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Hillary for President


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Imagine a fight between my "favorite Indian", Elizabeth Warren, and "my favorite Sec of State" Hillary Clinton for the democrat presidential nomination. Favorites for different reasons, of course, but it would be entertaining at the bare minimum. I continue to believe Hills may not even run but if she does, I believe she'll lose, if not to Warren, just about anyone else in the field.. see 2008 to a complete unknown.

Even though the republicans dont having anything even remotely resembling a compelling candidate, considering the opposition and the depth of the democrat bench, Im feeling fairly optimistic about the republicans chances of retaking the WH in 2016.

"Senator Warren ............ been talking for years about how the well-connected “rig the system” for their own benefit. Now, I find many of Warren’s proposed solutions — more regulation, more taxes, more government, etc. — abhorrent. But, believe it or not, I am not a Democratic-primary voter. Those who are love what Warren is selling.

Which is why Warren is perfectly poised to be the Obama of 2016. And the role of Hillary Clinton will be played by Hillary Clinton."

Read more here.......I was entertained, anyway. :jossun:


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Princes Lies-a-lotta Warren is primed for taking the Left flank from Hillary. Plus, just like Hillary, she's a woman!

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

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Warren and Hillary, not much to pick from with those two.

Warren if elected president in 2016 would turn 67 years old the first year in office. Hillary would be 70.

Warren is a career law school professor and has never servered in an executive position. We don't need any more OJT presidents. At least she is a real law school professior and not just a constitutional law lecturer.

Hillary is just a real politician who pushed and advised bill for 30 years and remained with him and the party when he embarrassed himself, her, and the country. Then she suddenly gets rewarded by her husband's party and allowed to run for senator from a state she had never lived in and had no real connection too. Her only executive experience is as a cabinet officer.

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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation. I think the far left is finally beginning to see the problems of having a president with no qualifications and only pearly white teeth. I'm not saying some crooked Enron CEO, but Romney was a business leader and I wish he was president now. Obama had zero exec experience prior to the presidency....that is absolutely mind boggling.

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Warren and Hillary, not much to pick from with those two.

Warren if elected president in 2016 would turn 67 years old the first year in office. Hillary would be 70.

Warren is a career law school professor and has never servered in an executive position. We don't need any more OJT presidents. At least she is a real law school professior and not just a constitutional law lecturer.

Hillary is just a real politician who pushed and advised bill for 30 years and remained with him and the party when he embarrassed himself, her, and the country. Then she suddenly gets rewarded by her husband's party and allowed to run for senator from a state she had never lived in and had no real connection too. Her only executive experience is as a cabinet officer.

You guys are in way too much in awe of CEOs.

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Yeah, because community organizers have shown to be such AWESOME leaders!


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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation. I think the far left is finally beginning to see the problems of having a president with no qualifications and only pearly white teeth. I'm not saying some crooked Enron CEO, but Romney was a business leader and I wish he was president now. Obama had zero exec experience prior to the presidency....that is absolutely mind boggling.

Yeah, Romney would never allow the exportation of jobs.

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Hillary is not a good campaigner. She doesn't understand the political system nearly as well as some claim she does. She doesn't connect with voters really. I heard it put this way. If she had half the political acumen as Bill does she would have cruised to the Democratic nomination and likely the presidency itself in 2008.

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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation.

Of course... I had forgotten about how many jobs NAFTA sent to Asia.

But I'm sure the CEO's of major corporations were relieved when Clinton forced them to close factories in the U.S. and move their manufacturing out of the country--it let them off the hook for laying off American workers when they could just tell their former employees: "The President made me do it!" <_<

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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation.

Of course... I had forgotten about how many jobs NAFTA sent to Asia.

But I'm sure the CEO's of major corporations were relieved when Clinton forced them to close factories in the U.S. and move their manufacturing out of the country--it let them off the hook for laying off American workers when they could just tell their former employees: "The President made me do it!" <_<

Same concept/fallacy with the mortgage crisis. The Democrats forced those poor banks into making bad loans.

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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation.

Of course... I had forgotten about how many jobs NAFTA sent to Asia.

But I'm sure the CEO's of major corporations were relieved when Clinton forced them to close factories in the U.S. and move their manufacturing out of the country--it let them off the hook for laying off American workers when they could just tell their former employees: "The President made me do it!" <_<

Same concept/fallacy with the mortgage crisis. The Democrats forced those poor banks into making bad loans.

I know you're being facetious or probably even sarcastic but Andrew Cuomo as the Director of HUD was a pretty big cheerleader in sponsoring legislation that pretty much forced lenders to accept unemployment compensation as sufficient income to qualify for a loan. I know that fact is troubling for you but it is what it is.

"During Cuomo's tenure as HUD Secretary, he called for an increase in home ownership.[10] He also pushed government-sponsored lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy more home loans issued to poor homeowners, in an attempt to end discrimination against minorities.[11] Some believe that this helped lead to the current subprime mortgage crisis.[6][10][12] Edward J. Pinto, former chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, said "they should have known the risks were large. Cuomo was pushing mortgage bankers to make loans and basically saying you have to offer a loan to everybody."[10]


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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation.

Of course... I had forgotten about how many jobs NAFTA sent to Asia.

But I'm sure the CEO's of major corporations were relieved when Clinton forced them to close factories in the U.S. and move their manufacturing out of the country--it let them off the hook for laying off American workers when they could just tell their former employees: "The President made me do it!" <_<

Same concept/fallacy with the mortgage crisis. The Democrats forced those poor banks into making bad loans.

I know you're being facetious or probably even sarcastic but Andrew Cuomo as the Director of HUD was a pretty big cheerleader in sponsoring legislation that pretty much forced lenders to accept unemployment compensation as sufficient income to qualify for a loan. I know that fact is troubling for you but it is what it is.

"During Cuomo's tenure as HUD Secretary, he called for an increase in home ownership.[10] He also pushed government-sponsored lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy more home loans issued to poor homeowners, in an attempt to end discrimination against minorities.[11] Some believe that this helped lead to the current subprime mortgage crisis.[6][10][12] Edward J. Pinto, former chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, said "they should have known the risks were large. Cuomo was pushing mortgage bankers to make loans and basically saying you have to offer a loan to everybody."[10]


So did the Bush administration but, neither are the cause of the mortgage crisis nor, an excuse for the fraud perpetrated by banks and originators, encouraged by demand for the paper on Wall St.

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Actually the exportation of jobs was bill Clinton and NAFTA, not a corporation.

Of course... I had forgotten about how many jobs NAFTA sent to Asia.

But I'm sure the CEO's of major corporations were relieved when Clinton forced them to close factories in the U.S. and move their manufacturing out of the country--it let them off the hook for laying off American workers when they could just tell their former employees: "The President made me do it!" <_<

Same concept/fallacy with the mortgage crisis. The Democrats forced those poor banks into making bad loans.

I know you're being facetious or probably even sarcastic but Andrew Cuomo as the Director of HUD was a pretty big cheerleader in sponsoring legislation that pretty much forced lenders to accept unemployment compensation as sufficient income to qualify for a loan. I know that fact is troubling for you but it is what it is.

"During Cuomo's tenure as HUD Secretary, he called for an increase in home ownership.[10] He also pushed government-sponsored lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy more home loans issued to poor homeowners, in an attempt to end discrimination against minorities.[11] Some believe that this helped lead to the current subprime mortgage crisis.[6][10][12] Edward J. Pinto, former chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, said "they should have known the risks were large. Cuomo was pushing mortgage bankers to make loans and basically saying you have to offer a loan to everybody."[10]


So did the Bush administration but, neither are the cause of the mortgage crisis nor, an excuse for the fraud perpetrated by banks and originators, encouraged by demand for the paper on Wall St.

Actually thats a fallacy. Mortgage derivatives is how Wall St got in the act but that was when the sub prime market was already exploding. They bundled the sub prime mortgage backed securities into derivatives that they sold in Europe. The problem is the quality of the paper was so bad almost all of it was worthless paper.Funny thing is the paper was worthless when the loans were originally "bought"

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

A democratic congress didn't serve them well, either. Maybe one day some of you will wake up and realize the two party system has failed us. ;)

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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

DingDingDing..thread over. next subject!

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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

Most small businesses are NOT publicly held so Wall St sentiments do not apply here because it is survival that is the key in the entrepreneurial element, especially now, not satisfying stockholders.

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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

Don't give a s*** about Wall Street. Just saying that I trust a man with strong local ties over a CEO any day of the week.

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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

Most small businesses are NOT publicly held so Wall St sentiments do not apply here because it is survival that is the key in the entrepreneurial element, especially now, not satisfying stockholders.

Rephrase.....wall street types. Better?

If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

Don't give a s*** about Wall Street. Just saying that I trust a man with strong local ties over a CEO any day of the week.

It's called sarcasm....damn!

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"It's called sarcasm....damn!

This format lends itself to misunderstandings between folks who essentially see things very close to the same way.

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