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John Kerry selling climate change


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This guy is a riot! He either enjoys lying or is just a ridiculous dumb ass. However, he's a proven liar since returning from Vietnam but my money is on him just being a typical dumb ass sheeple democrat, going along with the party line no matter what it is. Keep talking John, you're doing climate change advocacy no favors.


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So full of himself , that he thinks if he emphatically says something, everyone will blindly believe it.

sums up pretty much the mindset of every Leftists. Facts are irrelevant to their belief system.

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When you make CSN News look credible, it has been an epic bad day for you.

John Kerry is a pathological liar. He has no morals, scruples, character.

He lied to the incredibly stoopid press for 35 years about the green beret he kept in his brief case. You know, about that Christmas 1968 he said he spent in Cambodia that he blamed on President Nixon and all his press buddies bought hook line and sinker. Problem 1: The USN, his shipmates, hell everyone in a position to know PROVED he was never there. Problem 2: The stoopid a$$e$ in the press could not figure out that Nixon was only President Elect until 20-JAN-69. He had zero power of office in 25-DEC-68.Yet they repeated this incredibly stoopid meme for DECADES.

Kerry also took another pathological liar to be his second in command in his organized protest movement when he came home from Vietnam. Honestly we had no business being there. We all know that now. But Kerry couldnt have just that he had to portray his buddies as killers, murderers, etc. His No 2 in the organization claimed to have seen it all this as well. Problem, No 2 guy was never further West while he was in the USAF than Charleston, SC. Like his own testimony that fell apart under scrutiny, his organization fell apart as well.

Kerry has one gift, being a gigolo for some really wealthy women in his life of privilege. He was a dud at Harvard having worse grades than Bush43.

Appointing this intellectual never-was to be Secretary of State is just another in a long line of head scratchers this administration will have to explain one day. At least Massachusetts got read of him as a Senator.

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