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Coach Dye may really need to be put to pasture now

Charleston Tiger

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Coach Dye needs to distance himself...only he can do that. Forgiveness is a great thing. Learn from Kiel and his Stepfather.....Offer it, and allow the man to BE A MAN. He will because he is Patrick Fain Dye.

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How can he powers that be continue to let Pat Dye get away with saying stuff like he's been saying. Doesn't he realize he's only hurting himself? People everywhere are laughing at him and at us. This crap must stop now.

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On the record, off the record....doesn't matter. Those guys were put in a horrible situation last year.....and we have MOVED ON. To call them "cowards" is just, well, apprehensible. THEY ARE STILL KIDS.

I'm ashamed of Coach Dye, I don't care what he did in the past. This ain't the past . Just because he put AU on the map doesn't give him the right to go out and spew crap like this.

Totally disagree with this part. I agree this isn't the past and also absolutely agree that what he's done previously gives him no right to speak negatively about players, but I do care what he's done for us in the past. His contribution to AU is immense and can not be overstated. He totally changed things- for the good. The man's name is on our stadium field for a reason. I'll leave it at that.
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On the record, off the record....doesn't matter. Those guys were put in a horrible situation last year.....and we have MOVED ON. To call them "cowards" is just, well, apprehensible. THEY ARE STILL KIDS.

I'm ashamed of Coach Dye, I don't care what he did in the past. This ain't the past . Just because he put AU on the map doesn't give him the right to go out and spew crap like this.

Totally disagree with this part. I agree this isn't the past and also absolutely agree that what he's done previously gives him no right to speak negatively about players, but I do care what he's done for us in the past. His contribution to AU is immense and can not be overstated. He totally changed things- for the good. The man's name is on our stadium field for a reason. I'll leave it at that.

I agree NoAL Tiger

I don't like everything Pat Dye says, but his contributions to Auburn history are huge. I am not justifying Pat's comments, but some of the critics here are probably some of the same people that hit the exits early when we were getting blown out last year and/or booing which is just as disgraceful representing Auburn.

War Eagle !

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On the record, off the record....doesn't matter. Those guys were put in a horrible situation last year.....and we have MOVED ON. To call them "cowards" is just, well, apprehensible. THEY ARE STILL KIDS.

I'm ashamed of Coach Dye, I don't care what he did in the past. This ain't the past . Just because he put AU on the map doesn't give him the right to go out and spew crap like this.

Totally disagree with this part. I agree this isn't the past and also absolutely agree that what he's done previously gives him no right to speak negatively about players, but I do care what he's done for us in the past. His contribution to AU is immense and can not be overstated. He totally changed things- for the good. The man's name is on our stadium field for a reason. I'll leave it at that.

I don't think she really meant to say that Pat Dye and his accomplishments are irrelevant. While it can be taken that way, I think she was getting at what you're saying in your second sentence. Pat Dye would have retired at his leisure in the absence of the Ramsey controversy, and he earned every bit of that right. He earned having his name on the field. However, all things considered, Auburn has certainly treated Pat Dye right since he retired, as has the fanbase. He will always be respected among us, regardless of the circumstances. He does need to take a lesson from Tuberville though. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

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Is it enough to say that he's earned the right to our forgiveness if he asks for it and doesn't make the same mistake again?

And before you answer, no, I don't think he has made this mistake before. The Condoleeza Rice comments were a non-issue to me- SO many people in the business said the exact same things- and I was disappointed in the Auburn fans who took up their pitchforks along with the rest of the mob. Ditto for some of the other- let's call them "less than polished"- things he's been criticized for saying in the past.

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Is it enough to say that he's earned the right to our forgiveness if he asks for it and doesn't make the same mistake again?

And before you answer, no, I don't think he has made this mistake before. The Condoleeza Rice comments were a non-issue to me- SO many people in the business said the exact same things- and I was disappointed in the Auburn fans who took up their pitchforks along with the rest of the mob. Ditto for some of the other- let's call them "less than polished"- things he's been criticized for saying in the past.

Absolutely. All I wanted him to do was make it right, which he apparently did by addressing the players. No need for him to call a press conference and accept public crucifixion. I would certainly like it if he would exercise better restraint and judgment with his remarks in the future, as he is still considered a "representative" of Auburn. That's the expectation that comes along with staying close to the program, and having your name on the field. In other words, I'd like to see him use his mouth more like Tuberville, and less like this incident.

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Is it enough to say that he's earned the right to our forgiveness if he asks for it and doesn't make the same mistake again?

And before you answer, no, I don't think he has made this mistake before. The Condoleeza Rice comments were a non-issue to me- SO many people in the business said the exact same things- and I was disappointed in the Auburn fans who took up their pitchforks along with the rest of the mob. Ditto for some of the other- let's call them "less than polished"- things he's been criticized for saying in the past.

Absolutely. All I wanted him to do was make it right, which he apparently did by addressing the players. No need for him to call a press conference and accept public crucifixion. I would certainly like it if he would exercise better restraint and judgment with his remarks in the future, as he is still considered a "representative" of Auburn. That's the expectation that comes along with staying close to the program, and having your name on the field. In other words, I'd like to see him use his mouth more like Tuberville, and less like this incident.

I'm inclined to agree with you right down the line. But this is college football and the Internet, so I suppose a hefty dose of overreaction is called for :)

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I may get blasted for this but here it goes; You do not reach a level of "SEC Starting QB" by being a coward. Sorry but that is impossible. They may have had a bunch of self-doubt following in the footsteps of Cam Newton, but self-doubt =/= cowardice. They were both State Champions in HS as well as Mr. Football's in their state and I don't care who you are, that doesn't happen to cowards. And even if they were, why the BLANK wasn't it coached out of them?

I'm sorry, you can call me any name you want, but Dye was wrong. Wrap it in a bow, spray perfume on it and look at it however you want. It was total BS for him to say that about any AU Football player. You guys can give him all the chances you want, if he never was associated with AU again it would be to soon for me. JMO.

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I may get blasted for this but here it goes; You do not reach a level of "SEC Starting QB" by being a coward. Sorry but that is impossible. They may have had a bunch of self-doubt following in the footsteps of Cam Newton, but self-doubt =/= cowardice. They were both State Champions in HS as well as Mr. Football's in their state and I don't care who you are, that doesn't happen to cowards. And even if they were, why the BLANK wasn't it coached out of them?

I'm sorry, you can call me any name you want, but Dye was wrong. Wrap it in a bow, spray perfume on it and look at it however you want. It was total BS for him to say that about any AU Football player. You guys can give him all the chances you want, if he never was associated with AU again it would be to soon for me. JMO.

I couldn't agree more around talking about AU Football players. I am well aware of what CPD has done for the school, program, etc. That doesn't make what happened right. You don't go, oh it's ok because he did a lot of good. You don't hear other former head coaches spouting off - Dooley, Stallings, etc. He needs to watch his TV, go to the games, pat guys on the back and be proud of the O&B - not belittling the players during a bad season when it is DAMN clear now they weren't the issue. He was more Loeffler in this statement that he was Legendary.

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Off the record....ok now I understand, it's ok then....

Didn't say it was ok. Off the record is a private opinion and has an element of trust to those who listen. They are still Coach Dye's words. How he intended them was not meant for the public. The point of off the record is that we wouldn't be having this discussion today if it had been honored. Doesn't change his opinions. It only changes others opinion of him and fuels controversy. It was sniped as a headline and nothing more.

He was overheard by people who were not under the "off the record" cone. They had every right to share what he said.

It's one thing to do a 1:1 interview and hear something off the record. He was in a public place where several people heard him. They have the right to report it.

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Off the record on the record it doesn't matter, this isn't his first time saying something idiotic. He is becoming a joke to himself when it comes to representing the Auburn program. He needs to be told to be more mindful of what he says if he wants to continue to be involved in the program. Frankly though, I'd prefer it if he was hardly involved in the program at all. I do not know how much influence he has, but his judgement off the field has been questionable and I think he is more of a negative than a positive at this point in time.

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Dixie1860 you are not wrong in your comments. Dye needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Dye is mad because Chizik was his hand picked man and he did not want him to go down in flames like he did. So instead of placing the blame on Chizik he chooses to blame the QBs.

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Dixie1860 you are not wrong in your comments. Dye needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Dye is mad because Chizik was his hand picked man and he did not want him to go down in flames like he did. So instead of placing the blame on Chizik he chooses to blame the QBs.

^^ This, even with the most embarrassing season of losses by AU in quite some time dye was still giving and protecting chizic with high praise.
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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

To be fair, one of the biggest reasons we were so good that year happens to coincide with the reasons the sanctions were in place. Good examples with Tressel or Carroll - both left their schools with sanctions, as did Dye.

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

To be fair, one of the biggest reasons we were so good that year happens to coincide with the reasons the sanctions were in place. Good examples with Tressel or Carroll - both left their schools with sanctions, as did Dye.

Both left their schools with sanctions, and were at legend status when they left. OSU might have been able to beat Notre Dame for the BCS National Championship last year, but we'll never know. The reasons for sanctions might be why they were so good too, and maybe not. What we do know is that team fielded after Tressel's departure was good enough to compete for the title, they were denied the opportunity, and the reason for denial had nothing to do with their play. Same with 1993 Auburn. That tarnished Dye's legacy, just as Carroll and Tressel's are. I was surprised when they introduced Pat Dye Field at JHS. I understood his achievements that earned the honor, but being hammered by the NCAA tarnished it sufficiently that I didn't expect it. I guarantee it will never be Pete Carroll Field at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, of Jim Tressel Field at Ohio Stadium.

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

To be fair, one of the biggest reasons we were so good that year happens to coincide with the reasons the sanctions were in place. Good examples with Tressel or Carroll - both left their schools with sanctions, as did Dye.

Both left their schools with sanctions, and were at legend status when they left. OSU might have been able to beat Notre Dame for the BCS National Championship last year, but we'll never know. The reasons for sanctions might be why they were so good too, and maybe not. What we do know is that team fielded after Tressel's departure was good enough to compete for the title, they were denied the opportunity, and the reason for denial had nothing to do with their play. Same with 1993 Auburn. That tarnished Dye's legacy, just as Carroll and Tressel's are. I was surprised when they introduced Pat Dye Field at JHS. I understood his achievements that earned the honor, but being hammered by the NCAA tarnished it sufficiently that I didn't expect it. I guarantee it will never be Pete Carroll Field at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, of Jim Tressel Field at Ohio Stadium.

"Hammered" is not the descriptor that springs to my mind when considering the minimal punishment the NCAA meted out to Auburn. 2 scholarships and 1 year TV and Bowl ban is not even in the same league as our friends across the state who lost 23 scholarships in one fell swoop. THAT is getting hammered but, by any comparison one would like to make Auburn got a slap on the wrist NOT hammered.

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

To be fair, one of the biggest reasons we were so good that year happens to coincide with the reasons the sanctions were in place. Good examples with Tressel or Carroll - both left their schools with sanctions, as did Dye.

Both left their schools with sanctions, and were at legend status when they left. OSU might have been able to beat Notre Dame for the BCS National Championship last year, but we'll never know. The reasons for sanctions might be why they were so good too, and maybe not. What we do know is that team fielded after Tressel's departure was good enough to compete for the title, they were denied the opportunity, and the reason for denial had nothing to do with their play. Same with 1993 Auburn. That tarnished Dye's legacy, just as Carroll and Tressel's are. I was surprised when they introduced Pat Dye Field at JHS. I understood his achievements that earned the honor, but being hammered by the NCAA tarnished it sufficiently that I didn't expect it. I guarantee it will never be Pete Carroll Field at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, of Jim Tressel Field at Ohio Stadium.

"Hammered" is not the descriptor that springs to my mind when considering the minimal punishment the NCAA meted out to Auburn. 2 scholarships and 1 year TV and Bowl ban is not even in the same league as our friends across the state who lost 23 scholarships in one fell swoop. THAT is getting hammered but, by any comparison one would like to make Auburn got a slap on the wrist NOT hammered.

Very well. Let's replace "hammered" with "sanctioned". Does it change the point?

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

One of the best things Chizik did was bringing back some of the AU legends. Dye had "served his time" in exile and was helpful in motivating the 2010 team, as were Bo and others from our past. Gus seems to think that was a good idea, and has continued it -- even expanding it to other AU winners like Jason Dufner.

I will say that Dye seems to be wearing out his welcome and outliving his usefulness to the current program. Gus and/or Jay would do well to ask him to tone it down.

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The more I think about it, it was a bad idea to let him get so close to the program again. For all the great things Pat Dye did, there is a very important cost that he left Auburn with. That 1993 team did not get to compete for a national championship, due to a TV and postseason ban inherited from Dye's tenure. Now we have problems with him publicly criticizing our players. I think Tuberville was right to keep Dye at a distance from his program, and Gus may do well to do the same. Do you honestly think Pete Carroll or Jim Tressel will be closely associated with the USC and OSU programs in the future?

One of the best things Chizik did was bringing back some of the AU legends. Dye had "served his time" in exile and was helpful in motivating the 2010 team, as were Bo and others from our past. Gus seems to think that was a good idea, and has continued it -- even expanding it to other AU winners like Jason Dufner.

I will say that Dye seems to be wearing out his welcome and outliving his usefulness to the current program. Gus and/or Jay would do well to ask him to tone it down.

I agree with your point on bringing back the legends. I think it is good to have them around. I have not seen what Dye actually said; and is it confirmed. If so, he needs to make some MAJOR apologies VERY publicly and one-on-one to the individuals he insulted.
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I don't care who you are nobody is bigger than the program. Everybody going crazy in that stupid reporter's thread finbaum or whatever his name is saying he just want to bring up negative stuff cuz we are doing good. Same principal here, we're doing something special why even talk about this right now. It's stupid.

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He is making a fool of himself yet again, and as an ambassador of the Auburn program some of his comments are making us look pretty foolish. I don't know who would be in a position to do this, perhaps Gus or Jacobs, but someone should reach out to him and tell him that he basically needs to stop putting his foot in his mouth. He is a legend and an Auburn man, but that doesn't mean he should get a free pass to spit out garbage.

He coached at AU but the crap he's been saying doesn't bode well as an AU man. He as the freedom to say what he wants but he doesn't represent AU very well a lot of times. I know that there are a lot of people on here that would take offense to my opinion but to call our QBs cowards is ridiculous. I would love to have seen him out there behind that line we had last year. OK, rant over.
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