

Fullbacks are also considered RB's...

Lets not short-change any of AU's GREAT fullbacks (both collegiate and professional) just because they didn't get a bulk of the carries.

Tommy Agee, Fred Beasley, and Heath Evans were all great RunningBacks.

Agee was my favorite until Heath came along. Heath is the most versatile FB we have had in my life IMO. Let's not forget Tony Richardson in the FB list. He not only had a great college career, but he spent more than a decade and a half in the NFL. Just unheard of for a FB.

Dang... Tony Richardson is why I originally made the post! Can't believe I left him out...

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Neat, and difficult to argue with

May I inquire as to the formula, or is it proprietary?

(yards per carry*4) +(Yards per game/3) + (100-rushing TD's/4)

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Rating based from SEC games only....

Bo Jackson (21) ............... 2246-367-21tds / 80.8 rating

Stephen Davis (21) .......... 2109-366-16tds / 75.8 rating

Carnell Williams (27) ........ 2697-512-32tds / 75.4 rating

James Brooks (20) ........... 1928-321-12tds / 74.5 rating

Joe Cribbs (22) ................ 2146-401-19tds / 73.6 rating

Brent Fullwood (17) ......... 1453-196-11tds / 78.7 rating

James Bostic (17) ............ 1597-303-14tds / 72.0 rating

Kenny Irons (16) .............. 1579-357-13tds / 68.7 rating

Rudi Johnson (9) ............. 1034-241-5tds / 68.4 rating

Michael Dyer (17) ............ 1497-287-7tds / 65.0 rating

Lionel James (18) ............ 1118-196-9tds / 63.1 rating

Ronnie Brown (29) .......... 1775-343-17tds / 61.1 rating

Ben Tate (26) .................. 1928-417-13tds / 60.2 rating

Onterio McCalebb (32) .... 1323-224-11tds / 57.3 rating

James Joseph (21) ........... 1300-282-9tds / 56.2 rating

Stacy Danley (24) ............. 1707-386-6tds / 50.3 rating

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But one thing I look for in a RB is whether I feel, every time he touches the ball, that he could take it to the house. Take Bo as the high end of that feeling -- I literally felt that way every single time he got the ball. I was more surprised when he didn't score than when he did. Of the other running backs I've seen listed, Fullwood is the only other one I saw play who came close to giving me that feeling.

I know exactly what you are expressing.... I call it the "hold your breath" type of player. The moment they take the hand off, you hold your breath because you know they can score from anywhere on the field. Fullwood had that and obviously Bo did too. Brooks had that kind of speed but Cribbs did not. Kenny Irons did not have that top-end type of speed but he was extremely explosive through the hole.

Yep, "hold you breath" is right.

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But one thing I look for in a RB is whether I feel, every time he touches the ball, that he could take it to the house. Take Bo as the high end of that feeling -- I literally felt that way every single time he got the ball. I was more surprised when he didn't score than when he did. Of the other running backs I've seen listed, Fullwood is the only other one I saw play who came close to giving me that feeling.

I know exactly what you are expressing.... I call it the "hold your breath" type of player. The moment they take the hand off, you hold your breath because you know they can score from anywhere on the field. Fullwood had that and obviously Bo did too. Brooks had that kind of speed but Cribbs did not. Kenny Irons did not have that top-end type of speed but he was extremely explosive through the hole.

While not as fast as Brooks, Cribbs had an elusiveness that could allow him to take it all the way. I know two long runs don't make you a burner, but 60 yd against GA and 87 yd against UAT are 2 that come to mind. I am sure he had more.

My Grandaddy told me about Cribbs and Brooks, so I know they were both good. I haven't even watched extended highlights of them, though. That's not to take away from how good they were -- just saying I didn't experience it firsthand. I believe you, as well as my Grandaddy. :)

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