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2013 4* S Tray Matthews (Georgia signee & transferred to AU)


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whats up with anyone giving someone who works hard making the site better and gives me more info for free so I don't have to go hunting for it all over the internet. First EDW and now Ellitor thats bullsh$$. This site is what it is from a few people who spend alot of time typing and hunting for info for free, just because they love auburn and its family of fans.

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towards the end, Tray says that he's recruiting Foster to Georgia, but  Reuben is recruiting him to come to... Then he smiled, and said something along the lines of he's not going to go into it...

This is just me,but if Reuben was recruiting him to Alabama, wouldn't it be no big deal to say that? Makes me think that Reuben is still recruiting him to come to Auburn, just like Tray Matthews has said in the past....Or they are playing one heck of a game. I am starting to think there should be a Foster/Matthews thread. lol

Edit: Decision in August or September

Sounds a whole lot more like a copy & paste from TD.

Ellitor, you copy and paste much?  :dunno: Get your own material or credit it to someone else when you say it.

Well Hello TD regulars. I never claimed it to be my info nor took credit for it. Let's be honest. AE and TD posters copies stuff from each other ALL THE TIME and I do not see anything wrong with it. Heck you guys copy stuff I post here a lot but I have not said anything about it, including the all day research study I did a couple of years ago dispelling the National title bump myth, because it does not bother me due to I want quality info to get out there more than who gets the credit for it. If you have ever read my posts (which you have) you know I have said many times that I am not an insider and I have never claimed to be. But I make no bones about it I will go anywhere and everywhere online (including TD) to find what I believe is useful info about Auburn recruits for my Auburn family. In regards to the OP in question I completely agreed 100% with the original author's analysis of the video so I did not see the point in typing everything he said out on my own especially since it takes me forever to type since I only type one handed due to my cerebral palsy. Heck, It's taken me 35 minutes so far to type this reply. If you notice I did make some changes to what the author said about the video. He used direct quotes about premium material from Matthews that I paraphrased so AE would not get in trouble with the pay sites...In hind sight I may should have put a disclaimer that I mostly got from somewhere else even though I completely agreed with it and then pass the info along.

Ellitor, don't be the least bit concerned about it. In the post just before the one that Sandman and Decatur refer to, you credited it to TD anyway. If a person took the time to put your posts #282 and #283 together, it would be quite clear that you had stated where the info came from. I don't see why anybody should have a problem with it. 
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War Eagle Ellitor. Thanks for the information. I'm glad I didn't hafta sift thru the corny jokes at TD to find this.



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All I'm saying is, if you're going to straight-up copy and paste someone's post from another site, at least put it in quotes to let people know you didn't type it, because that's exactly what it looks like. Bring whatever information over here you like, but give credit if you're going to take someone's post directly.

And I've got a strange suspicion I'll be feeling the wrath of the banhammer for stirring up stuff, but it is what it is.

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whats up with anyone giving someone who works hard making the site better and gives me more info for free so I don't have to go hunting for it all over the internet. First EDW and now Ellitor thats bullsh$$. This site is what it is from a few people who spend alot of time typing and hunting for info for free, just because they love auburn and its family of fans.


My thoughts EXACTLY. These guys work hard to bring information to the site and smarta$$es feel the need to call them out.

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OK everyone calm down. Lets move forward or this will be locked asap. Don't waste energy bantering. Let hope we get TM if not all will be fine.

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Guest Tigereagle03

All I'm saying is, if you're going to straight-up copy and paste someone's post from another site, at least put it in quotes to let people know you didn't type it, because that's exactly what it looks like. Bring whatever information over here you like, but give credit if you're going to take someone's post directly.

And I've got a strange suspicion I'll be feeling the wrath of the banhammer for stirring up stuff, but it is what it is.

From TT  :party:   :laugh:

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All I'm saying is, if you're going to straight-up copy and paste someone's post from another site, at least put it in quotes to let people know you didn't type it, because that's exactly what it looks like. Bring whatever information over here you like, but give credit if you're going to take someone's post directly.

And I've got a strange suspicion I'll be feeling the wrath of the banhammer for stirring up stuff, but it is what it is.

As Ironman said I gave credit to TD in post 282 so there is no point in me saying it again in post 283 even though it was from a different TD post, as it was a continuation from the thought on the Matthews Rivals video. If you are looking for credit for the individual author that is not going to happen my friend since he has openly admitted over there that he is trying to get unbanned from AE so he can troll the AE site and members. He is in deep water with our Mods and I am not about to risk getting myself in trouble for mentioning his name. This is the last thing I will say on the matter. Golf if you feel you have to lock this thread then I understand but this had to be said.

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All I'm saying is, if you're going to straight-up copy and paste someone's post from another site, at least put it in quotes to let people know you didn't type it, because that's exactly what it looks like. Bring whatever information over here you like, but give credit if you're going to take someone's post directly.

And I've got a strange suspicion I'll be feeling the wrath of the banhammer for stirring up stuff, but it is what it is.

As Ironman said I gave credit to TD in post 282 so there is no point in me saying it again in post 283 even though it was from a different TD post, as it was a continuation from the thought on the Matthews Rivals video. If you are looking for credit for the individual author that is not going to happen my friend since he has openly admitted over there that he is trying to get unbanned from AE so he can troll the AE site and members. He is in deep water with our Mods and I am not about to risk getting myself in trouble for mentioning his name. This is the last thing I will say on the matter. Golf if you feel you have to lock this thread then I understand but this had to be said.

Thanks for the info E. Positive, imo.

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whats up with anyone giving someone who works hard making the site better and gives me more info for free so I don't have to go hunting for it all over the internet. First EDW and now Ellitor thats bullsh$$. This site is what it is from a few people who spend alot of time typing and hunting for info for free, just because they love auburn and its family of fans.

Weren't you told by a mod in another thread about the problems/issues with EDW's information?

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Just keep doing what you are doing E. We all appreciate the info you give us or at least I do. I am not one to bite the hand that feeds.

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All I'm saying is, if you're going to straight-up copy and paste someone's post from another site, at least put it in quotes to let people know you didn't type it, because that's exactly what it looks like. Bring whatever information over here you like, but give credit if you're going to take someone's post directly.

And I've got a strange suspicion I'll be feeling the wrath of the banhammer for stirring up stuff, but it is what it is.

Check post 282, he credits TD for the Info. Why should he post exactly who it came from, when noone here cares? Not trying to argue, but I use only this site for information. If you come here with something Id like to know, Id appreciate it, cudnt care less if it was from TD. I found this site because ppl on TD were bad mouthing AE. War Eagle. I look forward to reading your future post, no matter where the content comes from. Anyways...I think Matthews comments look really good for us.
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OK everyone calm down. Lets move forward or this will be locked asap. Don't waste energy bantering. Let hope we get TM if not all will be fine.

Sorry golf, I wont post on subject anymore.
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Oh Lord. SMH. I am flattered but let's get back to Tray. It's not about me.

Yes it is about you.

You bring info to this site that I am not aware of. Your connections about recruits, and info that I am either to lazy or to stupid to find. Thanks for all you do. Keep up the great work. :we:

And to please golf, who thinks we get TM ?

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After watching that you can definitely tell at the end he has a trick up his sleeve. I would be more convinced with an LOI come Feb though. 

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All I was saying Ellitor is just credit the site when your doing it. I have no problem with people taking info from there/here and vice versa. Just try not to make it seem like it's your own post, and give a little credit where it is due, even if you don't like the person  :cheers:

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