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Biden proposed dividing Iraq. Let's divide America


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We can divide it into two parts. One side will be the liberal utopia with all the social welfare, taxes, open border, gay marriage, geen energy and everything else they want. The other part will of course be conservative with low taxes, minimal goverment, traditional families. Faith will be celebrated and encouraged. Borders will be secure. Let's see which model works. We know the answer but it would still be fun to watch.

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Well, you'd have to come up with some plan to deal with the fact that most of the states you'd have in the conservative, limited gov't country would have to replace a lot of money they receive from the more liberal states. Right now, more of the so-called 'red' states receive more from Washington than they send out in federal taxes. Most of the 'blue' states send more to DC than they get back from the federal gov't.

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cooltiger.....you got my vote. I would gladly give up a lot of resources and other stuff to be away from the leftist extremists destroying our country. Better to have a half than lose the whole.

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Well, you'd have to come up with some plan to deal with the fact that most of the states you'd have in the conservative, limited gov't country would have to replace a lot of money they receive from the more liberal states. Right now, more of the so-called 'red' states receive more from Washington than they send out in federal taxes. Most of the 'blue' states send more to DC than they get back from the federal gov't.

That was true in 1913 when the 16th amendment was ratified to allow a federal income tax. The southern states and western states voted overwhelming to approve it because they wanted access to the collected tax revenue.

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