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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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Back to the thread talking about Obama has 41% support - those people dont care. This didnt affect their government handouts.

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The brother of the CEO of CBS (who repressed stories by Sharyl Attkisson on Benghazi) directed the suppression of the truth on the attack. Who woulda thunk it?

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I have said before that the truth will ultimately come out and it may come in trickles but it is happening. When the truth about all the scandals finally laid on the table for historians to write about, I honestly believe the magnitude of the lies told will boggle everyone's mind.

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The brother of the CEO of CBS (who repressed stories by Sharyl Attkisson on Benghazi) directed the suppression of the truth on the attack. Who woulda thunk it?

Nothing here...pure coincidence...
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The brother of the CEO of CBS (who repressed stories by Sharyl Attkisson on Benghazi) directed the suppression of the truth on the attack. Who woulda thunk it?

Nothing here...pure coincidence...

Tin Foil cometh.......Ben?
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And Hillary is being protected in this one as well. It's a big mess but only half the country gives a damn. If that many by now. The Dems have known the best way to get away from this is by using the stall tactic, then pivot against opposition and frame them as crazy conspiracy theorists.

They should go to jail.

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Hilary is disgusting and a liar. She lied about Benghazi to congress and the American people.

...and at the funeral of those four men.
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Hilary is disgusting and a liar. She lied about Benghazi to congress and the American people.

...and at the funeral of those four men.

C'mon guys.."At this point, what difference does it make?" :-\

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Hilary is disgusting and a liar. She lied about Benghazi to congress and the American people.

...and at the funeral of those four men.

C'mon guys.."At this point, what difference does it make?" :-\

God is a God of irony. Maybe that will be the headline when her campaign goes up in flames.
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The Ukrainian and Libyan crisis has thankfully brought more attention to what a terrible tragic cover up Benghazi really is. People have picked up on a "sweep under the carpet trend" by Hussein Obama.

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Tin Foil cometh.......Ben?

I don't know enough about the subject to level the tinfoil hat charge just yet. I doubt it, but he could be correct. :dunno:

I'm running low, anyway. This forum has made me run through a lot of it as of late. The big one for Weegs yesterday took a lot of foil. :lol:

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No foil. It's obvious as CO2 and O2. These 4 Americans deserve to get the justice. They could have been saved.

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Tin Foil cometh.......Ben?

I don't know enough about the subject to level the tinfoil hat charge just yet. I doubt it, but he could be correct. :dunno:/>

I'm running low, anyway. This forum has made me run through a lot of it as of late. The big one for Weegs yesterday took a lot of foil. :lol:/>

When everyone but you can see what's going on, that is an indicator that anyone with a trace of intellect should be able to pick up on.
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No foil. It's obvious as CO2 and O2. These 4 Americans deserve to get the justice. They could have been saved.

Just so we're clear, I was referring to the charge that the brother of the CEO of CBS is somehow quashing evidence on Benghazi.

When everyone but you can see what's going on, that is an indicator that anyone with a trace of intellect should be able to pick up on.

Everyone? :rolleyes:

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No foil. It's obvious as CO2 and O2. These 4 Americans deserve to get the justice. They could have been saved.

Just so we're clear, I was referring to the charge that the brother of the CEO of CBS is somehow quashing evidence on Benghazi.

When everyone but you can see what's going on, that is an indicator that anyone with a trace of intellect should be able to pick up on.

Everyone? :rolleyes:

'Everyone' with a working brain that is willing to take the obama decals off their eyes and use common sense.

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'Everyone' with a working brain that is willing to take the obama decals off their eyes and use common sense.

So you agree with Weeg's silly little theory that the Bundy standoff was a government effort to implement gun control?

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Yea, if you aint thinkin like the rest uf us, you is just stupid. Join the heard.



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I'm going to set aside for a minute the notion that this could have been prevented. Even set aside that Susan Rice was the tool to perpetrate a broad and deliberate lie about the "spontaneous" nature of the well planned and highly accurate combined arms assault on the compound (apparently Benghazi University has the only artillery fire direction control school as part of it's undergrad curriculum). What really burns my ass on this was the deliberate face to face lie that Obama and Clinton perpetrated on the bereaved love ones of those 4 men. Hillary told this to Tyrone Smith's dad.

CHARLES WOODS: You know, this is the one thing. When I was approached by Hillary Clinton at the coming home ceremony of the bodies at Andrews Air Force base and she said we are going to go out and we are going to prosecute that person who made the video, I knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, and I think the whole world knows that now.

I don't even know what to call someone who is so eager to save their political ass, so bereft of honor, someone who has so little respect for the people that serve under them, someone who has so little respect to the very people she is suppose to console; someone with no respect for their oath....that they would lie to a father who lost his son in service to his country; lost his life while serving under the person telling the lie....and tell that lie over and over and over to every family member...tell that lie to the press and then when called to answer in front of the Peoples Body of government, then have the nerve to say "what difference does it make". I hope there is a special seat in hell for people like this.

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I'm going to set aside for a minute the notion that this could have been prevented. Even set aside that Susan Rice was the tool to perpetrate a broad and deliberate lie about the "spontaneous" nature of the well planned and highly accurate combined arms assault on the compound (apparently Benghazi University has the only artillery fire direction control school as part of it's undergrad curriculum). What really burns my ass on this was the deliberate face to face lie that Obama and Clinton perpetrated on the bereaved love ones of those 4 men. Hillary told this to Tyrone Smith's dad.

CHARLES WOODS: You know, this is the one thing. When I was approached by Hillary Clinton at the coming home ceremony of the bodies at Andrews Air Force base and she said we are going to go out and we are going to prosecute that person who made the video, I knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, and I think the whole world knows that now.

I don't even know what to call someone who is so eager to save their political ass, so bereft of honor, someone who has so little respect for the people that serve under them, someone who has so little respect to the very people she is suppose to console; someone with no respect for their oath....that they would lie to a father who lost his son in service to his country; lost his life while serving under the person telling the lie....and tell that lie over and over and over to every family member...tell that lie to the press and then when called to answer in front of the Peoples Body of government, then have the nerve to say "what difference does it make". I hope there is a special seat in hell for people like this.

Kind of the way I felt when I realized "weapons of mass destruction" was a lie.

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